View Full Version : Cop’ rapes Filipina

15th October 2013, 13:48
KUWAIT CITY, Oct 14: Police have arrested a GCC policeman for raping a Filipino woman inside her apartment in Farwaniya, reports Al-Rai daily.


15th October 2013, 14:16

15th October 2013, 14:48
Damned savages. :mad:

15th October 2013, 16:44
A quick check on google shows this is not an isolated case. The Police in Kuwait obviously think OFW's are soft targets.
One would hope that the Philippine Govt will be pointing out that Rape is Rape no matter who the victim. Castrate the scumbag :cwm23:

15th October 2013, 17:15
My aunt who works in Kuwait told me that since the crackdown of undocumented OFWs in Kuwait started (I'm not sure when, but the one she was telling was about this year), plenty of Filipinas had been raped by the police while in custody. She also said that since the news spread, she doesn't go out at night now and just go straight to her apartment after work, unless my uncle (her and my mum's brother) and other relatives who also live & work there accompany her. There are also Kuwaiti police that would grab anyone even if they are not illegal workers and then end up in jail, worse raped. :NoNo: