View Full Version : Michael Adebolajo has been given a whole-life term and Michael Adebowale has been jailed for 45 year

26th February 2014, 23:16
Scum and i would constantly play God save the Queen and land of hope and glory to them day after day,and forbid them anything to do with their faith whatsoever :cwm23:

26th February 2014, 23:22
Should have been hung drawn and quartered, then fed to pigs.

Give the the scumbags their 'martyrdom' and save taxpayers' money. :mad:

stevie c
26th February 2014, 23:43
Hmmm so we the tax payer have to pay to keep these vile filth alive - a slow torture until their last breath is drawn is the only solution imo :cwm23:

27th February 2014, 00:07

27th February 2014, 22:35
I'm glad that he was given a whole life term and hope that he has a very uncomfortable future inside. Unfortunately we still fail to address the root cause of these vile attacks, the preachers of hate. These 2 like many others have been linked to the vile Anjem Choudhary who still continues to preach his bile in this country. Until such time as we deal with people like this and make it an offence to preach hatred then this will continue to happen.

I'm old enough to remember IRA apologists being banned from our TV screens and I think the time has now come to do the same to these scum.

27th February 2014, 23:22
Having these 'people' in our country is just intolerable for all patriotic, law-abiding citizens.

Throw them out and keep them and any others of their ilk OUT ! :mad:

28th February 2014, 00:02
Meanwhile as usual the Muslim community say little to condemn these .......s :Erm: