View Full Version : Lotto winner

18th March 2014, 20:37
What would you do if you won the lotto, would you keep quiet or tell the world,
I would keep my mouth shut, but what would you do

18th March 2014, 20:40
Just seen the jammy bloke on the news.


Because I didn't buy a ticket ? :Brick:

18th March 2014, 20:42
Oh, and I'd tell everyone...AFTER I'd sold up and left the country. :icon_lol:

18th March 2014, 20:48
I posted the same thing in Facebook! I would never announce it in public! The only people who will know will be the family. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I can't believe these people who won always go on TV and proudly display themselves there. :NoNo:

18th March 2014, 20:56
I'd keep it quiet...

I'd probably let the wife know.........:wink:

Good luck to the bloke I say........hope it doesn't ruin his life.
Seems like a nice bloke....hope so I just posted my begging letter :biggrin:

18th March 2014, 23:36
He likes racing cars...and drives them too. :Erm:

I can see where this is going. :drivingx:

Lucky bar steward. :cwm3:

stevie c
18th March 2014, 23:49
I would keep quiet with close family the only one i would inform....but just have to keep dreaming it will be my turn one day :smile:

Arthur Little
19th March 2014, 00:52
Decisions ... decisions!! :cwm25:

Ah well ... :anerikke: ... won't be a problem for me, 'cos I don't even do the lottery. :NoNo:

Not yet, anyway.

19th March 2014, 01:29
£3 million a year in interest alone. :cwm24:

19th March 2014, 01:32
I'd be quiet and travel around the world. Of course, will share the winnings to my family and friends plus charities :Jump:

24th July 2014, 17:25
Yes of course, unless she wants to commit benefit fraud :Erm:

Michael Parnham
24th July 2014, 17:42
If I won the lotto I wouldn't want a million or millions, about £250,000 would be plenty, I would buy a newbuild house somewhere rural in Yorkshire and use £30,000 to build a very nice house in a mountain area in Philippines and put £25,000 in PNB for Maritess. We would then be £500 per month better off (no rent)! :xxgrinning--00xx3: