View Full Version : Just had BHF banging on my door wanting £5 a week

Ako Si Jamie
17th May 2013, 00:25
And these British Heart Foundation collectors don't do it from the goodness of their hearts either excuse the pun. They get paid commission.

I think they've got a nerve harassing people and making them feel guilty on their own doorstep. I don't mind giving to charity but I don't like being pushed into doing so.

Anyway I gave them a firm answer and it wasn't to give them my bank details but they tried it on again with £2 a month this time. They eventually got the message. :icon_rolleyes:

17th May 2013, 01:25
Good for standing your ground. I will not be made to feel guilty either about charity. My family comes first and I have many mouths to feed.

Michael Parnham
17th May 2013, 07:56
Charity begins at home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2013, 09:32
these charitys are a business

17th May 2013, 12:06
I would have done exactly the same Jamie :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I understand that charities have costs etc, but I didn't realise they employed 'sales' people.
Would have that they was enough volunteers.
I donate what I can, when I can and to whom I choose. That comes after my student support in the Paradise Islands.

17th May 2013, 12:25
Isn't this a gross violation of privacy not to say harassment?

I mean selling windows is one thing but these charities are there specifically to make you feel insecure and guilty.

We had one some years ago banging on the door after dark, before starting a script basically meaning if I didn't agree then I supported world hunger and poverty........probably was a secret puppy killer too.

Its not right really

17th May 2013, 12:28
Good for you Jamie. If they're not knocking on your door they stand in front of you on the high street. Bloody nuisances.
I give as I earn out of my wages every month to a couple of kids charities and also donate to The British Legion but even they annoyed me recently because they passed my details on to another charity who started sending me requests.

17th May 2013, 13:31
Some bloke phoned me up yesterday about the industrial compensation I'm apparently entitled to.

I actually felt sorry for the bloke afterwards.

He'll probably be claiming himself now...for deafness and mental stress. :icon_lol:

17th May 2013, 15:56
Some bloke phoned me up yesterday about the industrial compensation I'm apparently entitled to.

I actually felt sorry for the bloke afterwards.

He'll probably be claiming himself now...for deafness and mental stress. :icon_lol:That made me :laugher:

17th May 2013, 16:05
Yes, some of the charities that do go door knocking can be a nuisance..and they do play on good peoples consciences. .but without those charities for example, where would the children with heart conditions be. ..how would the abused children be heard and how about the children hospices, the charities giving parents respite ...donations from us big or small go along way in alleviating these circumstances what could afflict anyone of us.

Now, I'm not going to be one of those hypocrites shouting from the street corner ..but, I've got bills to pay, mouths to feed. .I still manage to donate every month..be it a token gesture.

Im in agreement with Jamie. .applying pressure to donate through guilt is a no no :NoNo:

Arthur Little
17th May 2013, 17:16
Funnily enough, I'd a similar experience to Jamie ... only, in my case, the BHF contacted me by :telephone: a few years ago.

Admittedly, I hadn't been subject to any sales pressure :nono-1-1: but, having lost BOTH parents to heart attacks, I recall thinking, "Well ... :anerikke: ... who knows? I could be next!" Anyway, :iagree:d to pay the Foundation a Standing Order of £5 per month.

However, over time, these seemingly small contributions began to take their toll on my bank account - especially with me now being an OAP - therefore, I decided recently, to cancel this "obligation" and, already, I notice the difference! :icon_rolleyes:

17th May 2013, 18:03
as far as i know, anyone can start a charity and as such can set your own directors salary pay as high as you like, its business , dont give them the time of day, they are making big money, and very little gets to charity'

the same goes for the collection bags they post for you to fill, they are making a fortune from your old clothes, and again very little goes to charity

Arthur Little
17th May 2013, 18:08
Charity begins at home :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:gp: ... that's my motto!

Ako Si Jamie
17th May 2013, 20:07
Some bloke phoned me up yesterday about the industrial compensation I'm apparently entitled to.

I actually felt sorry for the bloke afterwards.

He'll probably be claiming himself now...for deafness and mental stress. :icon_lol:I had those tossers phoning me up every day for the past three days. I don't answer the phone to numbers I don't know so I googled the number and found it to be these compensation nuisances.

Funny story btw. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th May 2013, 20:45
I only used two words....at about 120 decibels. :biggrin:

18th May 2013, 00:09
as far as i know, anyone can start a charity and as such can set your own directors salary pay as high as you like, its business , dont give them the time of day, they are making big money, and very little gets to charity'

the same goes for the collection bags they post for you to fill, they are making a fortune from your old clothes, and again very little goes to charity

After watching that tv programme about charities collecting clothing I no longer do that. ..in fact we send back to Philippines to be passed amongst the multitude. .The last time :bigcry: we visited she noticed some of the relations kids wearing her clothes. .clothes she was wearing 10 years previous. ..that's what I call getting value for your money :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th May 2013, 12:57
I only used two words....at about 120 decibels. :biggrin:

Would that be foxtrot oscar by any chance ?

18th May 2013, 13:11
Well, it wasn't 'no thanks'. :icon_lol:

18th May 2013, 15:11
Would that be foxtrot oscar by any chance ?

Believe LastLid was the last ex member to say that :icon_lol:

18th May 2013, 15:39
One reason to not give to people in the street.


18th May 2013, 16:00
Is begging not illegal in New York ? :Erm:

It was pretty blatant.

Certainly illegal in this country.

Arthur Little
18th May 2013, 22:56
Charity Worker's Persistence

I'm gon~na knock on your door,
Ring on y'ur bell :poke: ... tap on your window too!!
If you don't ans~wer to~night,
I'll come round e~very night 'n'
I'll keep on knock~in' an' a ta~ppin' till you do!

18th May 2013, 23:05
Thanks for reminding me of one of my favourite ever songs Arthur ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:



Ako Si Jamie
18th May 2013, 23:36
Just seen the BHF ad on the telly :icon_rolleyes:
The fiver a week they wanted off me was to fund their advertising no doubt.

19th May 2013, 00:57
I do support few charities (mind.org, nspcc, and age uk). I used to support british red cross until they started ringing then I stopped.

Most of my donation thought is through the national lottery. Our lottery syndicate plays around 2000 a month. (not really donation though)

19th May 2013, 09:46
its the same every year please donate £5 so this person in whatever country can buy a spade and grow there own for a then the year after its the same thing thats because they have sold the bloody spade and now hungry as always it will never change

22nd May 2013, 06:29
Regarding women begging on the street, there's a pain in the backside in this town, she supplements her income by approaching people "excuse me love, excuse me love, can you lend me 59p for the bus home".
She does this day after day after day, her boyfriend is always a few steps behind.

Ugly :censored: has even approached me way out of town. Don't know how they dare, but I guess it only takes a few pensioners to give her the 59p to bring in a modest income for the day, to put with the benefits and whatever she sold at Cashmakers

22nd May 2013, 08:08
...and I suppose people will round it up to a pound coin to save counting change. :smile:

22nd May 2013, 09:06
I had those tossers phoning me up every day for the past three days. I don't answer the phone to numbers I don't know so I googled the number and found it to be these compensation nuisances.

Funny story btw. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have just bought a BT 6500 Dect phone for £29.16 that blocks withheld and International no number calls.
Will see how it goes.

Michael Parnham
22nd May 2013, 11:02
Can't call you now Mick, cos I'm ex directory:wink:

22nd May 2013, 11:25
Can't call you now Mick, cos I'm ex directory:wink:
Never had anyone call to give me something anyhow:ReadIt:

22nd May 2013, 11:29
How true. :xxgrinning--00xx3: