View Full Version : Moved house

18th March 2014, 20:04
Some may have noticed my absence on this forum in the last month or so.

Well I am still here , just moved house into West Sussex...only 4 miles from the old house. Moving 22 years of stuff from the old place took longer than anticipated particularly as we had decided to downsize.

Obviously all this has taken time...and even more time decorating and settling in to the new house so i will probably be on the forum less for a while. However, i will still be reading and disagreeing with posts now and again!

Nice having a fresh start!

18th March 2014, 21:07
Congratulations and all best wishes for a lucky new move and some shining memories.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Our last move (2012) was just 200 yards ....:icon_lol: but still a lot of hard work.

You know what they say about a new house........................:biggrin:

Arthur Little
18th March 2014, 21:47
:welcomex: back, Lordna. :smile:

Having lived at the same address since 1968 (46 years at Number 46!) ... :anerikke: ... I've forgotten what it's even like to move house.

So I doff my hat :coucouchapeau: to those of you who've been brave enough to "up sticks and take the plunge" and would wish you, your partners, families and/or both, every happiness in your new homes. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 22:10
I had lived at the same house all my life until i moved 3yrs ago to another house which was only about 1/3rd mile away from the old house :wink:

good to see you back Lordna :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 22:21
Same here Arthur born 1970 live here since then now I"m 43 used to be my parents house but happy as Larry...

Nice to see you back Lordna...:xxgrinning--00xx3: