View Full Version : face book aint it brilliant

18th June 2013, 06:24
yes it is in the right hands but sometimes you think its too much,
What has happened to the phone call you use to get asking how you are and have you heard the news about the family,
Well it seems that another member of the family has died and how did i find this out yep facebook and yes the funeral is to take place at so and so, yes face book has told me this again, there are somethings that should not be on there i think, but we are all different so what suits one may not suit another, just my thoughts dont want to offend anyone, and if you are offended dont read, silly me too late:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
18th June 2013, 08:14
I don't think its safe for anyone, and my feelings are that it can cause more heartache than happiness for some people. Just my opinion!:thumbsdown:

18th June 2013, 08:24
I don't think its safe for anyone, and my feelings are that it can cause more heartache than happiness for some people. Just my opinion!:thumbsdown:

I fully agree Michael - I've never had anything whatsoever to do with Farcebook and other so called "social media". I wouldn't be surprised if it all implodes.

Michael Parnham
18th June 2013, 08:28
I fully agree Michael - I've never had anything whatsoever to do with Farcebook and other so called "social media". I wouldn't be surprised if it all implodes.

You are the first person to agree with me on this subject Dedworth, I agree with your comment also, Thank you for that and I'm sure Facebook days are numbered!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th June 2013, 09:38
Facebook has it's uses.
Personally I don't have an account and never found the need to have one.

On your posting Steve, I find it rather strange that such happenings are not communicated by phone or letter.
To learn such things by facebook leaves me wondering. Especially when it seems you may have even not been able to attend the funeral. :NoNo:
No offence intended from me either Steve. Just how I see it.

18th June 2013, 17:34
no offence taken Peter, it seems the younger generation has put the imformation on and not the parents who like me and yourself and others thinks it should have been a phone call,
Myself i think the younger ones put this stuff on so they get more people saying sorry to hear the news, just me thinking this maybe but who knows

18th June 2013, 17:51
its the new generations way whether it be face book or some other social media, life is becomming less sociable in life outside the internet

18th June 2013, 18:23
I'm disagreeing with you all,I use it all the time and think it's brill!
From finding long lost friends to seeing photos of friends far away posted within seconds.
Yes it's full of silliness too but just leave those bits alone.
It's definitely not going away-it will increase

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2013, 19:20
I agree with the earlier posters. I think sites such as Facebook and Twitter can cause a lot of hassle for people and you really need to be careful with what you say, especially if you've used your real name.

18th June 2013, 19:41
I agree with the earlier posters. I think sites such as Facebook and Twitter can cause a lot of hassle for people and you really need to be careful with what you say, especially if you've used your real name.

i totally agree there jamie, signed by my alias Prince Philip

18th June 2013, 19:59
depends how you use it, its great for keeping in touch with family and friends that don't live so near,
friends who otherwise you might not share contact for long periods of time,
what you say post or photos, common sense is don't post anything you wish to keep private,
and just like you would in the flesh world, have respect for peoples feelings, you wouldnt say certain things if dont want to hurt or offend them, so why should it not be the same on facebook or any other online media

Michael Parnham
18th June 2013, 22:35
With respect, whats wrong with using Email?

18th June 2013, 22:41
nothing wrong with email, skype or messengers, but such as facebook, you can have photo albums , news,txt chat and video chat its all in one bundle, not to mention games, and often find interesting articles

18th June 2013, 23:11
I use facebook but ive deactivated my account for a month havin a little break. I dont really post much on there anyway and when i do post somthing its mainly somthing light hearted. I do find it usefull to keep in touch with friends and on my phone its the fastest way of messaging my gf in phils so its useful for that. I find alot of attention seekers on there and also alot of people how have the desire to tell u were they are every minute of the day that includes trips to the supermarket :doh

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2013, 23:28
It also makes people feel important too. I've heard people boasting about having 600+ facebook friends. :doh

18th June 2013, 23:46
I use it every day for chatting to my lady...sending her pictures, videos, youtube music, plus keeping in touch with my kids, each of whom is in a different country now. :)

19th June 2013, 05:55
dont get me wrong i use it too, but there is certain news that you keep within the family not for the world to see, call me old fashioned but thats how i see it

19th June 2013, 09:34
The problem with it is that some people (I am going to use a big brush here:cwm25:) who are not so intellectually endorsed, use it as a 'life dump' These are the ones who bleat about people gossiping about their lives and who bring what I see as a great communication tool into disrepute.

Used properly with restrictions on who sees what and you can enjoy all it offers.

19th June 2013, 09:37
i agree its a great tool used properly, and you dont have to have anything to do with those who are idiots on there,use it the way you want to, and as private as you wish its your own choice

19th June 2013, 09:55
It also makes people feel important too. I've heard people boasting about having 600+ facebook friends. :doh


19th June 2013, 10:02
i agree its a great tool used properly, and you dont have to have anything to do with those who are idiots on there,use it the way you want to, and as private as you wish its your own choice

Spot on.
It's up you you...as they say in the Phils. :xxgrinning--00xx3: