View Full Version : Singapore tear-jerker.

22nd March 2014, 15:27



22nd March 2014, 18:45
I've watched this a couple of weeks ago..and I couldn't stop crying while watching it. :bigcry:

22nd March 2014, 19:59
Me too.

I hate cremation though...even for dogs.

My son has strict instructions not to let them roast me.

22nd March 2014, 21:11
Keith doesn't want to be cremated too! I was asking him where he wanted to be buried, in Anfield or in Aintree..hahahaha :icon_lol:

22nd March 2014, 21:37
They can throw me in the landfill.

I just don't want burning up. :bigcry:

23rd March 2014, 11:22
old age gets to us all in the end :olddude: reminds me of my last dog i had for over 12yrs, she went downhill fast, and like a domino effect she had multiple things wrong with her :NoNo:

but the opposite to this film, the vet 'hinted' she should be put down, but I never gave up hope, but after a couple more visits to the vets, she was getting worse and it looked like she had finally given up, i took her back to the vet, i think she realised then what was going to happen, and god knows where she got the strength to struggle, but it took me, the vet and her assistant to hold her down. for what seemed like eternity as she carried on fighting. i've had to put previous dogs down before, but it was always pretty instant, i've seen some :censored: in my time, but probably this effected me more than most. i swore i would never get a dog again:cwm24:. i didn't but the misses did

23rd March 2014, 12:35
I have never felt able to have another 'pet' dog after finally losing my intelligent and adorable little Border Collie back in the 1990s. She was just irreplaceable.

23rd March 2014, 12:37
I have never felt able to have another 'pet' dog after finally losing my intelligent and adorable little Border Collie back in the 1990s. She was just irreplaceable.

i know the feeling :cwm24:

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
― Dr. Seuss

23rd March 2014, 14:15
Wow pulled at my heart strings...:puppykisses:

23rd March 2014, 15:09
I don,t care what they do with me but make sure i,m really dead thats all I ask lol

23rd March 2014, 15:14
a bit more cheery
