View Full Version : My Hedgehog lodger.

27th June 2013, 19:11
The little fellow decided to come out for a stroll a bit early today. :)



Arthur Little
27th June 2013, 19:54

.. :yeahthat:'s a nice clear videocam recording, Graham ... just hope this "spikey"wee soul doesn't go and get itself runover by some "prickly" [human] creature with ANOTHER kind of 'Jag'! :transam-front-ramai

27th June 2013, 19:59
That's why I returned him to the safety of the back garden....instead of him heading off up my driveway towards a busy road at rush hour. :omg:

27th June 2013, 21:27
Is that your pet Graham or just a lost hedgehog? sooooo cute! :heartshape1:

27th June 2013, 22:59
No, he just chooses to live in my back garden Rayna...has done for at least 2 or 3 years now. They eat the slugs and snails. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

His friend the Frog lives in waterpump 'pond'. See if you can spot him. He's a big one ! :smile:


28th June 2013, 14:01
We have a couple of hedgehogs visit our garden from time to time.
Has anyone heard the noise they can make ? OMG

I heard it a couple of weeks ago during the spell of good weather. About 10:30 pm underneath a bush.
At first I really couldn't make it out, it was so loud and scary. I could hear them from my kitchen, like a loud grunting and snoring. Very loud. Amazing that such small animals can come up with anything like that.

28th June 2013, 14:08
No, he just chooses to live in my back garden Rayna...has done for at least 2 or 3 years now. They eat the slugs and snails. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

His friend the Frog lives in waterpump 'pond'. See if you can spot him. He's a big one ! :smile:


Awww...good on you Graham. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I know there are people who wouldn't even care about them or other wildlife. I keep on telling Keith that I don't want us to have any roadkill whenever we are on the road. I once seen a squirrel get knocked out by a car in front of us (the squirrel ran through the back wheels of the car and it was thrown in the middle of the road). Poor thing. :cwm3:

By the way, I can see the frog. :biggrin:

28th June 2013, 17:17
I'm enormously interested in wildlife Rayna...have been since I was a toddler eating caterpillars in my grandma's garden. :Rasp:

Long before people started groups to go out and 'help' Toads across the roads during the breeding season, I was doing it at 2am on my way home from nightclubs...early 70s. :smile:

And of course I've had huge quantities of pets since being a kid, eventually turning it into a business.

My biggest reget in my life is that I didn't use my excellent marks at school to go on and become a Zoologist/Explorer, like my heroes Charles Darwin and David Attenborough. :cwm3:

28th June 2013, 17:30
Brief video I made just before the other one:

