View Full Version : Eastern European quality cuts...

9th February 2013, 23:33
...of horsemeat, carefully selected in Romania and prepared for you in France. Where would we be without the wonderful EU ? :smile:


10th February 2013, 00:55
apparently they are selling their horses in Romania as they are not needed now they are all heading for the UK:yikes:

Ako Si Jamie
10th February 2013, 01:17
A cow walks into a bar. The bartender says "Why the long face?" The cow replies "Those bloody horses, coming here, stealing our jobs!"

10th February 2013, 01:27
Yes, I put two and two together after reading a report the other day about the horses being swapped for motor vehicles after the horse-drawn things were banned from main roads in Romania.

That was before they reported in the press here about the meat having been traced back to Romania.

So, an excess of horsemeat in the freezers and some crooks come up with the bright idea of smuggling it into the food chain as beef. :smile:

All made so much easier now that we're in the EU, and people in other countries couldn't give a crap that British citizens prefer not to eat horses. Nope, we're just there to be conned and to be made money out of.

I vote we grow more of our own meat in this country, which we're perfectly capable of doing, and tell the EU to go to hell. :mad:

I'm perfectly happy to pay a few pence more for my burgers if it's keeping our own people in work and I'm not being supplied with something that could just as easily have been poisonous. :NoNo:

10th February 2013, 01:30
A cow walks into a bar. The bartender says "Why the long face?" The cow replies "Those bloody horses, coming here, stealing our jobs!"

Bullocks. :biggrin:

10th February 2013, 11:07
The UK has some of the best meat anywhere in the world.
Plus, it is 'farm assured', fully checked independently and fully traceable.

This issue has nothing at all to do with the EU, it's more to do with WHY UK food manufacturers and major supermarkets will not buy British.
It's about profits and pushing responsibility for specifications down the chain.

10th February 2013, 11:11
Further confirmation that Romania is viewed by many as a feral state

10th February 2013, 11:20
The UK has some of the best meat anywhere in the world.
Plus, it is 'farm assured', fully checked independently and fully traceable.

This issue has nothing at all to do with the EU, it's more to do with WHY UK food manufacturers and major supermarkets will not buy British.
It's about profits and pushing responsibility for specifications down the chain.

Quite agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I still want us to be out of the EU though. :xxaction-smiley-047

10th February 2013, 11:29
the only way you will be out of the EU, is to be in the phils

11th February 2013, 13:51
Looks like we'll be getting some Romanian Donkey Meat :yikes:


11th February 2013, 14:18
Romanian horses 'endemically' infected

Horses in Romania, which are the source of the latest horsemeat contamination, are "endemically" infected by a disease known as "horse AIDS", reports the Daily Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinknews/9859946/Horse-meat-scandal-More-contaminated-food-likely-to-be-found.html).

Three years ago the EU banned Romania from exporting horses with the disease, as well as live exports of all Romanian horses.


I was eating those Tesco burgers for years. Thought they'd become a bit 'rich' of late.

On the plus side, I do seem to have become a bit more 'frisky'.:Erm: