View Full Version : my false tooth

21st February 2013, 18:55
well after so long of trying to get use to it and its hard i can tell you, i have finally not thought about it for 2 days running, dont even know its there,
Fixodent is the answer to my bigger smile,
All the problems trying to keep in in my mouth and all it took was a dob of fixodent:biggrin::biggrin:

21st February 2013, 19:21
Next time in Philippines have an 'inplant' screwed in. Nice quality work and really really really cheap. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Steve, did you notice how I emphasised the cheap bit :biggrin:

21st February 2013, 20:53
i am afraid you have been beaten with such news, Ems says when we are there next time we shall go and see if it can be done while we are there and its cheap too, SHE KNOWS ME SO WELL, and it seems my friends know me well too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2013, 21:29
i've broken a tooth the other day :cwm24:
hopefully i'm getting a crown put on it in a couple of weeks :cwm24: £209 :doh

21st February 2013, 22:23
Have you given it a full test on pork scratchings yet? :biggrin:

22nd February 2013, 00:32
poor tooth fairy has now signed on the dole :doh

Arthur Little
22nd February 2013, 00:47
Your false tooth

:yeahthat:'s no' real, Steve. But then ... :anerikke: ... NEITHER are MOST of MY teeth. :biggrin:

Arthur Little
22nd February 2013, 00:56
That said :icon_rolleyes: ... I've just finished a course of penicillin antibiotics prescribed two weeks' ago for a painful abscess which had developed beside one of my remaining LARGE back teeth. :yikes:

22nd February 2013, 01:11
My next 'must do' in the Phils....have replaced the screwed in one that screwed itself out. :doh

Otherwise, I have a full set of gnashers. :biggrin:

22nd February 2013, 06:40
I smashed my front tooth to pieces about 12 years ago, was working trying to do a nut up with a spanner and and the spanner slipped, shot up and smashed me on the tooth! I have a lovely false one that has never moved since being fixed in....... you watch it fall out now!

Cost hundreds of pounds, but somehow I managed to put it down as a work accident and my boss paid for it, luckily I was dating the dentists assistant at the time and I had some fillings and cosmetic stuff done at the same time and put it on my bosses bill!

22nd February 2013, 10:40
My next 'must do' in the Phils....have replaced the screwed in one that screwed itself out. :doh :biggrin:

I found that dental work was cheaper here than in the Philippines.

22nd February 2013, 11:02
I had an 'estimate' here a couple of weeks ago and it was in the hundreds. :cwm25:

My ex had a load of dental work done in the Phils...including extraction of a wisdom tooth and two top front teeth that had never erupted from her gum (like ingrowing toenails...weird). Total cost was about p15,000 and work done really well by a US trained dentist.

I've been extremely impressed by all the dental work done there, but I suppose it depends upon the individual dentist. :smile:

22nd February 2013, 11:06
Where are you getting your quotes from? £209 Is the most you should pay. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/dentists/Pages/nhs-dental-charges.aspx

As with all dentists not matter what country, you get good and bad.

22nd February 2013, 11:57
Where are you getting your quotes from? £209 Is the most you should pay. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/dentists/Pages/nhs-dental-charges.aspx

As with all dentists not matter what country, you get good and bad.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: £209 is what i've got to pay for root canal work :cwm24: so they can put a pin in, to hold the crown in, replace a filling that fell out ages ago, clean them all up :biggrin: all for £209.

but i'll not be going again for a couple of years..

I use to work with a Brit guy who use to go to Hungary to get his teeth done, he said just as good as UK but lot cheaper.

22nd February 2013, 12:34
Just a thought Steve, what with all these horses being slaughtered to go in our burgers, there must be a load of teeth lying around to make a complete set of dentures for you if you want...... just saying buddy :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:........:xxparty-smiley-004:

22nd February 2013, 14:16

22nd February 2013, 14:18
Just a thought Steve, what with all these horses being slaughtered to go in our burgers, there must be a load of teeth lying around to make a complete set of dentures for you if you want...... just saying buddy :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:........:xxparty-smiley-004:

nothing wrong with a bit of recycling :xxgrinning--00xx3: also long as you take some of that 'made in china' :censored: back :biggrin:

Arthur Little
22nd February 2013, 14:38
'made in china' :censored:

:cwm24: ... thought they were made in plastic! :biggrin:

Doc Alan
22nd February 2013, 15:15
My teeth are good enough to eat " Findus Ready Meals For One : Lasagne " .... but it gave me the trots :yikes:

Hardly surprising when it's an anagram of " Feed Your Diners Lame Nags an' Foals " :doh.

Arthur Little
22nd February 2013, 15:47
You'd Findus here
You'd Findus there
Yes ... even in Espagne
But ever since this recent scare
That's found in our lasagne
You'll scarcely Findus ANYWHERE! :NoNo:

23rd February 2013, 12:22


23rd February 2013, 14:48
I am worried now, I dont see many horses in China, but I just got back from my favorite restaurant and the steaks were lovely :222:

23rd February 2013, 15:02
I am worried now, I dont see many horses in China, but I just got back from my favorite restaurant and the steaks were lovely :222:

Panda :grosyeux:

23rd February 2013, 15:18
Panda :grosyeux:

Yes, it was 'rare' too yumm!!!

23rd February 2013, 15:27
Have them all out. No more pain. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd February 2013, 16:00
Have them all out. No more pain. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree:, Andy ... no more paying outrageous dental charges either. :xxgrinning--00xx3: