View Full Version : banks the do your head in

1st May 2013, 14:33
well today i wanted to pay off this debt, it was from one account to another account in the same bank, i waited till they took the money from 1 account and then i rang them to say i want to pay all this bill, no problem sir, the bill is ????? , no its not its ?????? i said, have you took into account the money that has been taken from my account today,
NO sir was the answer even though its been taken from your account and put into our account it could take upto 4 days to go through, all thi sis going through my accounts with natwest, i coulf not beleive it,
They did say i could pay all the amount evenn though they allready have taken over £1000 they still wanted me to pay a extra £1000+ but they would refund any extra payment i have made,
I was getting a little angry by now and all i wanted was to pay this bill off, i said so if i cant pay this bill will you charge me intrest on what i own you for the 4 days it could take to get into your acount, is that your game, NO sir we dont work like that, stupid bank, i will try again later and if they still say i cant i will just say i want to pay this amount into this bill and if i owe them anything its only going to be a few quid not thousand so the intrest will be low , STUPID BANKS

1st May 2013, 14:44
Don't worry Steve when you come to the Philippines you will become a 'preferred' customer with all that money you have :biggrin:

1st May 2013, 16:32
referred customer, does that mean i will not have to queue with everyone else then spending lots of time just waiting in line

1st May 2013, 17:36
Steve, don't you do online banking?

I have accounts with Nat West. Transfers bewteen accounts is almost instant.

I can also transfer from say Nat West to HSBC or vice versa and it's the same, almost instant.

1st May 2013, 18:19
At no charge terpe? I have accounts with natwest and hsbc.

1st May 2013, 18:49
At no charge terpe? I have accounts with natwest and hsbc.

No charge that I'm aware of!

1st May 2013, 19:07
I will have a look Terpe.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st May 2013, 19:24
I will have a look Terpe.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Do you do online banking Andy?

1st May 2013, 19:26
Steve, don't you do online banking?

I have accounts with Nat West. Transfers bewteen accounts is almost instant.

I can also transfer from say Nat West to HSBC or vice versa and it's the same, almost instant.

yes i do all online but i had to speak to someone just to comfirm there is no charge at all once its paid on this certain day