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27th December 2012, 15:53
Personally, I think this year a korean pop star get a billion views on utube and is pretty substantial....even better than a man jumping from space....and getting my ILR and Samsung Galaxy SIII came a close second...:biggrin:

what do u feel is the best things to come out of 2012 ??

27th December 2012, 16:18
:yikes: :NoNo: Felix Baumgartner jump was number 1, me and my little girl was watching him live, wondering if he would make it :yikes:

pacman getting knock out :xxparty-smiley-004: justice for Marquez and showing pacman is only human

my misses getting training as a GP , 7yr long journey nearly at an end

Arthur Little
27th December 2012, 17:52
:anerikke: ... undoubtedly one the MAIN events to grab world headlines every four years are the Olympics. And with this year being the first in which the Games have been staged in London since 1948 - with so many many of the plaudits going to the "home nation" - it's little wonder!

27th December 2012, 17:58
The best thing about 2012 is that I've nearly made it to the end.....I just hope 2013 is a little less stressful

27th December 2012, 18:34
2012 has been a great year!

Personally, 2012 has seen me start a new job that i really enjoy. We also got the news that another baby is on the way! There have been weddings, holidays and plenty of good times. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The Olympics was absolutely brilliant in so many ways and was a great showcase for the country. I also enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations more than I thought I would! As for the highlight, this part of the Olympic Opening Ceremony was just awesome. The music, the drummers, the spectacle..... absolutely brilliant. Made me so proud to be British.

Arthur Little
27th December 2012, 19:37
2012 - like practically every twelve-month period throughout recorded time - has, of course, had its share of "peaks and troughs".

No one who's lived here in :Britain: during the 12 months about to close, needs ME to remind them that the period has witnessed some of the wettest :raining: conditions in living memory. But, that said, our tiny island is, indeed, extremely fortunate compared with numerous other world countries, weatherwise.

However, while a few may look back on the past year, with fond memories ... many, many more will breathe a HUGE sigh of relief when it's finally over.

Now ... as we fast-approach the cusp of another NEW Year ... perhaps ALL of us - regardless of whether we're religious, atheist or agnostic - would do well to pause for a few moments' reflection :icon_rolleyes: in order to spare a thought for those individuals known to us whose lives have, for WHATEVER reason(s), been tinged with worry, sorrow, :bigcry: regret or any other kinds of unhappiness.

Hopefully, next year will be a brighter, happier one for all concerned. :smile:

So ... roll on 2013! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

South-east boy
29th December 2012, 13:13
My highlights were February when I saw Viva a few times when she came to UK for a short while, May & June when I had my first holiday abroad in a long time and was my first holiday to Philippines, but even better I got to spend that time with Viva :heartshape1:, being a movie extra in the new Les Miserables musical and being in scenes with Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman, the London Olympics, buying my new car and the Ellie Goulding gig in London a couple of weeks back. There are others, but can't remember them all!

Not so good things were being made redundant recently (although if I find a job soon, that being made redundant could be a good thing), old car costing a fortune when it kept playing up causing much hassle and grief, 4 water leaks in my flat which cost to sort out and meant I had to re-decorate and the non-stop rain and not much sun throughout the year!

29th December 2012, 13:36
Getting married to my lovely hubby is the only best thing this year for me..:heartshape1:

Olympics has been great though :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th December 2012, 13:47
Getting married to my lovely hubby is the only best thing this year for me..:heartshape1:

Olympics has been great though :xxgrinning--00xx3:

all good things come in 3's :biggrin: maybe you'll get your FLR this year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th December 2012, 13:52
all good things come in 3's :biggrin: maybe you'll get your FLR this year :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'd be lucky if it'll arrive before the new year! :doh:NoNo: I just missed another job opportunity as I need to decline the job because I don't have my FLR(M) yet. It's another job which is the same as my previous work in the Philippines. :doh

29th December 2012, 13:59
I'd be lucky if it'll arrive before the new year! :doh:NoNo: I just missed another job opportunity as I need to decline the job because I don't have my FLR(M) yet. It's another job which is the same as my previous work in the Philippines. :doh

:cwm23: pitty you can't sue them for loss of earnings, i doubt it as they can do what the :censored: they like :doh

29th December 2012, 15:59
:cwm23: pitty you can't sue them for loss of earnings, i doubt it as they can do what the :censored: they like :doh

If only I can sue them, I've already done that! :NoNo: