View Full Version : life on mars

25th April 2013, 20:48
the old saying ,is there life on mars, is now outdated ,
now its,,, yes there will be life on mars,

anyone fancy a new destination, 1 way ticket,

ever since i can remember i always dreamed and wished i would see this in my life time,
still hope i do:olddude:


25th April 2013, 20:56
Theres a few politicians I would like to send there.:icon_lol:

25th April 2013, 21:15
Theres a few politicians I would like to send there.:icon_lol:


25th April 2013, 21:35
I hope there isn't life there because we'll probably have to send hundreds of millions in overseas aid :biggrin:

25th April 2013, 21:42
I hope there isn't life there because we'll probably have to send hundreds of millions in overseas aid :biggrin:

id tell them dont join the eu :biggrin: