View Full Version : Vicky Pryce Trial

21st February 2013, 12:38
There is to be a retrial - Judge orders it after saying he thought "at least some jurors had a fundamental deficit in understanding".

I'd have thought jurors should have a good grasp of the English language.

21st February 2013, 17:30
Read the story today and I must say the Jury did ask some stupid questions. Makes you think that some sort of basic intelligence test should be carried out on potential jurors.

21st February 2013, 17:48
I wonder what the ethnic make up of the jury was :Erm:

21st February 2013, 17:56
I wonder what the ethnic make up of the jury was :Erm:

It did occur to me Ded after reading some of the questions.
You would think there should be some sort of literacy test if only to avoid the rather large expense of a re trial.
If anybody reading this should happen to be called for the re trial She is guilty by the way :biggrin:

21st February 2013, 18:12
As we know jurors can be rejected by the defence and replaced by those they feel more likely to give a not guilty verdict. Certain sections of society view wives as chattels who should obey their husbands every command.

21st February 2013, 22:21
It's people like those idiots that could have us locked up :yikes:

22nd February 2013, 07:59
I want her to be found not guilty, just to piss her husband off:icon_lol: