View Full Version : Question Time Tonight BBC1 22:35

7th March 2013, 21:20
Could be worth watching no doubt immigration will be an issue

Pundits quoted on another forum :-

Ken 'minister without a job' Clarke MP; Labour's shadow education secretary, Stephen 'he'll never' Twigg MP; Diane 'I'm not Farage. I'm the other one' James, UKIP candidate in the Eastleigh by-election; Bob '3 strikes' Crow, general secretary of the RMT union; and Daily Mail columnist 'Mad' Melanie Phillips

7th March 2013, 22:00
Should be interesting, but I might get too wound up by the despicable strike-monger Bob Crow! :cwm23:

The UKIP candidate and Daily Mail columnist are likely to spout a load of rubbish, as usual.

But Stephen Twigg is OK and I've got a lot of respect for Ken Clarke, even if he is a Tory!

7th March 2013, 22:16
These programmes just wind me up too much. :NoNo:

The country is being run by unpatriotic spineless traitors.

Prepare for another Bosnia in a few years. Hopefully I'll be six feet under by then. :icon_rolleyes:

7th March 2013, 22:21
Prepare for another Bosnia in a few years.
this is one of my concerns, they could not live together in their countries so living together in the next street, well it could all happen here

7th March 2013, 22:31
It could.

They also bring with them the hatred and tribalism from back home.

You only have to look at the constant fighting between Shiite and Sunni muslims...you know, both from that peace-loving Islam religion. :icon_rolleyes:

Another thing:
There was some woman on the radio this morning (Today programme) spouting off some PROPAGANDA about how good arranged marriages could be.

Dammit I nearly phoned up the bloody BBC to complain! I'm tired of them giving airtime to all these minorities, immigrants and religious nuts, so they can spout forth their rubbish. :mad:

:censored: 'diversity' !!! It's being FORCED upon us !!! :cwm23:

7th March 2013, 22:37
bohol does sound wonderful to me everyday, the more to read and see what is happening to england the more i think i dont want to be here, but i have not enough funds to make my dream come true just yet

7th March 2013, 22:43
Just make sure you have an extra room for the gardener/handyman....otherwise I'm going to have to go and live with Fred. :biggrin:

7th March 2013, 23:27
what a great idea you have there Graham, going from door to door as that handy person, infact a brill idea i say

8th March 2013, 00:26
Right, I'll pack me tools. :biggrin:

8th March 2013, 05:48
Just make sure you have an extra room for the gardener/handyman....otherwise I'm going to have to go and live with Fred. :biggrin:


8th March 2013, 18:04
Did anyone watch it ? I was surprised that Bob Crow came over well.

No surprise that the BBC had stuffed the audience full of Labour supporters who applauded when a blond haired girl bearing a strong resemblance to Miss Piggy accused Ukip of being "disgusting" and "fear mongering" because of their views on the impending Bulgarian and Romanian invasion.

Obviously she's forgotten the Labour manifesto no longer says it is racist to criticise immigration and it's effects.

8th March 2013, 18:09
Sorry mate, just couldn't go through the (inevitable) stress of it. :NoNo:

8th March 2013, 18:13
Your set would have had a large hole through the screen before it finished Graham :wink:

8th March 2013, 18:29
True, there may have been a slight loss of temper. :furious3:


8th March 2013, 19:44
Did anyone watch it ? I was surprised that Bob Crow came over well.

No surprise that the BBC had stuffed the audience full of Labour supporters who applauded when a blond haired girl bearing a strong resemblance to Miss Piggy accused Ukip of being "disgusting" and "fear mongering" because of their views on the impending Bulgarian and Romanian invasion.

Obviously she's forgotten the Labour manifesto no longer says it is racist to criticise immigration and it's effects.
I was so surprised to find myself agreeing with Bob Crow, that`s the first time I have ever heard a union rep oppose incoming immigrants.
Thats what I used to find mind blowing that they never really looked after their own members interest by letting in foreign labour to drive down work rates.
Melanie Phillips was also very good, in fact a unusually good question time.

Arthur Little
8th March 2013, 20:26
Hopefully I'll be six feet under by then. :icon_rolleyes:

:olddude: ... ah, I see, Graham ... :yeahthat: explains the Victor Meldrew, 'One Foot in the Grave' image :biggrin: portrayed by your latest avatar!

8th March 2013, 20:29
True ! :biggrin:

8th March 2013, 20:44
Just make sure you have an extra room for the gardener/handyman....otherwise I'm going to have to go and live with Fred. :biggrin:
Get in the queue. :laugher:

Arthur Little
8th March 2013, 21:13
True ! :biggrin:

:cwm24: ... aww, I don't believe it! :doh

8th March 2013, 22:05
Bob Crow is clueless! Some of the things he came out with were just crazy. :crazy:

The UKIP candidate and Daily Mail columnist were just scare-mongering as usual. And I fully agreed with the audience member who questioned UKIP's use of dodgy statistics.

Stephen Twigg had a few good things to say but was too intent on trying to score political points. Well done to Ken Clarke. He gave balanced and rational arguments and I found myself agreeing with him most of the time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th March 2013, 22:10
i think he was the best person there, ken clarke i mean, and miss piggy well was she a plant

8th March 2013, 23:13
Bob Crow is clueless! Some of the things he came out with were just crazy. :crazy:

The UKIP candidate and Daily Mail columnist were just scare-mongering as usual. And I fully agreed with the audience member who questioned UKIP's use of dodgy statistics.

Stephen Twigg had a few good things to say but was too intent on trying to score political points. Well done to Ken Clarke. He gave balanced and rational arguments and I found myself agreeing with him most of the time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now of course the other parties would NEVER use dodgy statistics, would they. :biggrin:

9th March 2013, 00:59
Bob Crow is clueless! Some of the things he came out with were just crazy. :crazy:

The UKIP candidate and Daily Mail columnist were just scare-mongering as usual. And I fully agreed with the audience member who questioned UKIP's use of dodgy statistics.

Stephen Twigg had a few good things to say but was too intent on trying to score political points. Well done to Ken Clarke. He gave balanced and rational arguments and I found myself agreeing with him most of the time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Did you turn the volume down

9th March 2013, 08:55

14th March 2013, 10:27
i think he was the best person there, ken clarke i mean, and miss piggy well was she a plant

Hit the nail on the head there about miss piggy, who earlier in the day had been at a meeting with Labours Stephen Twigg. All our major parties are so dirty I look forward to the day we out the party machines.

14th March 2013, 14:41
Hit the nail on the head there about miss piggy, who earlier in the day had been at a meeting with Labours Stephen Twigg. All our major parties are so dirty I look forward to the day we out the party machines.

Here you go Pete - Miss Piggy exposed

The Question Time stooge: How Labour Party planted a diehard supporter in the BBC audience to attack UKIP panellist on debate show

Labour activist Amy Rutland, 23, attacked UKIP candidate on Question Time
Politics graduate called UKIP Eastleigh candidate Diane James 'disgusting'
Accusations she was 'Labour Party plant' deliberately given airtime by BBC
BBC received dozens of complaints from viewers

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2292995/Question-Time-How-Labour-Party-planted-diehard-supporter-audience-attack-UKIP-panellist.html#ixzz2NWNjMDTu


Ugly looking tart with 2 chins

16th March 2013, 13:40
Here you go Pete - Miss Piggy exposed

The Question Time stooge: How Labour Party planted a diehard supporter in the BBC audience to attack UKIP panellist on debate show

Labour activist Amy Rutland, 23, attacked UKIP candidate on Question Time
Politics graduate called UKIP Eastleigh candidate Diane James 'disgusting'
Accusations she was 'Labour Party plant' deliberately given airtime by BBC
BBC received dozens of complaints from viewers

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2292995/Question-Time-How-Labour-Party-planted-diehard-supporter-audience-attack-UKIP-panellist.html#ixzz2NWNjMDTu


Ugly looking tart with 2 chins
She's pissed off she can't get a bloke :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
16th March 2013, 19:01
Funnily enough :icon_rolleyes: ... I've often wondered how many programmes of this kind have "props" in their 'studio' audiences, and/...

... /or travelling with panelists to appropriate locations from where such programmes are being televised.