View Full Version : Good old Jeremy. lol

1st December 2011, 00:01

1st December 2011, 00:22
My sentiments exactly :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 07:14

1st December 2011, 09:22
Good point. Everybody who earns more than £60000 a year take 15% off them and leave the rest alone. How does that sound?

1st December 2011, 10:47
I'll be happy when the govt. stops :censored: our taxes up against the wall...however they're gathered.:rolleyes:

1st December 2011, 10:58
Oh yes Jeremy, how about we start with cutting his salary and gilt edged pension from the BBC???

These strikes aren't about the top of the scale people, they are about the bottom of the scale people and those who've worked their whole life under the impression they are getting a certain amount of pension and now being told, sorry not available. Target the +40,000 quid a year salaries first.

1st December 2011, 11:08
What about the 250,000 miners thrown out of work, towns and communities destroyed for years ?

Nobody is owed a living, and times change.

Some are prepared to sacrifice more than others.

We are a country full of damned selfish people.
I meet and talk to them every day at my (self-employed) work. :rolleyes:

1st December 2011, 11:46
I'll be happy when the govt. stops :censored: our taxes up against the wall...however they're gathered.:rolleyes:

Sorry graham you know as well as i do that will never happen.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 11:54
I can see Jeremy's house from my office window. LOL. :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
1st December 2011, 12:15
These strikes aren't about the top of the scale people, they are about the bottom of the scale people and those who've worked their whole life under the impression they are getting a certain amount of pension and now being told, sorry not available.

:gp: there, Ricky. I may've been at the lower end of the scale in the pecking order (as I mentioned on another thread) ... but I nevertheless count myself lucky in the knowledge that MY modest local government pension is unlikely to decrease. Which is more than can be said for that of today's workers in corresponding grades :rolleyes: when THEY finally retire! ;)

1st December 2011, 12:26
Jeremy's pad.....

1st December 2011, 12:37
Walkers want access to his property ?

How many miles of walks are there on the Isle of Man?

Bloody pathetic ! :NoNo:

Pour boiling 20/50 over them Jeremy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st December 2011, 12:40
Walkers want access to his property ?

How many miles of walks are there on the Isle of Man?

Bloody pathetic ! :NoNo:

Pour boiling 20/50 over them Jeremy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I think that has all been resolved now with fencing.....

1st December 2011, 13:16
I enjoy the Jeremy Clarkson I see and hear on Top Gear. But that's where it stops.

In my view, Jeremy Clarkson should stick to his day job and stop pretending his IQ is actually larger than his shoe size.

Whenever he decides to say anything that's not on his auto-cue he has a habit of reverting to the self-aggrandising prat he has always been.

It only works well with fast cars and certain fast women. IMO
Probably the extent of his experience.

1st December 2011, 13:55
Well, he's a top choice of the masses for PM, so I guess he's well-qualified for the job then. :icon_lol:

1st December 2011, 14:17
Well, he's a top choice of the masses for PM, so I guess he's well-qualified for the job then. :icon_lol:

Come to think of it I do remember an e-petition on that a few years ago.
Hardly anyone bothered to vote :NoNo:

1st December 2011, 14:26
Some of the worst of these whinging public sector workers are the workshy teachers - I wonder how they'd feel if like me a chunk of their pension fund was with Equitable Life :)

1st December 2011, 14:32
sack clarkson please :icon_sorry::rolleyes:

over paid talentless :censored:

1st December 2011, 15:10
I do like a lively topic. :icon_lol:

1st December 2011, 15:28
That's the beauty of cyberspace gossip.
Almost anything can be hyped-up to melodrama. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but my outrage levels for today are nearly depeleted already.
Better go out for a while and get them replenished. :icon_lol: