View Full Version : The 2013 Budget

20th March 2013, 09:19
Take off the poor and give to the rich ... you have to love the Tories :Sex:

So Labour bankrupted the country .... the Tories are screwing up the poor :doh

To get the economy moving it is SIMPLE. Reduce VAT to 10%, take VAT off essential utilities and food, £10,000 tax threshold, minimum wage up to £10 and that instantly put more money in people's pockets, makes a lot of things look cheaper so we buy them, that gets the economy moving and more tax for the government.

They won't do that though as they like to use taxes to keep us over a barrel. :Cuckoo: :xxaction-smiley-047

20th March 2013, 09:53
Keith Driscoll for pm.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Whats your policy for immigration Keith?:wink:

20th March 2013, 10:01
Keith - even the Guardian says the opposite to you:


Everyone should be paying, not just the rich, 'middle class' or 'poor' (whatever they really are). The only thing that I am not happy with is that Councils and local authorities cut the wrong services and continue to waste money on pointless training - public sector waste (my Brother works in the local Council office, i hear plenty of tales of waste).

20th March 2013, 10:09
I take it your a millionaire then Trefor. Because they are the only ones that will gain from this budget.

20th March 2013, 10:14
Keith Driscoll for pm.:xxgrinning--00xx3:. Whats your policy for immigration Keith?:wink:

£10,000 Deposit for students
EU immigrants have to pass a degree in thermal nuclear dynamics to get in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2013, 10:28
Nice one boss. :xxgrinning--00xx3:. Its a start.

20th March 2013, 10:29
I take it your a millionaire then Trefor. Because they are the only ones that will gain from this budget.

Definitely not! I have worked for and earned every penny I have (and it isn't that much!), as have most higher rate taxpayers. I expect everyone to pay more, and I expect the wealthy to continue to pay far more than their fair share.

20th March 2013, 10:32
So why cut the tax rate for millionaires? Thats taking the urine.

20th March 2013, 10:46
So why cut the tax rate for millionaires? Thats taking the urine.

The 50% income tax? Look into it and you'll see it wasn't working. Those with THAT much money just found ways to cut their income (on paper) - just like a plumber/electrician/builder/taxi driver does.

20th March 2013, 11:11
The 20% VAT isn't working either, if they reduced it to 10% we then have bargains and people spend money.

20th March 2013, 11:42
The 50% income tax? Look into it and you'll see it wasn't working. Those with THAT much money just found ways to cut their income (on paper) - just like a plumber/electrician/builder/taxi driver does.
So what will 45% do? Im sure a taxi driver wouldnt do that.:icon_lol:

20th March 2013, 13:39
Take off the poor and give to the rich ... you have to love the Tories :Sex:

So Labour bankrupted the country .... the Tories are screwing up the poor :doh

To get the economy moving it is SIMPLE. Reduce VAT to 10%, take VAT off essential utilities and food, £10,000 tax threshold, minimum wage up to £10 and that instantly put more money in people's pockets, makes a lot of things look cheaper so we buy them, that gets the economy moving and more tax for the government.

They won't do that though as they like to use taxes to keep up over a barrel. :Cuckoo: :xxaction-smiley-047

Don't disagree with that.
He needs to spend some money to get people working. Public Housing projects to get the building industry going would be a good start.
Perhaps a cut in the overseas aid budget as well as we seem to be giving lots of money to places who don't really need it.

Arthur Little
20th March 2013, 14:06
Inevitably, tobacco products will be hit ... more money in the Government's coffers from the nation's :Smokin: "coughers"!!!

20th March 2013, 19:53
Get your own back..........

Save your old teabags, dry em............smoke em :biggrin:

20th March 2013, 20:24
So what will 45% do? Im sure a taxi driver wouldnt do that.:icon_lol:

:icon_lol:Good try I'm not biting on this one:biggrin:

20th March 2013, 22:45
I don't even bother to watch the boring old budget borelocks anymore. :NoNo:

Fags are going up 26p.

When I used to be a Rep for Carreras Rothmans in the early 70s, a Kingsize brand retailed AT 26p. :cwm3:

COUGH !:Smokin:

Throwing all the illegals and so-called asylum-seekers out, then leaving that moneypit the EU will save a damned fortune AND give us back control of our country and our economy. :mad:

Stop borrowing money people, stop having kids that you (and the country) can't afford and generally living beyond your means to impress OTHER people.

No amount of government contracts and new housing will pay for our IMPORTS !
Work harder PRODUCING quality goods that we can EXPORT, and pay attention in school ! :ReadIt:

We are becoming a nation of ignorant, idle drunkards.

20th March 2013, 22:47
:icon_lol:Good try I'm not biting on this one:biggrin:

20th March 2013, 22:52
If Les is self-employed he shouldn't be paying any income tax...otherwise his accountant needs sacking. :icon_lol:

20th March 2013, 22:55

20th March 2013, 23:09
£10,000 Deposit for students
EU immigrants have to pass a degree in thermal nuclear dynamics to get in :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good post ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2013, 23:26
Has he said anything about air fares going up?

21st March 2013, 07:39
I don't even bother to watch the boring old budget borelocks anymore. :NoNo:

Throwing all the illegals and so-called asylum-seekers out, then leaving that moneypit the EU will save a damned fortune AND give us back control of our country and our economy. :mad:

Stop borrowing money people, stop having kids that you (and the country) can't afford and generally living beyond your means to impress OTHER people.

No amount of government contracts and new housing will pay for our IMPORTS !
Work harder PRODUCING quality goods that we can EXPORT, and pay attention in school ! :ReadIt:

We are becoming a nation of ignorant, idle drunkards.

well said that man:xxgrinning--00xx3: