View Full Version : Illegals nabbed at Devon Curry House

27th November 2012, 10:05
An Indian restaurant recognised as being among the best in the Westcountry was raided by immigration officials just days before it was set to be considered for a top award.

A pair of Bangladeshi men was found working illegally at Viceroy Indian, Dunkeswell, near Cullompton, when the UK Border Agency made an unannounced visit recently.


The public can inflict financial pain on these rogue traders by boycotting them

27th November 2012, 20:15
Looks like they are on the move down south.

27th November 2012, 20:18
Looks like they are on the move down south.

They've raided and nabbed them at 3 restaurants within a 4 mile radius of me in 2011/12

Ako Si Jamie
27th November 2012, 20:26
No doubt the workers are getting paid peanuts with a couple of roti's thrown in per day and free accommodation in a dingy room above the restaurant.

27th November 2012, 21:49
No doubt the workers are getting paid peanuts with a couple of roti's thrown in per day and free accommodation in a dingy room above the restaurant.

Which enables the ba$tard$ running these outfits to keep their overheads low and compete unfairly with law abiding operations and ultimately put them out of business throwing the legal workers onto the dole queue. That is why I would like to see the rogue businesses closed down and their owners / Directors imprisoned. It would send out the right deterrent message

27th November 2012, 22:15
Polititions and businessmen like I said before Ded. They :censored: ruin the country. The point is though they all walk away with big paydays.

Ako Si Jamie
27th November 2012, 22:23
Yup. All they think about is money and if they think they can get away it, they'll do it.