View Full Version : Giant Chinese Cranes dock at Thames Estuary... Amazing!

2nd March 2013, 12:57

2nd March 2013, 14:17
it's :NoNo: they were not made in the UK

Michael Parnham
2nd March 2013, 14:17
Yes amazing, I wonder why they were not built by british companies:Erm:

2nd March 2013, 15:48
Yes amazing, I wonder why they were not built by british companies:Erm:

I suppose they'd need to be built in a shipyard and unfortunately we don't have many of those left

2nd March 2013, 15:56
so many new jobs coming to the london area it seems just in time for all the Europeans whos moving over here too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2013, 16:04
Yes amazing, I wonder why they were not built by british companies:Erm:

That's easy to answer michael, it's cheaper to make them in China.

Being in China right now and working in the heavy industry I have seen the capabilities of the Chinese, and there is nowhere in the UK that can even come close to what they have, either in machinery,factory space or manpower. The only thing that the Chinese lack is quality. Quality is my job right now in Shanghai, so I imagine these cranes were made under the supervision of some westerner like me, specially employed to make the grade. Still, they are really something to behold and I cant imagine the calculations that went into loading that ship, the mind boggles!!:Cuckoo: