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19th December 2012, 18:24
its been a week now and its doing my head in, any advice will be treated with respect and good advice will be rewarded with a gift,its a front top tooth that is on a plate but its moving all the time, the tooth when i bit down moves the plate a little, so what can i do other then throw it away which i dont want to do, can i fix it in with that stuff you use with sets of false teeth, help me please

stevie c
19th December 2012, 18:29
Yes Steve you can my mother has false teeth & uses fixadent & she says it sticks her teeth all day long without any problems

19th December 2012, 18:44
the problem i have stevie is its just 1 tooth and the plate fits into the roof of my mouth, it makes me gag, this fixadent would that stick to the roof of my mouth, plus its always wet so it might not fix at all

stevie c
19th December 2012, 18:47
Steve you wouldn't even know its there whether its for one tooth or ten
It's sticks kind super glue

Arthur Little
19th December 2012, 20:10
Years ago ... when I was still an active Boys' Brigade Officer, I would, on many an occasion, be designated the task of putting the lads "through their paces" on the drill floor - "military-style" Drill being one of the so-called "Twin Pillars" of the BB movement.

Let me tell you a very funny story about what happened to me one Friday evening - 'Parade Night' - in the Company to which I belonged.

It's often said that "a picture is worth a thousand words". Alas, I don't have the means to illustrate *what I'm about to recount. So bear with me, :please: ... and, hopefully, no one will get bored when they *:ReadIt:

Anyway ... there I was ... marching the squad of boys round the hall ...

... when suddenly ... opening my gob to yell out the command "Halt!" :grosyeux: in order to bring the squad to a standstill ... my partial dentures came flying out ... in full view of everyone present!!! :omg:

Swiftly regaining my composure (embarrassing though my predicament was) I bent down to retrieve my loose falsers ... simultaneously dissolving into fits of laughter ... :laugher:

20th December 2012, 07:26
I was not in the regular army but 20 years in the TA, where a lot of drill also took place
I expect some of the boys dreaded the drill, so the sight of your teeth flying out would have
brought them some relief!:Rasp:

I also had a top plate with one front tooth on it, I never did get the thing to stay in place and ended up only putting it in for photographs!
Lost a few more teeth since and do not have a plate at all now.

20th December 2012, 11:42
Well, I still have the gap...soon to be replaced with a 'bridge', but on the plus side, my hair appears to be growing back. :smile:


20th December 2012, 12:19
hahahahaha..nice one Arthur! :icon_lol: But I think your story before of going to a wrong funeral was still funnier :biggrin:

20th December 2012, 12:22
The wrong funeral one was funny....just be careful when bending over graves...even the wrong ones, that you don't drop your teeth in Arthur. :icon_lol:

20th December 2012, 12:34
Now Arthur spitting his teeth out in front of everyone at the wrong funeral!!!! :yikes: :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
20th December 2012, 15:53
:icon_lol: I think your story before of going to a wrong funeral was still funnier :biggrin:

D'you think so? Hmm :icon_rolleyes: ... "grave" situation!

....just be careful when bending over graves...even the wrong ones, that you don't drop your teeth in Arthur. :icon_lol:

:doh ... all it would need, is one 'false' move!

Now Arthur spitting his teeth out in front of everyone at the wrong funeral!!!! :yikes: :icon_lol:

:cwm24: ... humour on a plate!

...soon to be replaced with a *'bridge'

Yeah ... well ... :anerikke: ... I'll cross *that :yeahthat: when I come to it!

20th December 2012, 16:02
Well, I still have the gap...soon to be replaced with a 'bridge', but on the plus side, my hair appears to be growing back. :smile:


Graham... Forget the teeth.. I reckon this might be more your thing..


20th December 2012, 16:05
Graham... Forget the teeth.. I reckon this might be more your thing..



Doc Alan
20th December 2012, 16:14
Given " Arf ur " chance this will " dent your " image ... just a Little :yikes:

20th December 2012, 16:55

20th December 2012, 17:01
its been a week now and its doing my head in, any advice will be treated with respect and good advice will be rewarded with a gift,its a front top tooth that is on a plate but its moving all the time, the tooth when i bit down moves the plate a little, so what can i do other then throw it away which i dont want to do, can i fix it in with that stuff you use with sets of false teeth, help me please
I dont know why you didnt go to the bank and pay for one of those screw in jobs steve. Job done. They only cost about £2000 fitted.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2012, 18:57
Graham... Forget the teeth.. I reckon this might be more your thing..

Oy ! I resemble that remark ! :1056158225:

...and that hairdo. :cwm3:

20th December 2012, 21:03
i am glad the thread is generating thun thun thun

20th December 2012, 21:10
Sorry...distracted there.

Legs and Co. are on BBC4 TOTP 1977. :hubbahubba:

Back to my youth. :biggrin:

Had perfect teeth and loads of hair then. :(

20th December 2012, 21:16
legs and co, wow remember pans people too

20th December 2012, 21:41
Aye, back in the days of skinny women. :smile:

20th December 2012, 22:27