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View Full Version : is it still the end of the world this month?

9th December 2012, 13:17
only i need to know--if it is it means i can have my central heating on--i wont have to pay for the gas.:biggrin:

9th December 2012, 14:17
I think it's just the end of the year. :Erm:

9th December 2012, 14:21
I think it's just the end of the year. :Erm:

9th December 2012, 14:23
here in philippines we have many typhoons and in japan are earthquakes. people here in phil is more religious so maybe some gonna go crazy. I do not believe in end of the world 12.21.12. maybe in america they believe like in brazil they go so crazy :crazy::crazy: my wayne does not believe it. how many in uk gonna believe the end of the world?:holiday08:

9th December 2012, 14:27
the end of the world for me i think will be when i close my eyes for the last time when i am 93 years of age after just :do_it::do_it:

Arthur Little
9th December 2012, 14:39
the end of the world for me i think will be when i close my eyes for the last time when i am 93 years of age after just :do_it::do_it:

:olddude: ... by which time I'll be 107 ... and still have another 7 years to go, Steve ... as Myrna wants us to reach our Golden Wedding Anniversary - in 2058 :Help1:!

That's MY Armageddon! :yeahthat:

9th December 2012, 14:57
well lets hope we both reach our goals :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th December 2012, 15:21
21/12/2012 is the end of the world.

9th December 2012, 16:22
12/12/2012 is the end of the world.

According to Mayan Calendar, it's December 21, 2012..If it's true, I hope I get my visa and documents first, so in case there are survivors around our area, I'd get to be recognized! :biggrin:

9th December 2012, 17:16
I think I will have that day as a sickie.:icon_lol:

9th December 2012, 18:16
i don't think the world would just end that instant on that day. :NoNo: maybe it means its the 'start' of something :anerikke:

9th December 2012, 20:20
Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears

"Fears that the end of the world is nigh have spread across the world with only days until the end of the Mayan calendar, with doomsday-mongers predicting a cataclysmic end to the history of Earth."

"Ahead of December 21, which marks the conclusion of the 5,125-year "Long Count" Mayan calendar, panic buying of candles and essentials has been reported in China and Russia, along with an explosion in sales of survival shelters in America. In France believers were preparing to converge on a mountain where they believe aliens will rescue them.
The precise manner of Armageddon remains vague, ranging from a catastrophic celestial collision between Earth and the mythical planet Nibiru, also known as Planet X, a disastrous crash with a comet, or the annihilation of civilisation by a giant solar storm."


Arthur Little
10th December 2012, 00:35
How about at the hands of some "trigger-happy" idiots with access to nuclear resources??

:yeahthat:'d seem the most LIKELY cause, IMO.

10th December 2012, 00:56
Well apparently, all the experts have been trying to say - including descendants of the Mayans, is that all this actually meant, was it was the end of that current Mayan calendar - exactly the same as the western calendar now in use will end on 31st December, this and every single year.
It's nothing more than that - it isn't some end of the world thing, it's simply the end of a now long defunct calendar used by some people whose civilisation died out some hundreds of years ago.

Still, it's more dramatic to pretend it's the end of the world isn't it :crazy: I could have guessed a lot of this is in America!

Arthur Little
10th December 2012, 01:47
:crazy: I could have guessed a lot of this is in America!

:crazy:, indeed! :icon_rolleyes: ... reminds me of the old :joke: about *Polaris knickers - arising from the presence of American nuclear submarines (of the same *name) at the so-called 'Holy Loch', near Faslane, on the Firth of Clyde:

"One Yank :action-smiley-081: ... and they're down!" :laugher: