View Full Version : we are back

1st June 2013, 07:30
well what a nice break we had and all went so smooth too, a long drive but a good one, ferry sailing was a joy and once on the road in france the time went so quick down to brugge, thos sat navs are the bees knees, straight to the door it took me, even though i thought we was going the wrong way,
1 full day in brugge was just enough i thought, we must have seen every shoe shop down the streets and went in all of them too, but it was just nice to get away from everything and sit with a bear watching the world go buy,the place we stayed at 1st class, if anyone is going to Brugge i would give this place 100%, what nice people and breakfast to die for,
The most important thing is we got the visa stamped so here comes the rest of europe now, and the car went perfect so not a chance i am getting a new one, i have had it 13 years so another 5plus will do me fine i hope,
Just a little tip just make sure you take you ID card and passport with you when leaving the country, they dont ask to see the id card when leaving the UK but you wont get back in the country if you dont show it, be horrible if you did forget it and left it at home

1st June 2013, 07:51
welcome back, how many shoes did you buy :icon_lol:

Moving Forward
1st June 2013, 08:56
Thanks for posting.

"The most important thing is we got the visa stamped so here comes the rest of europe now" - can you explain why/what visa needs to be stamped so you can travel to the rest of europe.

1st June 2013, 09:32
welcome back, how many shoes did you buy :icon_lol:

none, its good to look :xxgrinning--00xx3:, a pair of shorts for me and 2 lots of perfume for Ems

1st June 2013, 09:36
Thanks for posting.

"The most important thing is we got the visa stamped so here comes the rest of europe now" - can you explain why/what visa needs to be stamped so you can travel to the rest of europe.

you need a schengan visa to visit a country in europe from england and what ever country is your first choice then it has to be stamped by that country, once you have the stamp on your visa/passport then you are free to travel to any parts of europe with in what ever time scale they have given you, anything from 6 months to years, hope this explains or even helps

Moving Forward
1st June 2013, 11:11
Ok thanks. My wife is applying for a Schengen visa and we will be visiting France at the end of this month.

If a 1 year multiple entry visa is granted, after we return from our trip, can we visit any EU country with this French issued visa, but not have to re-enter France first?

1st June 2013, 11:36
Ok thanks. My wife is applying for a Schengen visa and we will be visiting France at the end of this month.

If a 1 year multiple entry visa is granted, after we return from our trip, can we visit any EU country with this French issued visa, but not have to re-enter France first?

thats right, thats just what i wanted to do, get a cheap ferry over to france and stay a few nights, and then the rest of europe is open for us to enjoy, we was lucky we was given a 4 year schengan

1st June 2013, 11:40
Ok thanks. My wife is applying for a Schengen visa and we will be visiting France at the end of this month.

If a 1 year multiple entry visa is granted, after we return from our trip, can we visit any EU country with this French issued visa, but not have to re-enter France first?

if you are going by ferry look at cheap ferries to france, search engine, if we booked through PO Ferries we would have paid another £50, but we paid only £39 for a car and up to 5 people in the car return dover to calais, every little helps they say

1st June 2013, 13:30
Ok thanks. My wife is applying for a Schengen visa and we will be visiting France at the end of this month.

If a 1 year multiple entry visa is granted, after we return from our trip, can we visit any EU country with this French issued visa, but not have to re-enter France first?

Schengen visa issues can become complicated simply because many of those individuals involved do not fully understand the regulations and directives.
Immigration officers involved in the practice of border control and Airport staff involved with check-in and boarding all follow differing procedures.

The best option is to carefully comply with all requirements and also to take ALL key documentations when travelling.
For non-EEA nationals the Schenghen Visa has additional complexities connected with whether travelling alone or travelling with a spouse who is an EU national.

Anyway, concerning you specific comments:-

Question 24 on the Schengen Visa application form asks "Number of entries requested" (single entry, two entries or multiple entries)

Be aware that not ALL Embassies / Consulates issue multiple entry - check

A Multiple Entry visa allows the holder to make multiple visits during the period of visa validity, provided each stay within the schengen region does not exceed a maximum 90 days in any 6 month period. (unless specific visa restrictions apply).
The stay can be divided into as many separate trips/visits as desired by the visa holder. Means exiting the Schengen-region between trips and re-entering via different points of entry.
If you use your 90 days stay allowance all in one go, you'd need to wait 3 months before being allowed to enter again.

Do also note that application for Schenghen visa should be made at the Embassy of the country of your main destination (or otherwise point of first entry)
Better to ensure you first visit say France with a Schengen visa the French Embassy issued. Failure to do this may lead to problems entering some Schengen countries and just might be viewed as grounds for refusal of any future applications.

That's whay it's important to make sure to have your passport stamped by the Immigration Authorities. There's really no other way to prove you have entered where and when and have not overstayed.