View Full Version : London - Just As Crap As It Always Was

25th June 2013, 19:57
..... traffic, traffic lights every 50 metres, stupid cyclists and motorbikes, fumes, idiot pedestrians, excessive charges.

I hadn't been to the center of London since the 80's, but had to go yesterday to take the wife to the Philippine embassy.

5 Hours of driving there. Now I do 70-75mph, and I must have overtaken about 5 Audi's, and yet over 100 overtook me... that says a lot about Audi drivers :action-smiley-081: :biggrin:

I was expecting a difficult journey on the motorways, but they were pretty clear, and from the M25 to inner London it was empty as 11:30am :Erm:

Parking was easy, as I'd booked a spot in a car park next to the Ritz, for £22.50 for 24hrs, mind you, I am used to paying £0 :biggrin:

The Chinese buffet was crap as the food was cold, and I'm not sure they were happy with me telling them, and then telling a group of tourists outside not to bother going in :icon_lol:

We managed to do a flying visit of all the main attractions, so hopefully the other half will realise of great Las Vegas is when I take her in March. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th June 2013, 20:06
You should try working there :yikes:
You get used to it :cwm25:

Arthur Little
25th June 2013, 20:43
You get used to it :cwm25:

Not me! :nono-1-1: ... couldn't be arsed battling my way through hordes of commuters on the London Underground each and every working day.

25th June 2013, 20:45
londons ok for a break but its always nice leaving the place too

25th June 2013, 20:50
londons ok for a break but its always nice leaving the place too

That's just how we feel too :smile:

25th June 2013, 21:03
After yesterday, I don't think I would go back unless I need to go to the embassy again. I've seen the tourists spots and that's enough for me. :xxgrinning--00xx3: My legs and back are really hurting now and it's a great reminder..hahahahaha :icon_lol:

25th June 2013, 21:44
:xxgrinning--00xx3: sounds like you had a great time, cant be worse than lilipud :cwm24:

could you not have got the train (even from Manchester or lilipud) i usually send the misses on the train, time it off peak i paid about £60 return !

25th June 2013, 22:08
I went last year for first time in 35 years,What a pile of crap!
everywhere full of Foreigners,all the staff in the bars,piss crap beer,tube a nitemare.
used to like it but it's just the capital of eurotrash now
It still is the capital and ya have to go there but for me hopefully thats it now
Oh and bloody asian taxi drivers telling me they never heard of tottenham court road :cwm23:

As for liverpool-best city in England,brill shops (liverpool one amazing) fantastic pubs and you can even get away (well I did) saying 'alright there wack'-in scouse accent lol

25th June 2013, 22:08
:xxgrinning--00xx3: sounds like you had a great time, cant be worse than lilipud :cwm24:

could you not have got the train (even from Manchester or lilipud) i usually send the misses on the train, time it off peak i paid about £60 return !

Well when Keith quoted it, the cost would be around £120 for each of us (not sure from where though). Not worth it. We can use that money for our trip to the Philippines. We probably spent just £170 including diesel, parking and food for the trip (the car was full tank when we left and we still got around half of it when we got home :xxgrinning--00xx3:). We originally wanted to stay a couple of nights, stay at a hotel just outside London and then travel by train. He saw a hotel with free parking, breakfast and wifi at around £54/night. But when he's going to book it, the price doubled because it's the start of Wimbledon. So, we decided to do a daytrip instead. :biggrin:

I like Liverpool :xxgrinning--00xx3:. So far, our fave Chinese buffet is there, TSOS. The place needs a complete refurbish (old carpets, tables & chairs, etc.) but the food is great!

25th June 2013, 22:27
Funny, but I was going to post about London, after watching that 'Routemaster' programme again on the telly this evening.

All I can say is...thank god I live where I do !

What a ghastly city full of ghastly people (not all of course). :NoNo:

Give me 'third world' Manila any day. :smile:

25th June 2013, 22:47
I have to go into London a couple of times a week, I think its ok - I used to live in central London for a couple of years before moving back out to Northants and whilst getting to work took just minutes I hated the noise and the police cars. Yes the cyclists are a PITA if I was driving but I just stuck my ipod on and got into my own groove..

Nowadays I get in do my work and get out - its damn expensive for a pub but I am just glad I dont have to pay to get there (work expenses :) )!

26th June 2013, 01:05
I live in London and love it,warts an all. Its still a place where if your prepared to work you can make money, with good connections to most of the world.
Unfortunately it also attracts the riff wrath of the world and moaning day trippers or ecky thump football fans. Its going to be expensive because of the crippling expenses businesses have to pay, but I went to Bruge in January, now that was expensive, and was glad to get home and enjoy a coffee served by some Polish Londoners.

Cant imagine living anywhere else.
What was the Audi counting about :Erm:I have just been looking at an Q3

26th June 2013, 01:11
You may be biased. :Erm:

...and you're welcome to the place. :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 07:16
You may be biased. :Erm:

...and you're welcome to the place. :biggrin:

+1 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 08:05

26th June 2013, 09:31
What was the Audi counting about :Erm:I have just been looking at an Q3

My mate has an Audi, but doesn't use it as it may get dirty :biggrin:

I wasn't looking for them, but when I noticed the majority of Audi's were speeding it gave me something to do :cwm25:

26th June 2013, 10:14
My mate has an Audi, but doesn't use it as it may get dirty :biggrin:

I wasn't looking for them, but when I noticed the majority of Audi's were speeding it gave me something to do :cwm25:

Oh I get it, playing I spy to ease the excitement of coming to London :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 10:16
Oh I get it, playing I spy to ease the excitement of coming to London :biggrin:
I think, 'take my mind off it' is the correct term :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 10:40

Glad to see the promo for Yorkshire, well needed to cover up for the mass murderers that seem to roam around there, give me safe old London anyday.

Arthur Little
26th June 2013, 11:10
You may be biased. :Erm:

:anerikke: ... maybe it's because he's a Londoner, that Pete loves London Town. :smile:

keith britten
26th June 2013, 11:23
..... traffic, traffic lights every 50 metres, stupid cyclists and motorbikes, fumes, idiot pedestrians, excessive charges.

I hadn't been to the center of London since the 80's, but had to go yesterday to take the wife to the Philippine embassy.

5 Hours of driving there. Now I do 70-75mph, and I must have overtaken about 5 Audi's, and yet over 100 overtook me... that says a lot about Audi drivers :action-smiley-081: :biggrin:

I was expecting a difficult journey on the motorways, but they were pretty clear, and from the M25 to inner London it was empty as 11:30am :Erm:

Parking was easy, as I'd booked a spot in a car park next to the Ritz, for £22.50 for 24hrs, mind you, I am used to paying £0 :biggrin:

The Chinese buffet was crap as the food was cold, and I'm not sure they were happy with me telling them, and then telling a group of tourists outside not to bother going in :icon_lol:

We managed to do a flying visit of all the main attractions, so hopefully the other half will realise of great Las Vegas is when I take her in March. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thats a bit of a strong statement, perhaps you didn't want to go there in the first place. I was a teenager in London in the 60's and believe me it was a great city and still is. Ok it may be expensive but there's plenty to do there and lots of "good" places to eat. As for the pedestrians, cyclists, motor bikes, and fumes, come to Davao City and then compare with London. When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.

26th June 2013, 11:39
I can merely quote the words of Samuel Johnson

"Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford."

26th June 2013, 11:43
Other than going directly to/from Stamford Bridge I avoid the rip off, scum infested "multicultural" dung heap London has sadly become.

26th June 2013, 11:54
Thats a bit of a strong statement, perhaps you didn't want to go there in the first place. I was a teenager in London in the 60's and believe me it was a great city and still is. Ok it may be expensive but there's plenty to do there and lots of "good" places to eat. As for the pedestrians, cyclists, motor bikes, and fumes, come to Davao City and then compare with London. When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.

Well said Keith, maybe we ran around the same places in the 60s.
I would vote for a Londoner discount card for all the inconveniences we have to put up with from the visitors and charge them to visit all the attractions.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 12:01
I lived there in the early 70s....much nicer place then, I would agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 12:05
Dont worry about it Pete..They are sad and bitter Northerners!!
Not to mention the bloody Scousers.. All they do is come down South and moan!!

In your Liverpool slums
You look in a dustbin for something to eat
You find a dead rat and you think it's a treat
In your Liverpool slums

In your Liverpool slums
Your mum's on the game and your dad's in the nick
You can't get a job 'cause your too ....... thick
In your Liverpool slums.

In your Liverpool slums
You wear a shell suit and have got curly hair
All of your kids are in council care
In your Liverpool slums

In your Liverpool slums
There's piss on the pavement and .... on the path
You finger your grandma and think it's a laugh
In your Liverpool slums.


26th June 2013, 12:06
Other than going directly to/from Stamford Bridge I avoid the rip off, scum infested "multicultural" dung heap London has sadly become.

What a sad way to look at London.:NoNo:

London is the way it is because of MPs from all over the country making crap decisions.

26th June 2013, 12:11
Dont worry about it Pete..They are sad and bitter Northerners!!
Not to mention the bloody Scousers.. All they do is come down South and moan!!

In your Liverpool slums
You look in a dustbin for something to eat
You find a dead rat and you think it's a treat
In your Liverpool slums

In your Liverpool slums
Your mum's on the game and your dad's in the nick
You can't get a job 'cause your too ....... thick
In your Liverpool slums.

In your Liverpool slums
You wear a shell suit and have got curly hair
All of your kids are in council care
In your Liverpool slums

In your Liverpool slums
There's piss on the pavement and .... on the path
You finger your grandma and think it's a laugh
In your Liverpool slums.


My Dad was a scouser Fred, moved down to London just before WW2 and brought his Dad and Sister down shortly after. Would never live anywhere else after that.

26th June 2013, 12:18
All you cockneys, you sound like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins, eat jellied eels, bang on about how good Millwall FC is and put "blimey guv" into every sentence.

You should come oop north, put on a flat cap and clogs, buy a whippet, stick a ferret down your trousers and get a plate of tripe down you

26th June 2013, 12:44
I tried going up tut norf once.............. but it was shut.
All the moaning northern gits were clogging up the roads in the beautiful south saying how great it is up norf. If it's that great :censored: orf back up there and leave our gold paved roads alone :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 13:12
Aha at least teams up north are awash with premiership titles,fa cups,European cups etc etc plus did not nearly all the Olympic golds come from yorkshire:biggrin:
Dedworth is right the centre is a cess pit of foreigners trying to rip you off.
It's mentioned how great it was in the 60s and 70s too right it was,but now it's eouroland I'm afraid.

26th June 2013, 13:24
Aha at least teams up north are awash with premiership titles,fa cups,European cups etc etc plus did not nearly all the Olympic golds come from yorkshire:biggrin:
Dedworth is right the centre is a cess pit of foreigners trying to rip you off.
It's mentioned how great it was in the 60s and 70s too right it was,but now it's eouroland I'm afraid.

Sadly not just the centre Les the infestation of foreign criminals, parasites, so called "refugees & asylum seekers" etc has spread to all corners of our once great capital

26th June 2013, 13:28
I don't even class it as an English city anymore. :NoNo:

Oh, and people seem soooo happy there . :icon_lol:



26th June 2013, 13:37
I'm happy up in the frozen flat-cap norf. :smile:


26th June 2013, 13:46
Thats a bit of a strong statement, perhaps you didn't want to go there in the first place. I was a teenager in London in the 60's and believe me it was a great city and still is. Ok it may be expensive but there's plenty to do there and lots of "good" places to eat. As for the pedestrians, cyclists, motor bikes, and fumes, come to Davao City and then compare with London. When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.

Keith has been to Las Vegas plenty of times and loves it there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 13:50
. When you return from Las Vegas I'm sure your opinion will change.

Places like Davao & Manila are basically third world coming into the first, London is already a first and yet their is little difference between them, LA and Paris are just the same. Las Vegas on the other hand is clean, easy parking, cheap, roads are easy to navigate even in rush hour, and the weathers great. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 14:15
Man walks into a shop in Liverpool:
Man: Can I have a pair of tights for my wife?
Shop assistant: Certainly Sir, what size head are you?

26th June 2013, 14:37
Keith has been to Las Vegas plenty of times and loves it there. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

He probably loves the 6$ buffet breakfast or lunches:wink:

fancy going to London and paying about £2 more then a Burger King meal for a Chinese buffet, and then not leaving a tip...tight or what:biggrin:

26th June 2013, 14:42
He probably loves the 6$ buffet breakfast or lunches:wink:

fancy going to London and paying about £2 more then a Burger King meal for a Chinese buffet, and then not leaving a tip...tight or what:biggrin:

Oh we regularly leave a tip whenever we eat out. But that Chinese buffet in London was crap, expensive but can't keep their food hot. Why leave a tip? We once ate at a Chinese buffet in Wrexham at £11.95 and everything was fantastic (lots of cakes, free refill of drinks, etc.). We left a tip. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 14:44
Places like Davao & Manila are basically third world coming into the first, London is already a first and yet their is little difference between them, LA and Paris are just the same. Las Vegas on the other hand is clean, easy parking, cheap, roads are easy to navigate even in rush hour, and the weathers great. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

When I was in Vegas it seemed as though there was 2 main roads, Hoover dam nearby and a lake we spent an afternoon paddling in.

Hardly a comparison with historic London.

Mind you we did enjoy ourselves with the entertainment both inside or outside the Hotels, loved the ship blowing up and sinking outside Treasure Island, I think we got singed with the heat.:biggrin:

26th June 2013, 14:47
A Geordie friend of mine advised that when judging Southerners we must always remember that they have not had the benefit of our disadvantages.

26th June 2013, 15:03

Northerners live on it.

Southerners live on its train.


26th June 2013, 15:16
Of course the boot could be on the other foot....:biggrin:



26th June 2013, 15:20
Michael Mcintyre Yorkshire Accent


26th June 2013, 15:42
A Northerner can always tell when he has crossed the border into the south because Southerners keep fruit on the sideboard when nobody is sick.

26th June 2013, 16:29
Fruit ? :Erm:

26th June 2013, 16:37
Fruit ? :Erm:

Yeah...Its like a sweet thing that you don't dunk in your tea.

26th June 2013, 17:39
I recently watched TV coverage of the UK Darts Championship.
Have to say, it's come a long way since the days of unshaven, beer-swilling, fat, sweaty Northerners in dark, smoke-filled rooms.

The Men's UK Darts Championship has also improved.

26th June 2013, 17:43

Arthur Little
26th June 2013, 17:53
:biggrin: ... strange but true! When ... in January 1953 ... my brother and I relocated with our parents from Glasgow (where we'd been born) to the rural Perthshire village of Glenfarg, we were regarded as being very much 'incomers' to a closely~knit neighbourhood where most families had lived for countless generations - many of them inter-related - and (as I eventually found out) with more than a few "skeletons in their cupboards".

:yeahthat: So NOW ... looking back`retrospectively ... :anerikke: ... I suppose it's hardly surprising that, for a while at least, we found ourselves "picked-on" by the local kids. Having to "prove our mettle", (mainly involving fisticuffs, :xxsport-smiley-002: in other words) amongst our peer group. Reference to my origins as a "Glesca Keeley" didn't bother me too much, :nono-1-1: ... but - being tall for an 8-year-old - I really hated being taunted with "BIG *Luh'le" which sounded all the MORE infuriating :cwm23: in THEIR countryfied pronunciation of my *surname.

So the point I am trying to convey here is this:
Although the distance between Glenfarg and Glasgow is less than 60 miles (an hour's drive away on today's roads) residents of the latter are looked upon as "Southerners" in Scottish terms. :crazy:

:smile: However, I'm pleased to report that, by the time I'd put rural life behind me at the end of 1967, in order to marry and move into Perth itself, both my brother and myself had long since earned the respect of the villagers in our adopted community. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 17:56
What a load of old b:censored:ks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.

26th June 2013, 17:59
....... we haven't been to London for ages. We've done just about all the usual touristy stuff and have no reason to go unless visiting friends.

Anyway the point is that yes, London has changed dramatically in recent years, it's a rip off, it's expensive, it's full of odd folks, but it has some great attractions, museums and events.
Twice now we have booked into a B&B close to Heathrow Airport. The accommodation is not expensive and includes parking and is convenient for transportation into Central London at reasonable cost and time.
Just food for thought.

I remember one time we had a Hotel very close to Marble Arch. It was very expensive and turned out to be a crap hotel, no parking, noisy, small rooms, rubbish breakfast..............

26th June 2013, 18:03
What a load of old b:censored:ks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.

Its already all been said Marco but have you heard that advert that goes
"You can tell a Yorkshireman, but you cant tell em much" rings true :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 18:26
Aye, but I know where Tottenham Court Road is lad. :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 18:37
How was the Grand Canyon formed?

A bloke from Yorkshire lost a tenner down a rabbit hole :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 18:55
Sounds like a proper Yorkshireman. :xxgrinning--00xx3:



26th June 2013, 19:36
What a load of old b:censored:ks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.


Marco, I was the one who chose the Chinese Buffet. I wanted to go to a Filipino restaurant, but Keith doesn't eat Filipino food (and after seeing the price of their menu online, I was put off too). I've seen the things I wanted to see in London. :xxgrinning--00xx3: After the trip we had, I told Keith I won't go there again unless I needed to go to the embassy again. Yes, I originally wanted to stay for a couple of nights. But knowing the cost, I prefer the money to be put in our trip in Manila (which I'm dying to go after being here for almost 2 years) and US (Vegas, New York & LA, which are places I want to go). No harm done with what Keith and I did on the day trip. I only wanted to see the tourists spots and have actual photos of it. I even went to Starbucks which is my constant request but was so disappointed because it's nothing like the Starbucks I love in the Philippines (the cinnamon swirl I ordered was like it's been made a few days ago, the frappuccino I ordered was very very sweet and I hated it). I told him my next Starbucks would just be in Manila, which I know I would love.

Like I told above, the hotel would cost us £100 at least for a day, not including the food, the diesel, train ride, etc. Not worth it for me. We've been planning the trip a month before because I really need to renew my passport so we can visit Manila this September. Then last week, the prices shoot up because of Wimbledon. The thing that mattered to me is I've already been to London, have had photos of me in there and that's great for me. I didn't even want to shop (I've seen the prices of the clothes displayed on some stores and it's bloody expensive!) and I prefer shopping in Manila where I know I can buy a lot.

We're not rich to spend a lot in London you know. :wink: If you can go to London without thinking the cost, then good for you. We were just being practical because we are planning other things to spend our money on, which for us is more worthy than London. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 19:41
By the way, if any of you would care to donate to the forum, then Keith & I can probably enjoy a few days in London. That would be money well spent not just for us but for you too! :laugher:

26th June 2013, 19:46
Other than going directly to/from Stamford Bridge I avoid the rip off, scum infested "multicultural" dung heap London has sadly become.

C,mon now dont be shy...say what you really think ....:smile:

26th June 2013, 20:34
then Keith & I can probably enjoy a few days in London. That would be money well spent not just for us but for you too! :laugher:

Well most people north of Watford have already said what a crap place London is so you wont "enjoy" it if you came back for a few days.:biggrin:

26th June 2013, 20:36
Well most people north of Watford have already said what a crap place London is so you wont "enjoy" it if you came back for a few days.:biggrin:

Then no point telling people who think London is crap to like it coz they won't like it no matter what you say. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I know Keith doesn't like London even before I came here to UK. I didn't say I didn't like it but I would not go back unless I really need to because it's too expensive for my taste. Once is enough for me unless I'd have a spare money to spend for it (which we currently don't, hence going there just for a day). http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Michael Parnham
26th June 2013, 21:24
I've only visited London as a tourist about three times in my life, it's ok! During my working years been through and everywhere around London 100's of times but never since the M25 was built, used to drive straight down the A1 past Comet roundabout down Holloway Rd over Tower Bridge Early in the mornings to deliver 22pallets of canned goods to Reckett & Colmans Brighton 6am delivery after leaving Peterborough 4am. Those were the good old days before traffic delays, there were none then 1960s.

26th June 2013, 21:43
This thread has been a bit of fun:icon_lol:
To be honest it's our capital city,and some amazing things to see and do,but it has changed and to me for the worse.
I want to see it full of Londoner's,people who can show you round without having to translate for you!
The taxi knew exactly where TCRoad was of course but he was dealing with an honest Taxi driver who isn't a mug!
Would loved to have a beer with Danny Dyer and slagged off football teams lol
Look it's still a great city but changed a lot and it's a shame.

I also think most 'Capital Cities' are a bit of a let down-Paris stinks and is dirty,Bankok! phew not thanks.
I think you see more of 'old England' up north and thats just how it is.
Liverpool and York are fantastic cities:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th June 2013, 22:09
... and you could get from South Kensington up to Hendon on the tube for 5p, walk up the road to the start of the M1 and stick your thumb out. Back in York a few hours later, or a few days if unlucky. :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 22:53
What a load of old b:censored:ks. You spend half a day in London and take your missus to a cheap Chinese buffet and on this basis you write off the Capital city in your first visit in 30 years.
The reason you didn't enjoy your stay is, in true scouse style you tried to do it on the cheap. How on earth could you expect the good lady to enjoy herself in London in half a day. If you had any class you would have booked a decent hotel got some tickets for a good show and treated her to a slap up meal in China Town.
There's nothing wrong with London it's a fantastic City with a multitude of places to visit and it needs to be enjoyed in more than half a day. If that was your wife's first visit to the capital then shame on you.
Londons only problem nowadays is the some of the shed loads of scum that have been allowed to inhabit the city and those that are attracted to it.
Les as for the Taxi drivers not knowing where Tottenham Court Rd is, I can only say you never travelled in a Taxi you travelled in a mini cab probably driven by a non tax paying illegal. Everyone of the 30,000 London Taxis on our streets know exactly where it is and much more beside.


I've been to many cities around the world so know how to compare, and you'll see on here, the majority hate the place, even those that have lived there. Guys on my other forum can't stand the place either, and they are Londoners:doh I have a dislike of many major cities, but then I like others. Remember, London is multi-cultural now ... live with it :icon_lol:

26th June 2013, 23:08

I've been to many cities around the world so know how to compare, and you'll see on here, the majority hate the place, even those that have lived there. Guys on my other forum can't stand the place either, and they are Londoners:doh I have a dislike of many major cities, but then I like others. Remember, London is multi-cultural now ... live with it :icon_lol:

You made a judgement on a half a day visit in thirty years. Be honest you done it on the cheap you didn't want to spend a few quid.:NoNo:
Next time this misses fancies a visit send her down on the train and we'll show her a good time and you can stay at home with your wallet.:biggrin:

26th June 2013, 23:24
Now now.
Rayna has explained that spending priorities lie elsewhere. Trips to the Phils don't come cheap.

Now if it had been ME visiting the place they wouldn't have had a brass farthing out of me. :biggrin:

26th June 2013, 23:46
You made a judgement on a half a day visit in thirty years. Be honest you done it on the cheap you didn't want to spend a few quid.:NoNo:
Next time this misses fancies a visit send her down on the train and we'll show her a good time and you can stay at home with your wallet.:biggrin:

He doesn't need to do that. I don't like travelling without Keith. And you know what's better than going to London for me, after all the time I've been here? Keith surprised me with a ticket to watch Jessie J at Chester Rocks 2 weeks ago! :xxgrinning--00xx3: I went with a Filipina friend! He knows how I loved to see Jessie J performed live and I love going to concerts. If tickets to her show in Liverpool Echo wasn't already sold out, we could've been there.

I don't know what your problem is about the way Keith showed me London? :Erm: And what's wrong with being cheap? We don't live beyond our means. I've seen what I wanted to see in London. I told him before I only wanted to see Big Ben & Buckingham Palace and yet we've been to others too. I was even more excited seeing the horse in the Horse Guards Parade than seeing the rest! Hahaha..:icon_lol:

27th June 2013, 00:08
Just to make it clear to everyone here, I don't have any complaint in spending only half a day in London. What else to do there aside from visiting the tourists places? I don't drink and never like partying so not worth staying at night. I don't like to pay for expensive food and then not get properly full. Even in the Philippines, my family and I prefer buffets than fancy restaurants. I did't want to enter Westminster Abbey because I have to pay £18. I don't want to ride in London Eye unless it turns into a rollercoaster or I can bungee jump from there. I would've love it though if I saw the Queen and the Royal Family. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 00:10
I remember my (ex) Mrs being shocked at the size of the horses here.

It didn't help that the first ones I showed her were some Shires at a country park near us. Now they are BIG. :biggrin:

27th June 2013, 00:22
Well being here in the country side, I regularly see horses and other farm animals. But everytime I see one, I always get excited, whether a horse, rabbit, squirrel, etc. I even say good morning to the sheep whenever the farmer puts them to the fields in front of our house. Too bad the only badgers & foxes I regularly see are road kills. :cwm3: But horses, oh I would love to see them all the time running in the fields, walking on the roads or just resting there in the fields. :heartshape1:

27th June 2013, 00:32
The great Metropolis...I love the place:xxgrinning--00xx3:
It's all personal taste...one man's beauty is another man's ugly.
The countless tourists it clocks up 365 days of the year can't be wrong.
Yes, it has traffic and pollution...what capital city worth visiting, doesn't.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 00:46
This thread has been a bit of fun:icon_lol:
To be honest it's our capital city,and some amazing things to see and do,but it has changed and to me for the worse.
I want to see it full of Londoner's,people who can show you round without having to translate for you!
The taxi knew exactly where TCRoad was of course but he was dealing with an honest Taxi driver who isn't a mug!
Would loved to have a beer with Danny Dyer and slagged off football teams lol
Look it's still a great city but changed a lot and it's a shame.

I also think most 'Capital Cities' are a bit of a let down-Paris stinks and is dirty,Bankok! phew not thanks.
I think you see more of 'old England' up north and thats just how it is.
Liverpool and York are fantastic cities:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree with York...a must visit for any tourist.

27th June 2013, 00:58
We've got too many blinkin tourists in York already ! :olddude:

Send them all to London.:xxaction-smiley-047

27th June 2013, 01:09
Well being here in the country side, I regularly see horses and other farm animals. But everytime I see one, I always get excited, whether a horse, rabbit, squirrel, etc. I even say good morning to the sheep whenever the farmer puts them to the fields in front of our house. Too bad the only badgers & foxes I regularly see are road kills. :cwm3: But horses, oh I would love to see them all the time running in the fields, walking on the roads or just resting there in the fields. :heartshape1:

Oh you would have loved to visit with us where my boy and I used to live...15 miniature Shetland Ponies in our back field. :smile:


Arthur Little
27th June 2013, 02:22
By the way, if any of you would care to donate to the forum, then Keith & I can probably enjoy a few days in London. That would be money well spent not just for us but for you too! :laugher:

Many's the true words spoken in jest, :biggrin: Rayna, but :gp: ... WHERE would MOST of US be without this excellent forum?

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... MORE POWER to your elbow!

27th June 2013, 03:11
I even say good morning to the sheep whenever the farmer puts them to the fields in front of our house.

You have to feel a bit sorry for Welsh sheep Rayna.
Why do think welshmen wear Levi button-fly jeans?

Because a Welsh sheep can hear a zipper at 100 yards!!

27th June 2013, 06:09
I don't want to ride in London Eye unless it turns into a rollercoaster

Michael Parnham
27th June 2013, 07:09
Well said Rayna, Your just like my Maritess enjoy the simple life and careful with your money. Good one!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 08:38
You made a judgement on a half a day visit in thirty years. Be honest you done it on the cheap you didn't want to spend a few quid.:NoNo:
Next time this misses fancies a visit send her down on the train and we'll show her a good time and you can stay at home with your wallet.:biggrin:

Money isn't an issue, you're missing the point, I couldn't care less how much I spend, as long as it is VALUE. I can park for free in most cities in this country, and if I do have to pay it is now more than £2 and hour. Central London is around £6-£8 and hour, and the spaces are no good for the disabled as you can't get out the car. :crazy: You get charged £10 just for the privilege of just driving into the place. :doh. Westminster Abbey charges £18 each, its a bloody church... they are supposed to be free :cwm3:.

Red lines instead of yellow, what's that all about, we already have NO STOPPING signs used in the rest of the country. Must have been a discount on red paint :icon_lol:

I don't make a judgement in 1/2 a day, I make a judgement based on life's experience. When you go somewhere you compare it with what you know, and compared to the hundreds of cities I've visited around the world, London is crap, as the majority here agree :biggrin:

27th June 2013, 10:04
You have to feel a bit sorry for Welsh sheep Rayna.
Why do think welshmen wear Levi button-fly jeans?

Because a Welsh sheep can hear a zipper at 100 yards!!

Hahahahahah :icon_lol:

27th June 2013, 10:07
Money isn't an issue, you're missing the point, I couldn't care less how much I spend, as long as it is VALUE. I can park for free in most cities in this country, and if I do have to pay it is now more than £2 and hour. Central London is around £6-£8 and hour, and the spaces are no good for the disabled as you can't get out the car. :crazy: You get charged £10 just for the privilege of just driving into the place. :doh. Westminster Abbey charges £18 each, its a bloody church... they are supposed to be free :cwm3:.

Red lines instead of yellow, what's that all about, we already have NO STOPPING signs used in the rest of the country. Must have been a discount on red paint :icon_lol:

I don't make a judgement in 1/2 a day, I make a judgement based on life's experience. When you go somewhere you compare it with what you know, and compared to the hundreds of cities I've visited around the world, London is crap, as the majority here agree :biggrin:

In Westminster you have dedicated disabled bays in the streets, hard to find and they fill up quick, but they are free. Also my nearest train station and tube station has free parking for disabled so you can park there and get a one day travel card for around £9.
and I think it gives you a discount on river travel. You might have enjoyed the over ground train ride through the East London Suburbs.

As a blue badge holder you have to register for congestion charge exemption, can be done online a few days before your visit.

Red no stopping lines were originally for bus routes and you are not even allowed to drop someone off and you would be towed away very swiftly. Like everything they have been extended as they are probably a big money earner.

I too am really pissed of about the charges for places like St Pauls, always worth a visit but not any more. Londoners are now priced out of such places and now just full of tourists.

Shame you didn`t enjoy your day, next time try looking at something like `Haydens` for reviews on where to eat.

So what if London is crap to the majority:NoNo: London and the south east still supports the rest of the country.

27th June 2013, 10:09
I hereby bestow honorary Yorkshireman status upon you Keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 10:11
London and the south east still supports the rest of the country.

Not for much longer as most of the shale gas is up North :biggrin:, and it is shale gas which is helping the US recover. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 10:12
I hereby bestow honorary Yorkshireman status upon you Keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:biggrin: :heartshape1:

27th June 2013, 10:25
Well said Rayna, Your just like my Maritess enjoy the simple life and careful with your money. Good one!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

When I was in Manila, I was never really bothered spending money on shopping, food, expensive phones, salons, going to dermatologist monthly, massages, concerts or going to places for vacation. I have a work and I can pay for it. Even though I have to give a part of my salary to my parents monthly, I don't have any one else to think of other than myself. But I'm married now and there are more things to consider about where and what we can spend our money on. I need to stop myself spending too much for nothing.

It's not like I'm deprived here from things that I need. I got plenty of food to eat, clothes, and luxuries that a lot of people in the UK don't have. We just need to spend money wisely. Especially we all know that going back to the Philippines regularly would cost a great deal of money. We would rather use the money there than in London. And I'm not yet done with all the visas I need to stay here indefinitely. If someone can stash their money in London for a few days without thinking of all this then it's great for them. They have more money than us and we don't care. We just can't do that coz we need to prioritise things and London is not very worthy compared to seeing my family this year and spending the money with them.

27th June 2013, 12:11
I hereby bestow honorary Yorkshireman status upon you Keith. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Should rename this site as the Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club, cloth caps welcome

27th June 2013, 14:52
Don't really know why folks are rising to this...its already been stated that London wasnt liked before they even arrived. Makes me think why bother with the half day site seeing..Just as well got the passport and drove straight back home.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 15:03
Should rename this site as the Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club, cloth caps welcome

Yes...don't forget our sopisticated humour . :biggrin:



27th June 2013, 15:06
Don't really know why folks are rising to this...its already been stated that London wasnt liked before they even arrived. Makes me think why bother with the half day site seeing..Just as well got the passport and drove straight back home.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I really don't know why they bother either. :Erm: I did see the sights I wanted to see. My purpose to go to London was to renew my passport, not to love or hate the city (but Keith really doesn't like being there :icon_lol:). The short time sightseeing was a bonus for me. Not that I don't care about those tourist attractions but I just wanted to see it and have a photo of me being there. No need to stay longer because I got what I wanted..hahaha..I'm that easy to please. :biggrin: We originally planned to stay longer but thought of using the money elsewhere instead.

I don't know what will be the reaction of the members here if I say I want to go to Paris just to see the Eiffel Tower and The Louvre. Keith hates the place too..:icon_lol:

27th June 2013, 15:54
I don't know what will be the reaction of the members here if I say I want to go to Paris just to see the Eiffel Tower and The Louvre. Keith hates the place too..:icon_lol:

Sensible man

27th June 2013, 18:24
Westminster Abbey charges £18 each, its a bloody church... they are supposed to be free :cwm3:.

Oh I sort of get it now. Your right it is a church but to some it's a church with over a thousand years of history, It's the Coronation Church, it's the church of countless Royal weddings it's also the final resting place of a lot of Royals and other Great Britains like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin as well as the home to the tomb of The Unknown Warrior.
You were looking for a funfair :icon_lol::icon_lol:

27th June 2013, 18:28
Oh I sort of get it now. Your right it is a church but to some it's a church with over a thousand years of history, It's the Coronation Church, it's the church of countless Royal weddings it's also the final resting place of a lot of Royals and other Great Britains like Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin as well as the home to the tomb of The Unknown Warrior.
You were looking for a funfair :icon_lol::icon_lol:

What's your problem Marco??? I can't get what you are trying to accomplish here :Erm: You are rich who can live and treat your wife lavishly in London, we aren't. We want our money to spend in Manila, not London. Yeah Keith hates London, but he took me there and I saw the things I wanted to see..So what if we are cheap?!?!??! We don't care!

27th June 2013, 18:33
What's your problem Marco??? I can't get what you are trying to accomplish here :Erm: You are rich who can live and treat your wife lavishly in London, we aren't. We want our money to spend in Manila, not London. Yeah Keith hates London, but he took me there and I saw the things I wanted to see..So what if we are cheap?!?!??! We don't care!

Sorry for any offence Rayna it was a tongue in cheek defence of my home town. BTW I wish I was rich :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
27th June 2013, 19:25
What's your problem Marco??? I can't get what you are trying to accomplish here :Erm: You are rich who can live and treat your wife lavishly in London, we aren't. We want our money to spend in Manila, not London. Yeah Keith hates London, but he took me there and I saw the things I wanted to see..So what if we are cheap?!?!??! We don't care!

I like you Rayna, you talk sense! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th June 2013, 20:51
Blimey, Rayna makes it sound like we live in the gutter :icon_lol: ..... I'm just a tight scouser... have to go my pagpag is ready :biggrin:

27th June 2013, 21:01
Hahahaha..:icon_lol: sorry Marco & the rest, I over reacted..it's the nerves from learning how to drive (Keith's teaching me)...my 2nd day and I still can't breathe properly up to now! :Help1: :icon_lol:

27th June 2013, 23:39
...and YOU'RE the one with the nerves ? Poor Keith !:drivingx::omg:

27th June 2013, 23:44
...and YOU'RE the one with the nerves ? Poor Keith !:drivingx::omg:

He has said the word "STOP" plenty of times! Hahahaha :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
27th June 2013, 23:49
Westminster Abbey charges £18 each, its a bloody church...

... 'fraid :iagree: ... it IS, indeed, a church ... FIRST and FOREMOST, for Christ's sake!

Arthur Little
28th June 2013, 00:08
... they are supposed to be free :cwm3:.

:gp: ... Christians supposedly believe they "pay" for their "sins" in the so~called "Afterlife" :icon_rolleyes: ... as opposed to their being compelled to "fork out" :REGamblMoney01HL1: in order to "confess" them :icon_sorry: in the "here and now"!

Entry to Westminster Abbey certainly used to be FREE ... :anerikke: ... least it WAS last time I visited it ... in 1966! :omg:

28th June 2013, 00:18
He has said the word "STOP" plenty of times! Hahahaha :icon_lol:

Listen to this Rayna, and you will learn everything you need to know....from a professional. :biggrin:



28th June 2013, 00:56
Sorry for any offence Rayna it was a tongue in cheek defence of my home town. BTW I wish I was rich :biggrin:

Very commendable Marco..
Can never forget my old man taking me up west when I was a kid for my birthday.. We would spend the whole day visiting historical sights like the tower and seeing the Armour displays and the crown jewels,then Westminster abbey,parliament,Trafalgar square to see our hero Nelson and then a boat trip on the Thames,then the London dungeon and of course Madame tussauds before going to the pictures..
To be honest,I was in awe.. I took my eldest son up there for his 8th birthday too..
Best birthday present either of us ever had!
London is bloody fantastic IMO.

28th June 2013, 01:15
Very commendable Marco..
Can never forget my old man taking me up west when I was a kid for my birthday.. We would spend the whole day visiting historical sights like the tower and seeing the Armour displays and the crown jewels,then Westminster abbey,parliament,Trafalgar square to see our hero Nelson and then a boat trip on the Thames,then the London dungeon and of course Madame tussauds before going to the pictures..
To be honest,I was in awe.. I took my eldest son up there for his 8th birthday too..
Best birthday present either of us ever had!
London is bloody fantastic IMO.

Exactly. ..I remember a school trip to the tower of London. ..plus the numerous fun filled weekends spent going there over 20 odd years. ..so much to see. ..I've spent a good half day in the natural history alone. ...no other place comes close to the good old smoke....I think Marco's response was damage limitation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Btw Thanks for the rep Marco. ..fully appreciated

28th June 2013, 01:46
Exactly. ..I remember a school trip to the tower of London. ..plus the numerous fun filled weekends spent going there over 20 odd years. ..so much to see. ..I've spent a good half day in the natural history alone. ...no other place comes close to the good old smoke....I think Marco's response was damage limitation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Btw Thanks for the rep Marco. ..fully appreciated

Another thing I cant understand.. Why do people still drive into town unless its essential??
Bloody crazy IMO and people that do it deserve all the aggravation and expense they get!!
I used to park my motor for free near Cockfosters tube station and get a couple of daily`s..
Cheap,fast, no traffic,no wardens and pain free.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
28th June 2013, 08:01
Listen to this Rayna, and you will learn everything you need to know....from a professional. :biggrin:



Brilliant recommendation Graham, hope Rayna takes your advice!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th June 2013, 09:37
Another thing I cant understand.. Why do people still drive into town unless its essential??
Bloody crazy IMO and people that do it deserve all the aggravation and expense they get!!
I used to park my motor for free near Cockfosters tube station and get a couple of daily`s..
Cheap,fast, no traffic,no wardens and pain free.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's exactly the way I see it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think some people must simply enjoy the pain. They're also selfish IMO, blocking the roads for people who absolutely NEED to be in vehicles, like those delivering, emergency services, the disabled, buses,etc. :NoNo:

28th June 2013, 11:15
Another thing I cant understand.. Why do people still drive into town unless its essential??
Bloody crazy IMO and people that do it deserve all the aggravation and expense they get!!
I used to park my motor for free near Cockfosters tube station and get a couple of daily`s..
Cheap,fast, no traffic,no wardens and pain free.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

From Swindon we take the train for the 45mins run in then the tubes. Piece of cake:wink:
The Tower Hill Hotel is a great base and you can get some good deals there at weekends.
In between tubes you can use the hop on, hop off double deck buses.
Marco mentioned funfair because it was implied the LondonEye wasn't as exciting as a roller coaster..the point of the LondonEye was missed.:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:..........Just like most of my tongue and cheek sarcasm

28th June 2013, 20:08
That's exactly the way I see it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think some people must simply enjoy the pain. They're also selfish IMO, blocking the roads for people who absolutely NEED to be in vehicles, like those delivering, emergency services, the disabled, buses,etc. :NoNo:

Well, Keith has a blue badge, hence he drove into town. :biggrin:

Anyway, I don't think Keith would change his mind about London even if the Londoners or the ones who love London would tell him how great it is there. It would be like telling Dedworth to like the benefit scroungers. :icon_lol:

As for me, I didn't say I didn't like London. I had a nice time even if it's just half a day. I've seen the Buckingham Palace and Big Ben which I wanted to see ever since (and after seeing the palace which was our last stop, I wanted to go home immediately). The fumes and traffic, I'm used to it (I grew up in Manila so nothing different to me other than now I can recognise the fumes after living in the country side for almost 2 years). But I would rather be in the beach in the Philippines than extend another day in London. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th June 2013, 22:00
having read this forum made me realize that my bf treated me like a queen!! We stayed in Chancerey Court in Holborn for a week, went mostly to parks and pub hopping because we couldn't be bother queuing to get to a museum though we went to V&A of which they featured David Bowie. Bf was a gentleman to take me to Harrods-twas funny that his hands were cold and clammy on the way!! And so we went inside Harrods mainly because I was really enjoying making fun of his reactions whenever I go pick up something. Bf and I are people watchers hence we enjoy sitting in a pub or park watching people. We've met a few cool people in London but one interracial couple really struck us-an English woman with her Kenyan fella. It was nice one morning when Bf and I were looking at our map and a business looking guy approached us saying "you two seems lost" with a smile. We've encountered pompous stares too from an posh old couple when we went to eat lunch in an italian resto in Knightsbridge, I'm a feisty Pinay so I reciprocated of course!! One thing I noticed though, there were so many Frenchies!!! So I mimicked Prince Philip and asked my boyfriend "France must be half empty now, who's guarding the Louvre?"

28th June 2013, 23:14
I lived and worked in London for a couple of years (aged 18-20).

It was exciting and a fun...if rather weird place for me then, but it's just changed so much over the years that the attraction has worn off.

My first job there involved driving all over the city every day, so I know my way around .

I did take my ex and the children there to see all the sights and look around the museums and parks though, when they were younger.

We stayed with my (posh) brother and his family in Tunbridge Wells.

29th June 2013, 14:54
Very commendable Marco..
Can never forget my old man taking me up west when I was a kid for my birthday.. We would spend the whole day visiting historical sights like the tower and seeing the Armour displays and the crown jewels,then Westminster abbey,parliament,Trafalgar square to see our hero Nelson and then a boat trip on the Thames,then the London dungeon and of course Madame tussauds before going to the pictures..
To be honest,I was in awe.. I took my eldest son up there for his 8th birthday too..
Best birthday present either of us ever had!
London is bloody fantastic IMO.

Blimey, you'd need a mortgage to do that nowadays.

Sounds like Westminster Abbey is the same as York Minster now, used to be free, but now there's a big charge.
Some would say "the church" is the rich landowner who can afford not to have charges, but then when you analyse the books, a lot of it is paper riches tied up in unsellable properties, and they have to keep these buildings standing somehow. If they have debts, they can hardly flog off St Pauls to be turned into a Wetherspoons

29th June 2013, 17:13
If they have debts, they can hardly flog off St Pauls to be turned into a Wetherspoons

Why not? :Erm: We seen a Christian church converted to a mosque when we were in London, and building nor religion last forever :smile:

1st July 2013, 14:48
..... traffic, traffic lights every 50 metres, stupid cyclists and motorbikes, fumes, idiot pedestrians, excessive charges.

I hadn't been to the center of London since the 80's, but had to go yesterday to take the wife to the Philippine embassy.

5 Hours of driving there. Now I do 70-75mph, and I must have overtaken about 5 Audi's, and yet over 100 overtook me... that says a lot about Audi drivers :action-smiley-081: :biggrin:

I was expecting a difficult journey on the motorways, but they were pretty clear, and from the M25 to inner London it was empty as 11:30am :Erm:

Parking was easy, as I'd booked a spot in a car park next to the Ritz, for £22.50 for 24hrs, mind you, I am used to paying £0 :biggrin:

The Chinese buffet was crap as the food was cold, and I'm not sure they were happy with me telling them, and then telling a group of tourists outside not to bother going in :icon_lol:

We managed to do a flying visit of all the main attractions, so hopefully the other half will realise of great Las Vegas is when I take her in March. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hahahhaa How can i missed this thread?? :Erm:
I love London , but my husband said it is also crap !! been there five times already...I dont care, just dont let me ride the tube :NoNo::thumbsdown:

Can I also join the Las Vegas trip??..I'd love to see the Grand Canyon :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st July 2013, 15:52
London was beautiful on Saturday, we walked from Notting Hill Gate past where the P.I. embassy used to be in Kensington Palace Gardens, on past Kensington Palace, Albert Memorial to Piccadilly and our first stop at Pret opposite The Ritz.

Then we walked into the Pink Parade with all the roads closed,and just caught the `mince` past down Haymarket, on to Trafalgar Square and watched the Pride concert for a while.

From there we walked down the Strand and Fleet street and arrived at St Pauls where there was an ordination ceremony going on for about 50 priests. Just before 3pm the bells were ringing and all the great and good paraded into the church in all their finery. Although I am not that religious it was a wonderful sight.

Then it was back to our walk, quick drink down Cheapside, on to Liverpool St and home. A really nice day.:smile:

1st July 2013, 16:29
Albert Memorial to Piccadilly and our first stop at Pret opposite The Ritz.

The RitZ!! That brings back memories!!
I decorated 4 suites at the Ritz and did such a good job that they asked me to decorate the lobby and lift area..
The paper was a 50" wide flock that we had never hung before.. It looked really good when we finished but the seams stretched half an inch by next morning and once we saw the problem we got in the car and quickly vanished!!
A huge mistake that we never made again!!
Very embarrassing though.:cwm25:

2nd July 2013, 14:27
Why not? :Erm: We seen a Christian church converted to a mosque when we were in London, and building nor religion last forever :smile:

You should read about The Brick Lane Chapel.

"In 1742, La Neuve Eglise, a Huguenot chapel, was built on the corner of Brick Lane and Fournier Street. By 1809, it was used by missionaries as The Jews’ Chapel, where they promoted Christianity to the expanding Jewish population. It was adapted as a Methodist Chapel in 1819 for Protestant residents.

Reflecting the changing demographics of the area, in 1898, the building was consecrated as the Machzikei HaDath, or Spitalfields Great Synagogue. After decades of change in the area, with Jews moving out and Bangladeshis moving in, in 1976 it was adapted again as the London Jamme Masjid (Great London Mosque) to serve the expanding Bangladeshi community.[11][dead link] The building is Grade II* listed."


2nd July 2013, 18:39
The RitZ!! That brings back memories!!
I decorated 4 suites at the Ritz and did such a good job that they asked me to decorate the lobby and lift area..
The paper was a 50" wide flock that we had never hung before.. It looked really good when we finished but the seams stretched half an inch by next morning and once we saw the problem we got in the car and quickly vanished!!
A huge mistake that we never made again!!
Very embarrassing though.:cwm25:

Funny story that Fred. :icon_lol:
Reminds me of some fun moments too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd July 2013, 18:53
a nice church very near to the ritz, great food they sell :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
7th July 2013, 09:20
a nice church very near to the ritz, great food they sell :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

You found a church that sells food?

Ako Si Jamie
7th July 2013, 13:17
Fryer Tuck sells the pastor's pasta