View Full Version : Visa Update

4th December 2012, 11:01
Hi guys just want to let you know that my wife"s visa application has been processed and has been sent back to courier for delivery after 8 long tortuous weeks just another couple of sleepless night now for both of us...

stevie c
4th December 2012, 14:42
Good luck I'm sure you will soon be celebrating :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th December 2012, 17:50
good luck

4th December 2012, 21:35
Hi guys just want to let you know that my wife"s visa application has been processed and has been sent back to courier for delivery after 8 long tortuous weeks just another couple of sleepless night now for both of us...

I do hope it's good news :xxgrinning--00xx3: