View Full Version : what to leave the kids once you have departed

17th February 2013, 12:10
no i am not on about departing for Bohol, but departing from this world.
If you have children from another life and no children with your new partner what do you do, you want to make sure your wife is secure and dont want for anything if that is possible, and what happens if you are thousands of miles away in another part of the world too.
My daughter has offered to rent the house when we move so in that way there will be a income coming for us, but how long do you say i want money from your child, till i am dead , then what happens to your wife with no income coming in.
I hope to live for at least 20 years after i retire, that would be nice longer if possible, but can i expect 20+ years of rental from my kids, i have said once we are both gone its your house but do you think that is too much to ask,

17th February 2013, 12:23
A spade. :biggrin:

17th February 2013, 13:02
A spade. :biggrin:

and a high quality fertilizer :biggrin:

17th February 2013, 13:04
now now lads, a match will do and a log

17th February 2013, 13:21
You obviously love your kids and your new partner equally. Might be a different kind of love but it is still unconditionally.
I don't see a problem with renting the house to your daughter if she can afford it.
Hope you don't mind me asking this. When/if you come to the Philippines will your wife stop working or does she plan to have a small business?

17th February 2013, 13:38
well theres another thing to sort out once we are there,
Ems want to start a business up , doing her dads place up and renting doors as they call it, but wheres the cash coming from i say,
Its a tuff one to answer jake, i know what i want but i hope Ems wants it too,just a large lot so i can grow everything i want and have a few chicks around and just live like that , the odd trip here and there, but the more you look at it, the more it becomes hard,
I want Bohol and even though Ems says thats fine i know she would love to be near her dad in Marikina, but if i am going to the phils i want to live where i want for the time being.
Going off your question a little sorry, but if Ems wants a business other then one costing millions and alot of those ,a sari store but i am sure you are wasting your money on anything like those

17th February 2013, 13:57
Think she would need some sort of business just to keep her busy, especially if she is used to working. "Steve and Ems Jet Ski's For Hire" on a nice beach in Bohol sounds good :xxgrinning--00xx3:
The problem with having a business here is you do need to run it yourself and have somebody who is trustworthy when you are not around. Not always the easiest thing to do but definitely. possible

17th February 2013, 14:07
funny thing you say there, i would love to set up a bed & breakfast something to keep us both busy even sailboats around panglao, just like boracay, if it makes money then great if not we would have enjoyed the company, lots of things to look at but one thing i am sure of is i am not throwing money into something i dont want too

17th February 2013, 16:27
just a large lot so i can grow everything i want and have a few chicks around and just live like that.

Lucky you!!

What will I leave my kids?
Everything that I have ..and still working for.
Who else would we leave it too?

17th February 2013, 17:28
just a large lot so i can grow everything i want and have a few chicks around and just live like that ,

Sounds good to me. :biggrin:

17th February 2013, 20:54
and chickens too:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

17th February 2013, 21:01
and chickens too:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

dont get too many chicks


17th February 2013, 21:02
Lucky you!!

What will I leave my kids?
Everything that I have ..and still working for.
Who else would we leave it too?

i might just leave my ashes :biggrin:

Arthur Little
17th February 2013, 22:02
so i can grow everything i want and have a few chicks around

Hmm ... :anerikke: ... you could always "sow your wild oats" with a few "chicks" :erotic4::erotic4::erotic4: around. Emma wouldn't be too chuffed, though, I reckon! :NoNo: