View Full Version : Feeling lazy

10th November 2011, 13:22
Dont wanna go to work...is that so bad thing...Just came from a week short holiday. It was not actually a holiday mainly husband ID that needs to be renewed .. Anyway we still have a chance to do other things for fun so it feels like a holiday as well...

But ,,, its hard to go back to work from holiday...hm....dont feel to work yet..and i feel guiltu because hubby is going back to work today..he dont feel either to go back to work but he do...and me..here moaning not to go work...hm..:crazy::cwm3:

10th November 2011, 14:15
:icon_lol: i dont want to go to work, before or after a holiday, or anyday :D need to pay bills thou :cwm24:

10th November 2011, 15:29
Hiya...funny..very true..id just want to get paid ...:xxgrinning--00xx3: