View Full Version : Photo video of my travels

26th November 2011, 22:00
If anyone's interested, I've put a photo.video of my travels on YouTube


26th November 2011, 22:15
oooh....thanks. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Normally I'm only looking at fast cars or loud music....honest..:)

26th November 2011, 22:40
If anyone's interested, I've put a photo.video of my travels on YouTube


Bloody marvelous Ian.:xxgrinning--00xx3:
And special thanks to blackdwarf :D

Right now it says 2 views, but won't let me add any comments.
Great stuff mate

26th November 2011, 22:51
The other viewer was me. lol

Superb collection of pictures !

You've certainly been doing some travelling this last couple of years. :cwm24:

Makes me think.....what the hell am I doing in this country ??? !!!

Wait til my boy gets off to Uni' next summer. :Erm:

Many thanks for taking the time to assemble and share your adventures. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Come to think of it, I've actually lived in 4 of those different countries too, so thanks for the memories.

26th November 2011, 22:51
Superb Ian nice to see other places other than the phils too.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:.

26th November 2011, 23:06
Thanks for the comments chaps:xxgrinning--00xx3: The hardest part was sorting through my photo's. I've taken in excess of 10000 photo's in the last couple of years:omg:

Not having to ask for permission has been a great help to my travel plans, not surprisingly I'm not in a hurry to get married again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
26th November 2011, 23:18
Congratulations Ian :xxgrinning--00xx3:. From my own experience I've a good idea how long it must have taken you to assemble these photos :).

26th November 2011, 23:25
Thanks for the comments chaps:xxgrinning--00xx3: The hardest part was sorting through my photo's. I've taken in excess of 10000 photo's in the last couple of years:omg:

Not having to ask for permission has been a great help to my travel plans, not surprisingly I'm not in a hurry to get married again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fair play Ian enjoy mate.:xxgrinning--00xx3:.

26th November 2011, 23:33
If anyone's interested, I've put a photo.video of my travels on YouTube


stunning...just show how famous and rich you are..i mean madatung ka pala..english:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th November 2011, 23:34
'm not in a hurry to get married again

unlucky to those whose find it:D:Rasp:

26th November 2011, 23:39
stunning...just show how famous and rich you are..i mean madatung ka pala..english:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol: After paying for all of that travelling I'm not rich:omg: and as for being famous, my musical ambitions were far greater than my talent:rolleyes:

27th November 2011, 12:30
very nice video Englishman!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 13:09
again just one word, WOW:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 17:33
Thanks for the comments chaps:xxgrinning--00xx3: The hardest part was sorting through my photo's. I've taken in excess of 10000 photo's in the last couple of years:omg:

Not having to ask for permission has been a great help to my travel plans, not surprisingly I'm not in a hurry to get married again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

You did a great job Ian. I too know just how much time and effort it takes.
I felt the 'flow' was good and the images complimented each other from one frame to another.

If I had just one piece of constructive feedback to help improvement, it would be to allow slightly more time on screen for the 'overlap' titles for each segment. Even just a second or two longer. I don't think the titles need to be bigger, any more opaque or in any heavier colour, just need that little extra time on screen.

No offence intended just trying to help.
Again well done, great job you did there Ian, held my attention and interest from start to finish. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 18:14
Thanks for your feedback Terpe:xxgrinning--00xx3: I agree with you. I tried a variety of timings for the captions, I think this version was about the 4th or 5th time I'd edited the video and at that point I decided to save and upload it:icon_lol:
If I make another, I'll take that into account along with a few other things I learned along the way:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Thanks for liking it anyway, and for your comments on Youtube:)

27th November 2011, 18:30
Nice video Englishman :)

27th November 2011, 18:43
wonderful viewing, thanks for sharing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 19:21
I'm not rich and as for being famous, my musical ambitions were far greater than my talent

hmm well whatever you call it..:omg::D:Rasp: for me just one word that describe you..maembag:omg::rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3::laugher: ka englishtawo:Rasp::icon_lol:

27th November 2011, 19:43
wonderful viewing, thanks for sharing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks very much for your comment on u-tube:xxgrinning--00xx3:

....and yours too Graham :)

27th November 2011, 19:45
hmm well whatever you call it..:omg::D:Rasp: for me just one word that describe you..maembag:omg::rolleyes::xxgrinning--00xx3::laugher: ka englishtawo:Rasp::icon_lol:

Good thing my Visayan and Tagalog is really bad :icon_lol:

27th November 2011, 21:31
Visayan and Tagalog is really bad

good news is thats not tagalog nor visayan lolz:D:action-smiley-081:

27th November 2011, 22:05
Great pics and so many of them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th November 2011, 22:14
Great pics and so many of them :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks Ded:xxgrinning--00xx3: They are only a fraction of the photo's I've taken over the last couple of years. I was limited by how many I could include in a 10 minute video. If I had the time and could be bothered, I'd make a video for each trip and include lots of the ones I had to leave out. That might be a project for next decade

28th November 2011, 01:34
Thanks Ded:xxgrinning--00xx3: They are only a fraction of the photo's I've taken over the last couple of years. I was limited by how many I could include in a 10 minute video. If I had the time and could be bothered, I'd make a video for each trip and include lots of the ones I had to leave out. That might be a project for next decade

My Bohol pics of the Choc Hills, Blood Compact & Loboc River are almost the same (obviously not of the same superior quality :) ) funny how we all cross paths at different times :D

28th November 2011, 10:14
nice photos :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
28th November 2011, 10:25
If anyone's interested, I've put a photo.video of my travels on YouTube


Superb travelogue, Ian ... BRILLIANT photography! :)

Arthur Little
28th November 2011, 10:28
:Jump: ... I'm EAGERLY looking forward to your subsequent instalments.

28th November 2011, 12:29
Thanks for your comments on the photography, but I'm really no expert, the majority were taken using a variety of very cheap compact digital cameras and even my mobile phone:icon_lol: When I'm travelling I don't want to carry around a big camera or a bag, something that fits into my shorts pockets will do me.

Going back to Ded's comment about us crossing the same path's, I'm sure most of us who have travelled to SE Asia and around the Phil's have been to many of the same places and even stood in the same spots taking the same photo's.

I had lots I couldn't use as they either had my mug or those of a female companion in the shot and I wanted the collection to remain fairly anonymous to protect the guilty:omg:

28th November 2011, 14:13
Not an expert ?

Now that's shattered my previous image of you Ian. :D


28th November 2011, 14:25
the guy on the bike at 1:30,
:icon_lol::laugher: imagine how far you get in the UK b4 you were stopped :cwm24:

28th November 2011, 15:14
Nice video.

My wife makes these in this style. It can be quite time consuming to make one.

Arthur Little
28th November 2011, 15:34
When I'm travelling I don't want to carry around a big camera or a bag, something that fits into my shorts pockets will do me

:gp: ... as I found out ... to my cost ...

Arthur Little
28th November 2011, 17:30
the guilty :omg:

... that's ME -:yeahthat: - or, I should say, WAS me back in November/December 2005!

Having been given an expensive camcorder as a 60th birthday present from my daughter & son-in-law the previous year, I'd been looking forward to taking it with me on a fortnight's trip (with a 4-day*Yangtse River Cruise - from Yichang to Chonqing - through the Quatang, Wuxia and Xiling Gorges en route - thrown in) down the eastern mainland of China. All went well ... and - as a novice - I was feeling pretty chuffed at managing to capture some fairly stunning shots within Beijing itself [our starting point] along with such world-renowned ancient relics as the 'Great Wall', plus the cities of Xian (incorporating Li Shan Mountain - site of the famous 'Terracotta Army') and contrasting Shanghai with its enormous skyscrapers and bustling nightlife ...

... then - DISASTER struck! :bigcry: And it occurred during the course of the *aforementioned cruise - or, more accurately, as myself and a few valiant others from our party of 40 like-minded souls were returning to the vessel following an arduous climb of 600 steps to the so-called 'Ghost :gost: City' - when three of us stopped to admire ... try-on ... and buy one each from a range of beautiful kimono-style dressing gowns on display in a small store we'd come across on the way down again. Sadly, it was only after we'd re-boarded our ship that I realised - to my horror :yikes: - I'd inadvertently "parted company" with my camcorder (which I had lugged around with me everywhere hitherto!) when removing my anorak to try on my purchase. Grrr ... :D!

So ... a salutory lesson learnt the hard way! But made even worse by the fact that I'm normally very careful with my belongings - mine AND other peoples' !!! Thankfully, some of the good folk I'd become friendly with, kindly sent me copies of THEIR photos and video casettes ... although, admittedly, one doesn't really derive the same sense of satisfaction that one would've felt HAD one had taken them oneself. :doh

28th November 2011, 17:34
You must have been absolutely gutted Arthur. :NoNo:

What a shame.

Arthur Little
28th November 2011, 18:34
You must have been absolutely gutted Arthur. :NoNo:

Too :censored: right, I was Graham! And, do you know, I'd one hell of a job substantiating a claim through my *Travel Insurers - despite ample corroboration from the Tour Organisers. However :rolleyes: ... after literally months of wrangling, the *miserable :Bugger:s eventually agreed [albeit reluctantly] to reimburse me for approximately two thirds of its value! :furious3: Consequently, this meant it was never replaced. :NoNo:

But the worst part for ME ... was explaining my "carelessness" to my nearest and dearest ... :omg:!

28th November 2011, 18:49
..........But the worst part for ME ... was explaining my "carelessness" to my nearest and dearest ... :omg:!

Glad to learn you managed to get something from the insurers. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I know just what that's like :doh

But I can also imagine the angst you must have suffered think about about to explain that to the family.

28th November 2011, 20:19
Not an expert ?

Now that's shattered my previous image of you Ian. :D


Can't be me Graham, I haven't got any diamond patterns on my white socks:icon_lol:

28th November 2011, 20:26
Sorry about your camcorder Arthur.

Touch wood I've never lost anything of great value yet, and I hope I'm not tempting fate now:NoNo:

However, on my first trip to the Phil's, whilst at the Chocolate Hills gift shop/cafe area my travelling companion put her handbag on the bench next to me and asked me to look after it while she went to the toilet. Of course I completely forgot about it and went for a walk around while she was gone:doh Fortunately, it was still there when she came back from the loo, but as you can imagine she was not happy:furious3:

28th November 2011, 20:31
Just for you Graham, here's one on me in Honkers a couple of months ago, in my full tourist attire

28th November 2011, 20:43
Not far off. :icon_lol:

I can talk....:D

(Lantau, HK.)


29th November 2011, 17:45
That's not too bad Graham, at least you're wearing walking boots with your socks....not flip flops or sandals :omg:

29th November 2011, 18:01
nice video englishman and thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us

29th November 2011, 18:34
nice video englishman and thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us

Thanks Mikey:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th November 2011, 19:14
That's not too bad Graham, at least you're wearing walking boots with your socks....not flip flops or sandals :omg:

Construction boots....a rare day off from working damned hard. :cwm3:

I also wear them when in the Phils though....ideal for coping with the appalling conditions underfoot there, the odd bit of re-bar sticking out from broken concrete, kicking rabid dogs in the goolies, and from Trikes running over your feet. :)