View Full Version : what do you do with your parking ticket

6th June 2013, 18:51
up for bid on ebay


Ako Si Jamie
6th June 2013, 19:16
:icon_lol: at £102 already

6th June 2013, 19:49
how much is a parking ticket these days:Erm:

at this rate he might get enough bids to buy a new motor

6th June 2013, 22:48
Only ever had one in 45 years driving.

That's because us tightwads never risk being in a place that might cost us money. :icon_lol:

6th June 2013, 22:53
The ones you get in Asda are not enforceable :biggrin:

6th June 2013, 22:56
It doesn't take me long to spend my 15 quid for the week's groceries Les...besides which, I walk there now. Just got back. :smile:

6th June 2013, 23:08
I have had two in my lifetime... One for parking on a yellow line whilst I nipped in the shop for a paper!
Second was because I parked outside someones house in an unsafe manner so they couldnt get out into oncoming traffic safely.... I appealed that on the grounds that I was parked legally and it's not my fault the person couldn't drive properly! Turned out his mate was the traffic warden and he called him to ticket me even though he wasn't working that area that day! Needless to say I won.

7th June 2013, 01:21
I got one last night despite paying £5.80 to park in Clapham and clearly displaying my ticket on my dash. Appeal on it's way.:cwm23:

7th June 2013, 07:14
I get tickets regularly for using Taxi/bus lanes in Leeds :cwm23:
I win every time but it's the pissing about!

7th June 2013, 10:34
Lately I've found motoring to be just too stressful and a pain in the ass, and now that I don't really need to drive for work anymore and have got my bus pass, I've more or less stopped.

The traffic gestapo can get stuffed.

7th June 2013, 13:27
Lately I've found motoring to be just too stressful and a pain in the ass, and now that I don't really need to drive for work anymore and have got my bus pass, I've more or less stopped.

The traffic gestapo can get stuffed.

I dont need a car to be honest.... I average only 2000 miles per year in it... I think my insurance costs more than my yearly petrol costs, which says something!

7th June 2013, 14:41
last one i got was over 2 years ago i ignored it never heard a thing

7th June 2013, 18:15
Only ever had one.
Issued while I was getting my ticket from the machine :yikes:

The guy said he couldn't change it as it was already in the system :NoNo:

My appeal was accepted. At that time I think it was about £60

7th June 2013, 18:45
just the one, years back, i saw 3 other cars parked so i thought ok im only going to be a couple of minutes, so parked i did, went in the post office 5 minutes later i came out, only my car there all alone with a parking ticket, i was so disgusted, i went and paid it imediatly at the town hall, and that in all my years is the only driving offence iv had, or should i say the only one i got caught :biggrin::icon_lol: