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View Full Version : Tesco comes bottom in Which survey

20th February 2013, 19:59
Just proves biggest is not always best


20th February 2013, 20:18
I am not at all surprised. :NoNo:

Shame I just happen to have one within walking distance, otherwise they wouldn't be seeing any of my money.

Michael Parnham
20th February 2013, 21:04
Never liked Tesco, still prefere Aldi/ Lidl !:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2013, 22:36
The nearest supermarkets to me are Waitrose and Asda, in fact the carparks are almost joined and it's just a couple of minutes walk from one store to another.
Some things I get from Asda and others from Waitrose.
I nearly always get my petrol from Sainsbury's, and when I do I usually get some stuff from their store.

We also buy quite a lot of stuff from Costco and from an oriental supermarket Hoo Hing or even Wing Yip in London.

We have no favourite, we know which products are cheapest in which store and when it's the time to get.

In these days Tesco just doesn't figure. Even when we lived within a reasonable distance of Tesco (maybe 3-5 minutes)
we never thought much of their quality.

Just our consideration.

BTW, if anyone has the chance to shop for foods (especially meat and fish) then Costco has to be the number 1
imo. It may not be the absolute cheapest per se , but by gosh the quality is just outstanding.
The cost is pretty reasonable £/kg but just you have to buy the larger quantity.

Well that's our view anyway :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th February 2013, 22:37
farnfoods for me:xxgrinning--00xx3: