View Full Version : Nurse dead following the hoax call

7th December 2012, 16:58
'Excellent nurse' who took Kate prank phone call found dead in suspected suicide after being duped by Australian DJs

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244608/Jacintha-Saldanha-Excellent-nurse-took-Kate-Middleton-prank-phone-dead-suspected-suicide.html#ixzz2ENl7CteE

7th December 2012, 17:04
Amazing. Such an incredible story from the beginning.

7th December 2012, 17:33
'Excellent nurse' who took Kate prank phone call found dead in suspected suicide after being duped by Australian DJs

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2244608/Jacintha-Saldanha-Excellent-nurse-took-Kate-Middleton-prank-phone-dead-suspected-suicide.html#ixzz2ENl7CteE

I imagine that like me, most folks will be shocked and deeply saddened to hear about this.
It's never easy to gauge the depth and fragility of peoples emotions and feelings whatever the circumstances.

7th December 2012, 19:16
As a nurse myself. It is beyond belief that they did this.

I spend nearly the whole shift trying to give my patients the best care and a lot of the time keeping them alive.

I don't have time to be answering phones to people for prank calls. Its pathetic and they should be help to account for what they did. I would be held to account if I did something wrong but they will get off scot free and a nurse has committed suicide over what they did.

7th December 2012, 19:43
I've just seen this on the news and it made me so angry !

That poor lady.

It is of course as much the fault of those organising 'security' there. :NoNo:

Very very sad for her and for her children and other family and friends.

I hope the idiots who thought they were being so clever are satisfied now. :cwm23:

Two children have lost their mother. Prince William knows how that feels.

7th December 2012, 20:04
Very sad news but we dont know all the facts. Was there underlying problems and this tipped her over the edge?

7th December 2012, 20:48
sad, sad, sad, lets wait to hear all the will come out before the fingers start to point,

Ako Si Jamie
7th December 2012, 21:08
They've now apologized and been suspended. Won't bring the poor girl back though. Stupid ...... Hope they're proud of themselves. :cwm23:

7th December 2012, 21:20
:NoNo:poor kids, all for a few cheap laughs out of someone :doh

Ako Si Jamie
7th December 2012, 23:33
Some people have been saying she's Filipina. Not sure if this is correct though.

7th December 2012, 23:38
Not so funny now is it.
So sad if this drove the poor woman over the edge. I dare say the hospital were looking for someone to blame for the breach.

13th December 2012, 19:45
I wonder what was written in the 3 notes that she left?

13th December 2012, 20:29
I'm not impressed by the fact that a highly priced, well respected London Private Hospital uses it's qualified Nurses to answer out of hours calls. Surely it has enough £'s in its coffers to pay night Admin staff.

Doesn't say a lot about their attitude to their employees.

13th December 2012, 21:49
I agree. Totally negligent...whether Royalty present or not.

Then again, what the hell were the Royal 'security' up to ? :NoNo:

13th December 2012, 21:55
I still think there was more to it than has been portrayed.

13th December 2012, 22:22
I still think there was more to it than has been portrayed.

I wonder why oily Keith Vaz is involved ?

13th December 2012, 23:13
Presumably because she's a 'minority', and without their votes he would never have seen the inside of Parliament.

14th December 2012, 10:27
I wonder why oily Keith Vaz is involved ?
Yes he even took the family inside parliament. Something we will never see.

14th December 2012, 13:06
poor lady , she hung herself with a scarf :cwm24:
didn't the 2 Dj's think she might get reprimanded or sacked, is it really worth a few :icon_lol::doh

when pranks go wrong


14th December 2012, 13:43

14th December 2012, 16:15
Excellent Lordna !

14th December 2012, 16:35
Morrissey blames royal family for nurse's death


14th December 2012, 16:42
Morrissey blames royal family for nurse's death


Morrissey - Germ of the Year

14th December 2012, 17:02
Fortunately the opinions of sad tossers like him carry zero weight....a bit like his drug-induced wailings.:NoNo:

14th December 2012, 17:31
Wish Morrissey would shut his gob:NoNo:
I am actually a fan of his music but hate the Anti-royal stuff he comes out with-no need for it:cwm23:

14th December 2012, 17:32

Bloody Brill that one:biggrin:

15th December 2012, 12:11
Sources say two suicide letters from Duchess Kate's nurse-receptionist were found at the death scene, while a third was found with her personal belongings.


23rd December 2012, 11:35
Royal nurse who answered hoax call about Duchess of Cambridge had attempted to kill herself twice before

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2252290/Jacintha-Sadanha-Nurse-answered-hoax-Duchess-Cambridge-attempted-kill-before.html#ixzz2Fs0LAeVq

Ako Si Jamie
23rd December 2012, 12:14
Two recent suicide attempts? Shouldn't she have been sectioned for her own good?

23rd December 2012, 12:30
nearly a year go, pretty sad she couldn't talk to her family about how she was feeling after the call. :NoNo:

23rd December 2012, 13:25
I thought she had some sort of issues because her reaction to the phone-call charade wasnt normal behaviour :NoNo:

I wonder why oily Keith Vaz is involved ?
Because she was indian,if she had been puti or pinay or african he wouldnt have been on the scene.

23rd December 2012, 13:37
I thought she had some sort of issues because her reaction to the phone-call charade wasnt normal behaviour :NoNo:

Because she was indian,if she had been puti or pinay or african he wouldnt have been on the scene.

he's done some good, as i've just posted in another thread about the 'primary purpose rule'

Mr Straw's announcement came in a written reply to a question from Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, who was quick to welcome the change.
