View Full Version : Pinoy TV Shows that should be banned

18th February 2014, 15:37
Does anyone else get wound up at some of the dirge they pump out? - I'll start the ball rolling with this one featuring a small overweight girl, her career will have fizzled out by the time she's a 100kg 12 year old bloater. It has a slight smack of cruelty to it


18th February 2014, 15:49
How do you know that a kid at that age will be a bloater by 12? :Erm: Not all kids will turn out as what you expect physically. She's not the prettiest kid that you want but she has a big following because she's "bibo" and has a good sense of humour.

18th February 2014, 16:08
Sorry, but I agree with Dedworth.

A poor role model in a country where (as here) obesity is becoming a major problem, and fat kids DO tend to become fat adults. :NoNo:

18th February 2014, 16:23
How do you know that a kid at that age will be a bloater by 12? :Erm: Not all kids will turn out as what you expect physically. She's not the prettiest kid that you want but she has a big following because she's "bibo" and has a good sense of humour.

I was exaggerating Rayna re 100kg 12 year old lardy but Grahams right the fat kids at infant and junior school tend to carry it through to secondary school and adulthood.

I don't think it's quite right that a child of that age is a full time TV "star"

18th February 2014, 16:41
I've asked the people in my house why this kid is on telly so much when she should be at school..

They tell me its OK..She home studies!!

Although I disagree with her being on telly here 24/7, I don't like grown adults unrelated to her giving her verbal abuse online in case she happens to read the comments or it goes viral and ....s up her life for real..

Personally, I would ask these questions directly to the child's agents/parents and see what their excuses/alibis/or otherwise would be..

Be careful what you say about young kids on the internet...As if they may read it themselves!

.... knows what happens after that for them??

18th February 2014, 16:49
I've asked the people in my house why this kid is on telly so much when she should be at school..

They tell me its OK..She home studies!!

Although I disagree with her being on telly here 24/7,I don't like grown adults unrelated to her giving her verbal abuse online in case she happens to read the comments or it goes viral and ....s up her life for real..

Personally, I would ask these questions directly to the child's agents/parents and see what their excuses/alibis/or otherwise would be..

Be careful what you say about young kids on the internet...As if they may read it themselves!

This is what I want to imply too. I find it cruel for the kids when a grown adult say nasty things to a kid based on physical appearance or what, especially when they don't even know them personally. I wonder how you would feel if some stranger tells that to your young kids as well.

18th February 2014, 16:50
I agree Fred it's the parents/agents who bear the responsibility tbh if they and the tv company put her up for a show then it invites comment either positive or negative. She looks overweight for her age/height

18th February 2014, 16:56
If someone told me my kid was overweight (assuming I was too thick to notice it myself)....I'd do something about it !

If it was a dog, the RSPCA would have it off you. :doh

18th February 2014, 16:57
Looks like the family/agents have taken up some advertising opportunities


18th February 2014, 17:01
Here's the kid's instagram account http://instagram.com/ryzzamaechacha and inform them about your concerns. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2014, 17:05
Rayna's getting mad now. :icon_sorry::biggrin:

18th February 2014, 17:10
Rayna's getting mad now. :icon_sorry::biggrin:

I'm retiring from this thread now :wink:

18th February 2014, 17:11
I've already gone. :xxparty-smiley-004:

18th February 2014, 17:14
I'm not mad, it's just that the kid's doing nothing with you and yet you posted it here your concerns on her weight. I just gave you the right channel to do so. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I just sometimes can't get it when people posts about someone's weight when it doesn't concern any of the people here. How many among the people here are fat themselves???

Okay, I'm done here.

19th February 2014, 01:30
I agree Fred it's the parents/agents who bear the responsibility tbh if they and the tv company put her up for a show then it invites comment either positive or negative. She looks overweight for her age/height

Its a bloody disgrace that this kid has been used in the way she has IMO..Another of those "Onli in di Pilipins" social dilemma`s..
Remember though that fat kids (and adults) here are seen in a different way by the general Filipino public.. To be fat is to be wealthy is to be admired..
That`s just the way it is here..Has been that way for as long as I can remember.

19th February 2014, 01:38
Looks like the family/agents have taken up some advertising opportunities


Why would they choose her to advertise Mister Donut??
Because the advertising agencies know very well how much this podgy little miss is admired here by millions of TV watching public..
They understand the market here very well and I reckon that MR donut better buy a few 100 thousand more deep fat fryers as demand is about to rocket!!

19th February 2014, 07:17
Doe's anyone else get wound up at some of the dirge they pump out?

You should try living here Dedworth! Thankfully, the kids have no interest in the soap opera (teleserye) garbage that is on everyday. My wife sometimes watches them if she is not busy. Always fun to tell her what is going to happen next even though you have never watched the show!

Originally, I thought it was the language barrier that put me off watching. I was wrong, as understanding what is said makes them more unbearable.

The stories are always the same with different actors. The most popular one just now is Annaliza which is shown at 6pm just in time for the kids coming home from school or playing outside. So far there has been adultery, shootings, kidnappings and the murder of the main character's father. Great TV for kids who will grow up thinking that is normal behavior :Brick: Rant over :smile:

Michael Parnham
19th February 2014, 09:07
I'm not mad, it's just that the kid's doing nothing with you and yet you posted it here your concerns on her weight. I just gave you the right channel to do so. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I just sometimes can't get it when people posts about someone's weight when it doesn't concern any of the people here. How many among the people here are fat themselves???

Okay, I'm done here.

With respect Rayna, parents should take responsibility for overweight kids, you see it everyday because the parents want an easy life they spoil kids rotten buy buying sweets and junk food. When my generation were kids we were allowed I square of Cadbury's chocolate once a week and no sweets or snacks between meals unless it was an apple or banana. As a child I never did see any fat people at all, apart from one boy at school and he had a health problem; also children were a lot happier then, lack of discipline seems to be the main reason for fat kids! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th February 2014, 09:36
My experience too Michael. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th February 2014, 11:20
....The stories are always the same with different actors. The most popular one just now is Annaliza which is shown at 6pm just in time for the kids coming home from school or playing outside. So far there has been adultery, shootings, kidnappings and the murder of the main character's father. Great TV for kids who will grow up thinking that is normal behavior :Brick: Rant over :smile:

Exactly what I've said to my wife a trillion times :doh

We have folks here in UK who seriously believe Coronation Street or Eastenders is real life too.......

Plenty of TV programmes need taking out ......starting with Annaliza.......please.

19th February 2014, 19:28
Going back on the original topic about Pinoy TV shows that should be banned here we go!

Kris TV!!

Her pretentious and all knowing voice drives me mad when my wife listens to it on the ipad. What is it about her and certain other Filipino tv presenters like Boy Abunda! Why do they start a sentence in Tagalog.....switch to English midway through and then finish it in Tagalog?............Is this some kind of upper class only Filipino speak?....Am I missing something?....My wife says it is called Taglish....To me it is ridiculous...I mean most central Europeans speak 2 or more languages but you never see a German TV presenter start in German switch to French then Italian before reverting back to German.......What the hell is it all about this Taglish?....I mean my wife's family have next to no English so they can't understand it....I have next to no Tagalog so I can't understand..............It drives me mad especially as the English bit is usually reserved for the juicy part of the sentence that gets my attention only for Kris to then revert back to Tagalog....does my head in!

By the way I like Ryzza Mae, she's funny and really talented for somebody so young, and with Vic Sotto looking after her career, far from disappearing soon she will probably end up president one day!

Best TV program I ever saw myself in the Philippines was Darna when Angel Locsin was playing Darna...Worth watching on you tube....Should have won an Oscar in my opinion :biggrin:

19th February 2014, 19:37
Well I enjoy Kris TV and watch it whenever I can.....most informative IMO especially on great places to see and visit and also on a wide variety of interesting eating places.

The target audience is primarily TFC subscribers so the Taglish helps.....although I do agree it seems to make little sense to 'mix-n-match' languages.....Only in the Philippines.

19th February 2014, 19:55
I once played a party guest in a Phils TV 'docu-drama'. :smile:

20th February 2014, 00:43
Going back on the original topic about Pinoy TV shows that should be banned here we go!

Kris TV!!

Her pretentious and all knowing voice drives me mad when my wife listens to it on the ipad. What is it about her and certain other Filipino tv presenters like Boy Abunda! Why do they start a sentence in Tagalog.....switch to English midway through and then finish it in Tagalog?............Is this some kind of upper class only Filipino speak?....Am I missing something?....My wife says it is called Taglish....To me it is ridiculous...I mean most central Europeans speak 2 or more languages but you never see a German TV presenter start in German switch to French then Italian before reverting back to German.......What the hell is it all about this Taglish?....I mean my wife's family have next to no English so they can't understand it....I have next to no Tagalog so I can't understand..............It drives me mad especially as the English bit is usually reserved for the juicy part of the sentence that gets my attention only for Kris to then revert back to Tagalog....does my head in!

By the way I like Ryzza Mae, she's funny and really talented for somebody so young, and with Vic Sotto looking after her career, far from disappearing soon she will probably end up president one day!

Best TV program I ever saw myself in the Philippines was Darna when Angel Locsin was playing Darna...Worth watching on you tube....Should have won an Oscar in my opinion :biggrin:

Yes.. Taglish is a very soCIAL way to speak here and it elevates their status to the poor masses that huddle around the TV to watch.

If I am forced to watch a Filipino news channel though I find Taglish useful as it quite often fills in the gaps (Tagalog I`m not sure of) and helps me to understand the story a little clearer.

Kris Aquino is like Royalty here BTW.. Viewers hang on her every word.. Don't say anything too derogatory about her over here.. That's HERESY!!

20th February 2014, 09:33
..... Don't say anything too derogatory about her over here.. That's HERESY!!

I'm a fan of her's :Jump: