View Full Version : Marseille residents force out Roma migrants

28th September 2012, 18:35
Residents of a poor neighbourhood of Marseille forced Roma migrants from their camp and set it ablaze in a vigilante eviction that French rights groups feared could set a precedent.

read more here .. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/09/28/uk-france-roma-idUKBRE88R0Z720120928?rpc=401&feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&rpc=401

28th September 2012, 18:51
Excellent todays good news story - I'd welcome seeing the same happen over here, it's the only language those scum understand.

29th September 2012, 09:17
It's a terribl state of affairs when vigilante action is necessary. The immigration has so clearly caused an increase in crime across Europe that the authorities are unable to handle.

Sometimes I wonder whether th governments realise why they are causing.

29th September 2012, 10:49
I wonder how slough are coping there are thousands in that little town

29th September 2012, 15:35
I wonder how slough are coping there are thousands in that little town

I avoid it as much as possible but if I ever have the misfortune to pass through as I did the other day I hit the central door lock button.

30th September 2012, 08:10
lol your right lock it or lose it.why they like slough heaven knows.it cant be much fun living there ,they just bring the whole place down because they like to live in filth.Is it little wonder people in u.k and elsewhere have little tolerence of them.I was conned by the ol brass ring trick when i was waved down on a slip road leading onto the M1 .please sir ive run out of petrol i,ll give you my gold ring if you give me money to buy petrol like a .... i gave him 20 quid lol he had a woman and kids in the back of the car i was,nt sharp enough that time.:doh