View Full Version : Nexplanon: I will have mine removed today

18th February 2013, 14:48

I wonder if anyone of the wives here are taking contraceptions?

Well, mine I had the nexplanon. It is an implant which I had 4 weeks after I had Ace. Now we are planning to have another baby so will have mine removed today.

Here were my experiences..
First month I was bleeding heavily for a week. Then it stopped for about 6 months, though I'm breastfeeding continuously up to present.
After that I've been having spots every other week or a mild migraine once every other month sometimes none at all.
No weight gain or whatsoever. I'm still a size 8 at 5'6" and still weighing 8 stones and half.

18th February 2013, 14:54
I'm just having the pills at the moment..Yasmin is what it's called.

18th February 2013, 14:57
I tried Yasmin before way back 2 years ago. Makes me hungry and grumpy everytime I get hungry.
For it has similar effects as the nexplanon. Except I don't like to remember taking it. Just me being lazy I guess. Or just don't want my liver to work hard on sifting what I take through my mouth.

18th February 2013, 15:24
I don't actually experience any side effects on it. I'm usually grumpy when hungry even before I started taking pills..hahaha..:icon_lol: I used to take Diane when I was in the Philippines as the OB prescribed me that since I was also concern about acne/pimples. But when I got here, GP had to replaced that with Yasmin because he said it's not a very good contaceptive because it's more of an acne prevention.

18th February 2013, 22:31
Hello ladies!

Guess what? I just had an Nexplanon implanted last saturday which hopefully will keep me safe from getting pregnant for 3 years. I have been having the Depo Injections and no bleeding at all, but mine you I've had such a good appetite..:hubbahubba:
The only problem is the side effect for long term used. It decreases your bone density and you will be required to have a bone density scan after 2 or 3 years.
So we decided to have an implant. It's still a bit sore but it will heal in a few days.

Glad to know we ladies are being responsible and know what we want and whats best for us. One thing that I would suggest though is not to missed your Pap smear test. Very very important!

18th February 2013, 22:34
I don't actually experience any side effects on it. I'm usually grumpy when hungry even before I started taking pills..hahaha..:icon_lol: I used to take Diane when I was in the Philippines as the OB prescribed me that since I was also concern about acne/pimples. But when I got here, GP had to replaced that with Yasmin because he said it's not a very good contaceptive because it's more of an acne prevention.

Hey Rayna! Yasmin and Diane have a good positive side effects especially on your skin. Kaya pala Ikaw si Rayna Puti....super hiyang!
I tried taking the pills but unfortunately is not for me aside from being forgetfull it gives me such a splitting headache.

18th February 2013, 22:38
Hey Rayna! Yasmin and Diane have a good positive side effects especially on your skin. Kaya pala Ikaw si Rayna Puti....super hiyang!
I tried taking the pills but unfortunately is not for me aside from being forgetfull it gives me such a splitting headache.

Hahaha..But I don't want to get whiter! I already got enough from my dad's genes! :icon_lol: Good thing I never had any bad side effects with the pills..I have a friend who always got a headache when she was using Diane so she had to change it.

18th February 2013, 23:10
i know its ladies only :xxparty-smiley-004:

my misses had one of these in her arm for a few years, i think it expired nearly a year ago, and it's still in her arm, i told her to get it removed, she said she cant be bothered :doh

22nd February 2013, 19:26
Its best if it will be removed joe. Goodness knows what effects it can give to her in the future.

Michael Parnham
22nd February 2013, 20:19
What is Nexplanon?:Erm:

22nd February 2013, 20:27
I am taking Femodene ..it works fine with me and my endometriosis:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd February 2013, 20:33

Here were my experiences..
First month I was bleeding heavily for a week. Then it stopped for about 6 months, though I'm breastfeeding continuously up to present.
After that I've been having spots every other week or a mild migraine once every other month sometimes none at all.
No weight gain or whatsoever. I'm still a size 8 at 5'6" and still weighing 8 stones and half.

I had a bad migraine on my first contraceptives ,your GP will change it until it works fine.

23rd February 2013, 10:49
Its best if it will be removed joe. Goodness knows what effects it can give to her in the future.

well my misses should know better, shes training to be a GP :doh

24th February 2013, 00:22
i know its ladies only :xxparty-smiley-004:

my misses had one of these in her arm for a few years, i think it expired nearly a year ago, and it's still in her arm, i told her to get it removed, she said she cant be bothered :doh

Oh dear o'dear!
You know what that means yeah?
If that thing is expired its no longer effective and will need additional precaution. :biggrin:

24th February 2013, 00:26
What is Nexplanon?:Erm:

Its a little rod being implanted underneath the woman's arm. It changes the reproductive hormone like estrogen or progesteron not make her pregnant. In short its a contracentive. :biggrin::biggrin:

Michael Parnham
24th February 2013, 13:06
Well! you live and learn, thankyou for the info.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th February 2013, 14:45
Well! you live and learn, thankyou for the info.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
My pleasure!