View Full Version : reps...thank you

14th February 2013, 20:30

I still don't quite used to everything here (icons etc) but i got a notification about reps im not sure who to thanked for that (i lost it on my screen:Erm:):biggrin:, thank you, you know who you are. I received that kind of thing 2x and i don't know for sure what that for, maybe its the colour thing beside my name :biggrin:. Anyways, i just want to use the oppurtunity to thank everyone.
Thanks to the admin and the whole forum members, its really fun to be a member here, known some new friends though havem't met them personally yet but it makes me happy. Sharing other members journey (from the planning-waiting-accomplishments), sharing the :Jump:happiness and sadness :bigcry:, it does make my day worthwhile. Waking up, checking my forum account, fb :icon_lol:, ohhh can't imagine without you all and my family here. Thank you everyone for welcoming me here, for being so nice and friendly. I wish everyone a happy Valentines day.


14th February 2013, 22:15
Gwen, if you look below every post/comment/reply, there are icons there beside the words "Add as Article". You can see a star there and that's how you can give "I approve" rep (positive rep) and "I disapprove" rep (negative rep). I think you can only give reps once you become a Respected Member. But don't worry, the more helpful posts and reps you get, you can get promoted automatically. The green blobs below your name are your reps, green for positive and red for negative. If you get a negative rep, your green blobs would be lesser till you can only see red blobs if you got a lot of negative rep (hopefully not!). You can check all the reps you got by clicking "Settings" at the right top corner of the forum page. You would not know who gave you a rep unless they put their name. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th February 2013, 09:32
love yah sis Gwen! :blowkiss: I'm so glad you're my friend. thank you for everything. :thankyou: