View Full Version : Drunk woman raped by 2 illegals

11th December 2012, 13:32
A night out in Bournemouth ended in terror for a 23-year-old woman when she was raped by two illegal immigrants, a court heard yesterday.


More human detritus who should not have been in the country :cwm23:

11th December 2012, 13:43
How DISGUSTING is that? They already are illegal now they have done such a terrifying thing. They need HANGING the C***S! GRRRRRRR! :cwm23::furious3:

11th December 2012, 13:55
Like 99% of so called "asylum seekers" these animals are single males under 30 years old attracted to our soft touch of a country by its benefits, leniency towards criminals, bizarre human rights rules etc etc

I agree with you meloves they should be strung up http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb1/opsphillips/hang.gif

11th December 2012, 13:58
You might as well give up. They wont control it. We all know what should happen but until the government act on these things its a waste of time. Its no good blaming blair all the time. I have said it before its this government that needs to act. Too much talk not enough action.

11th December 2012, 16:47
You might as well give up. They wont control it. We all know what should happen but until the government act on these things its a waste of time. Its no good blaming blair all the time. I have said it before its this government that needs to act. Too much talk not enough action.

I won't give up. The present Govt was handed an appalling mess of mass uncontrolled immigration down to 13 years of Labour in power. They opened the floodgates in a cynical attempt to create future Labour voters

Labour threw open the doors to mass migration in a deliberate policy to change the social make-up of the UK, secret papers suggest.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249797/Labour-threw-open-doors-mass-migration-secret-plot-make-multicultural-UK.html#ixzz2El2Tt73T

People on this board need to realise that the current stringent immigration rules making it harder to obtain visas for their loved ones are a direct result of years of mass uncontrolled immigration (mainly of the wrong type of people) deliberately perpetuated by Labour.

This irresponsible immigration policy is also a prime cause of the spiralling crime wave. Labours legacy has made it increasingly difficult for the indigenous population to obtain jobs, housing, decent healthcare and education.

Today's census figures show that the legal immigrant population went up by 3 million between 2001 and 2011 (perfectly coinciding with a large chunk of Labours time in power) - add to that millions of illegal immigrants and you can see why we are in the current mess

11th December 2012, 18:20
I won't give up. The present Govt was handed an appalling mess of mass uncontrolled immigration down to 13 years of Labour in power. They opened the floodgates in a cynical attempt to create future Labour voters

Labour threw open the doors to mass migration in a deliberate policy to change the social make-up of the UK, secret papers suggest.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1249797/Labour-threw-open-doors-mass-migration-secret-plot-make-multicultural-UK.html#ixzz2El2Tt73T

People on this board need to realise that the current stringent immigration rules making it harder to obtain visas for their loved ones are a direct result of years of mass uncontrolled immigration (mainly of the wrong type of people) deliberately perpetuated by Labour.

This irresponsible immigration policy is also a prime cause of the spiralling crime wave. Labours legacy has made it increasingly difficult for the indigenous population to obtain jobs, housing, decent healthcare and education.

Today's census figures show that the legal immigrant population went up by 3 million between 2001 and 2011 (perfectly coinciding with a large chunk of Labours time in power) - add to that millions of illegal immigrants and you can see why we are in the current mess

Deds quite a few people will agree with what you have said.
But quite a few people elected Cameron for change and what have we got more of the same.
Labour look on them as future voters and Tories look on them as cheap labour.
I was in Russell and Bromley the other day and all 5 members of staff had Eastern European accents. It's no coincidence that the Tories are making no great effort to stem the flow of free movement because their paymasters love the cheap labour.
Far from trying to sort the problem out it looks like even more are on their way in the next few years with even more rag bag democracies gaining entitlements.

11th December 2012, 19:50
Dedworth, I'm totally in agreement with what you have taken the time to both research and write.

bigmarco, you also make some good points.

It does seem that our current MPs of all persusions are the most selfish, greedy, gutless and traitorous ever, where the interests of the MAJORITY of the electorate of this country are concerned .:cwm23:

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 19:57
They need HANGING the C***S! GRRRRRRR! :cwm23::furious3::icon_lol: Can tell you've been living in England with that kind of language :icon_lol:

11th December 2012, 20:05
:icon_lol: Can tell you've been living in England with that kind of language :icon_lol:


got it from this.


11th December 2012, 20:17
Be careful out there ladies.

Don't walk anywhere alone after dark. The country is filling up with out of control animals.:NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 20:34

got it from this.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9dzEt917oYBy the way it's regarded as one of the most offensive words going, and is very rarely used by women themselves. :wink::smile:

11th December 2012, 20:55

Not a word to be thrown around willynilly...even in IMPOLITE COMPANY. :omg:

11th December 2012, 21:12
I know that as I have searched it on the internet when I first heard it. Very rarely used by ladies yes but ladies (adults/teens) swears like there no 2morow as what Ive seen on telly. No respect to the authoroties. :yikes::omg:

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 22:05
Stop watching programmes like Jeremy Kyle! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

They're not a good influence and paint a bad picture of British people.

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 22:05
Whoops....double post

11th December 2012, 22:59
How DISGUSTING is that? They already are illegal now they have done such a terrifying thing. They need HANGING the C***S! GRRRRRRR! :cwm23::furious3:
Novie bad word. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

11th December 2012, 23:01
Novie bad word. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:

ohh come off of it andy. dont tell me that u dont swear. do me a favour.

11th December 2012, 23:04
Stop watching programmes like Jeremy Kyle! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

They're not a good influence and paint a bad picture of British people.

it wasnt the jeremy kyle show. never watched that before. i watch police crimes and emergency calls. seen all this drunken brits swearing to the police. well i was just saying what i have seen.

11th December 2012, 23:07
Ok I do but only when I am mad. I dont use that word though.:wink:. And I dont swear in front of my wife and kids. To be fair they dont use it in front of me either.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th December 2012, 23:09
it wasnt the jeremy kyle show. never watched that before. i watch police crimes and emergency calls. seen all this drunken brits swearing to the police. well i was just saying what i have seen.
Drunken brits? Never.:laugher:

11th December 2012, 23:28
Ok I do but only when I am mad. I dont use that word though.:wink:. And I dont swear in front of my wife and kids. To be fair they dont use it in front of me either.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

there you go then. what u on about? :NoNo:

in the first place these animals that raped this lady deserved to be called like that and possibly more than that and yes andy drunken brits.

Ako Si Jamie
11th December 2012, 23:33
seen all this drunken brits swearing to the police. Sounds like one of the forum's get-togethers :icon_lol:

12th December 2012, 00:24
No I must disagree, they are not c****s, because a c*** has a use - these pieces of pig droppings do not have any use whatsoever :cwm23:

12th December 2012, 14:28
Woman denies lying over rape allegation

Edmund Gritt, representing Ghorzanig, showed the woman CCTV footage of her walking towards the men, stop and approach them.


12th December 2012, 14:31
there you go then. what u on about? :NoNo:

in the first place these animals that raped this lady deserved to be called like that and possibly more than that and yes andy drunken brits.
Steady on Novie Im only winding you up.:biggrin:

12th December 2012, 14:35
Woman denies lying over rape allegation

Edmund Gritt, representing Ghorzanig, showed the woman CCTV footage of her walking towards the men, stop and approach them.


Drunk women may act in strange ways, but that doesn't mean she wasn't raped.

12th December 2012, 14:39
Its not rocket science after all in afghanistan women have no rights so its probably natural to those 2 peices of garbage..

12th December 2012, 14:46
I think melovesengland is shocked at the kind of vile knuckledraggers we allow to freely live in the UK. If it was up to me all these spurious so called "asylum seekers" would be kept in tents behind razor wire on an uninhabited island eating a subsistence diet - they would remain there whilst their claims were investigated or until they pleaded to be sent back to wherever they came from.

I find it an affront to my human rights that these germs who may well be violent criminals or carrying diseases are allowed the freedom to roam our streets

12th December 2012, 15:01
The problem is they are still getting in here. I think that needs to be sorted out first.

18th December 2012, 14:20
Pair cleared of shop rape

A PAIR of illegal immigrants were found not guilty of rape in court yesterday but still face potential deportation.


18th December 2012, 16:03
Ship them out urgently reduce the germ count

20th December 2012, 11:48
Could be worse,theres a big Hoo-ha in india at the moment over a student gang-raped on a moving bus in Delhi then thrown off the bus as it trundled through Delhis traffic,as yet nothing has been done about the perpetrators as the woman dressed provocatively and asked for it :Erm: Theres a rape every 20 minutes in india,a third of those rapes are on children,crazy world :icon_rolleyes: In egypt at the moment theres a craze for gangs of young guys to pursue and harrass young women on the street,stripping the girls clothes and inserting their fingers in places they shouldnt be :NoNo:

20th December 2012, 12:27
Yes, saw that TV report on the Egyptian degenerates. :NoNo:

Nice place for tourists. :icon_rolleyes:

20th December 2012, 12:38
Yes, saw that TV report on the Egyptian degenerates.
But its all done in the name of religion Ded so its ok,those young egyptian guys arent getting worked up into a sexual frenzy when they rip girls clothes off in the street and paw and fondle her,its simply being fervently religious :Erm: According to the guys anyway :Erm:

20th December 2012, 13:26
Of course it's nothing to do with their stone-age religion treating women as chattels and not permitting sex outide of marriage. The poor men have their hormonal drives to satisy :icon_rolleyes:. I wonder how they feel about their sisters being abused in this way. :censored: hypocrites .:NoNo: