View Full Version : What is a TURNOFF for you??

25th August 2011, 09:18
Everyone has flaws but what are some that u just cant ignore?

25th August 2011, 09:26
Lairs and cheats

25th August 2011, 09:46
Smoking, I do not want to kiss an ashtray:NoNo:

Of course if a smoker finds anouther smoker then they are in smoking heven:Cuckoo:

25th August 2011, 10:00
Dogs/Cats sleeping on the bed :angry:

25th August 2011, 10:09
Dogs/Cats sleeping on the bed :angry:

Even though I am a pet lover I agree with that, mine sleeps in anouther room:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th August 2011, 10:13
People who dont flush the toilet

25th August 2011, 10:13
Smoking and drinking,I do neither,wouldnt have a woman with either habit :rolleyes:

Arthur Little
25th August 2011, 12:00
Hmm :rolleyes: ... for me, it's "fairweather friends", insincerity, smart asses, sarcasm & bullies.

25th August 2011, 14:24
dishonesty and liars

25th August 2011, 14:30
smoking, laddish behaviour, poorly done or poor taste tatoos, lack of manners and lack of respect for self (out of shape) and others (only thinks of her needs).

25th August 2011, 14:49
FAT...on bodies or on my plate.:thumbsdown:

25th August 2011, 19:08
Dropping litter. It just shows a total lack of respect.

25th August 2011, 19:09
..... who let there dog .... outside my door

25th August 2011, 19:49
no manners:xxaction-smiley-047:doh and greedy:NoNo: is big turn off :cwm3:for me:NoNo::doh

Ako Si Jamie
25th August 2011, 20:25
Control Freaks
Overbearing People

Maria B
25th August 2011, 20:34
too loud
bad breath
bad underarm odour
inconsiderate smokers ( just blow a fag on your face ubo ubo ubo)

25th August 2011, 20:35
personally, i dont mind if they drink,smoke pot or ciggies, snore,are snobish,or they cant cook or clean, if greedy i can live with that..or if they are aggressive in some ways..and one or two other things ... BUT if they fart or pick there nose in my presense.. thats it there sacked.. :)

25th August 2011, 21:38
All of the above!:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Haha, seriously. Body odour:NoNo: Once sacked a looker cos of that!:icon_lol:
selfishness and greed.
Tip: Look how a girl acts around kids and very old people to see how she is and gauge her heart on that.................... :xxgrinning--00xx3:
{ Kind heart is everything.}

25th August 2011, 21:48
....{ Kind heart is everything.}

Totally agree with that.
Biggest turn-off would be the exact opposite... hard heart no compassion or empathy
(Zero tolerance)

Most other things I can accept.
Well except for lies and deceit. Zero tolerance on that also I'm afraid

25th August 2011, 21:49
and if i may mad further to this thread... if they are not willing to go fifty fifty on the last rolo or even split the last choco in the family packet of Revels ..thats it .. divorce is on the cards or even deportation :icon_lol:

25th August 2011, 21:58
and if i may mad further to this thread... if they are not willing to go fifty fifty on the last rolo or even split the last choco in the family packet of Revels ..thats it .. divorce is on the cards or even deportation :icon_lol:


25th August 2011, 22:00
Fat women in a bikini :repuke:

25th August 2011, 22:17
physically, bad breath and body odour is a major turnoff for me..and if a guy doesn't know how to clean himself, enough to say he is well groomed, it's a no no for me..

when it comes to attitude, there are lots of negative things that of course are turnoff for all of us..but like what jimbojac's tip, look how your partner acts with other people to see who he is.

25th August 2011, 22:51
Everyone has flaws but what are some that u just cant ignore?

Arrogant - people who know better but dont care.

Ignorant- people who just dont know any better.

25th August 2011, 22:57
Hmm never fancied girls with short hair:icon_lol:

25th August 2011, 23:16
Me neither.

I mean...one of us has got to have some , eh Les ? :icon_lol:

25th August 2011, 23:49
physically, bad breath and body odour, attitude,.....

:cwm24: You just described me :laugher:

25th August 2011, 23:58
hahahaha..you are vain enough and grumpy enough for me..i can handle you :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 00:00
hahahaha..you are vain enough and grumpy enough for me..i can handle you :icon_lol:

My best qualities :D

Arthur Little
26th August 2011, 00:02
:laugher: ... there's some "real crackers" in this thead ... I love it! :xxgrinning--00xx3: MORE, :please: ...

26th August 2011, 00:06
Fat women in a bikini :repuke:

Even worse out of a bikini:yikes:

26th August 2011, 00:18
People who wear clothes that are too small for them ? :Erm:


26th August 2011, 01:06
my turn off is.. When meeting a guy for the first time he thinks is ok to touch you. Eww. Big turn off. I'm not talking shake ur hand. I'm talkin touch your leg, try to kiss you. Gross.

26th August 2011, 01:08
Insecurities and jealousy, boastful and c0nceited, liars and cheaters, Fake ppl, bad hygiene..

26th August 2011, 03:57
I can tolerate almost anything:

what I can't tolerate:
- manipulative and self-righteous people

26th August 2011, 04:02
but then again we are but fallible beings....we make mistakes, we are arrogant, we are all greedy, though in different ways....:icon_lol:

so the

Biggest Turnoff for me:
- unforgiving people

26th August 2011, 08:39
my turn off is.. When meeting a guy for the first time he thinks is ok to touch you. Eww. Big turn off. I'm not talking shake ur hand. I'm talkin touch your leg, try to kiss you. Gross.
Some people are just more tactile :doh
I met a guy in Phils who is bakla and he had his arm around me right away, its just the way he is. I wasn't offended, it wasnt gross, its not as if he was cupping me:action-smiley-081:

26th August 2011, 09:09
....its not as if he was cupping me:action-smiley-081:

You wish :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 09:13
You wish :icon_lol: :kissass: :xxaction-smiley-047 :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 09:28
I met a guy in Phils who is bakla and he had his arm around me right away, its just the way he is. I wasn't offended
Is there something your trying to tell us Steve :Erm::heartshape1: The problem with pinoy bayots is their over flouncy contrived effemination,is there such a word as effemination,well there is now english is known for its flexibility.

26th August 2011, 09:39
my turn off is.. When meeting a guy for the first time he thinks is ok to touch you. Eww. Big turn off. I'm not talking shake ur hand. I'm talkin touch your leg, try to kiss you. Gross.

That is sexual assault. :NoNo:

26th August 2011, 09:45
Some people are just more tactile :doh
I met a guy in Phils who is bakla and he had his arm around me right away, its just the way he is. I wasn't offended, it wasnt gross, its not as if he was cupping me:action-smiley-081:

I'd have asked for my money back. :laugher:

26th August 2011, 09:51
I'd have asked for my money back. :laugher:

:laugher::laugher: Oh, I never paid :icon_lol:

(happily married to a lady btw:xxgrinning--00xx3:)

26th August 2011, 09:51
hehehehehe bad time to find out your date has ome extras lol

26th August 2011, 09:53
Oh dear.

Poor Steve is on the defensive now. :icon_lol:

It's ok....we believe you Steve....really. :D

26th August 2011, 09:57
hehehehehe bad time to find out your date has ome extras
Happened to a good friend of mine,I still call him a poof as he said that night his DATE had given him the best BJ of his life,he tried to retract that statement the next morning,he is also happily married to a pinay :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 10:05
Oh dear.

Poor Steve is on the defensive now. :icon_lol:

It's ok....we believe you Steve....really. :D
No No no no no no ....... not defensive :Help1:
The strange thing is......... that this guy is married 2 children and is a school principle :omg: (also a family friend....... in fact we bought our house from him :Cuckoo: :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 10:13
The strange thing is......... that this guy is married 2 children and is a school principle
Pinoys have this really warped idea that a straight guy can go with a bayot and not be gay :Erm: I used to get offers often off bayots,I used to tell them I didnt actually like the idea,nothing of the velvet about me at all,but they always used to say its ok,if a straight guy goes with a bayot he is still straight :Erm:I think that was just their chat up lines.

26th August 2011, 10:15
Wow...you must have something then Steve. :Erm:

This could run and run. :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 10:15
here is a wierd thing three of the four PAL ticket office staff at Puerto Princesa are openly gay..two are married with kids and lead otherwise normal lives... and they do not seem to suffer much discrimination or condemnation despite the strong catholic undercurrent in the Phils.

26th August 2011, 10:17
Its common practice for guys in India to walk around with their mates holding hands :Erm: I spotted a large sign in old delhi which read.........ANUS CLINIC :cwm24::Erm: I waited in the area and eventually got the picture I was after,two male friends walking down the road towards the sign holding hands ;):icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 10:18
This could run and run.
The closet club :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 15:06
one turnoff for me is baldy and big belly man :doh:cwm24:

26th August 2011, 15:43
one turnoff for me is baldy and big belly man :doh:cwm24:

Lucky for those who are bald and fat then :icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 15:50
Lucky for those who are bald and fat then :icon_lol:

oh yes indeed in both sides..:yikes::laugher:

26th August 2011, 16:06
one turnoff for me is baldy and big belly man :doh:cwm24:

Truble is most of us get that with age!
And no mine is not booze I hardly ever drink, but do like eating:Cuckoo:

26th August 2011, 16:10
Truble is most of us get that with age!
And no mine is not booze I hardly ever drink, but do like eating:Cuckoo:

on no worries mick..and beside eating is normal but with a bit of in moderation:icon_lol: if you know:xxgrinning--00xx3: what i mean:laugher:

26th August 2011, 16:22
here is a wierd thing three of the four PAL ticket office staff at Puerto Princesa are openly gay..two are married with kids and lead otherwise normal lives... and they do not seem to suffer much discrimination or condemnation despite the strong catholic undercurrent in the Phils.
I found the same thing in Saudi too. Even while on 'Base' the Leutenant would shout for me and walk the whole length of the hanger to get me, and lead me by the hand to the office. It was very disconserting as this guy was very high up in the Saudi Air Force, but it is just 'their way' (plus he carried a side arm :cwm24:) :)

26th August 2011, 16:29
I found the same thing in Saudi too. Even while on 'Base' the Leutenant would shout for me and walk the whole length of the hanger to get me, and lead me by the hand to the office. It was very disconserting as this guy was very high up in the Saudi Air Force, but it is just 'their way' (plus he carried a side arm :cwm24:) :)

No pressure then:icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 17:12

Ako Si Jamie
26th August 2011, 19:49
The biggest turn off in a woman for me, physically, is ultra skinny women. Don't find it attractive at all.

26th August 2011, 19:50
Aaah...you can pass them along to me then. :D

26th August 2011, 19:55
The biggest turn off in a woman for me, physically, is ultra skinny women. Don't find it attractive at all.

ha ha, my wife is getting bigger every day right now, but she is gorgeous :heartshape1:

26th August 2011, 20:00
ultra skinny women

opposite of ultra fatty men:yikes::icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 20:17
I look at skinny women this way....'room to grow', but not TOO big. :)

26th August 2011, 20:39
Truthfully, I'm not that bothered about body size.
I've always had a slight fantasy about Dawn French :D

When I was much younger I really fell in love with a wonderful, caring and very pretty lady who was actually large size.
The size thing did not concern me one iota. My sad loss.

26th August 2011, 20:51
I think over all my biggest turn off would be if she was a tory voter...:icon_lol: or even a lib dem ... would be obviously brainless..:icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th August 2011, 21:01
I would look at a Tory voter far more favorable than a loony left voter:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th August 2011, 21:06
Oh no, wouldn't want her to have OPINIONS ! :icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
26th August 2011, 21:22
Aaah...you can pass them along to me then. :D:icon_lol: You like the Victoria Beckham's of this world then Graham?

I don't mind slender women but not skinny ones who look unhealthy.

Ako Si Jamie
26th August 2011, 21:23
Aaah...you can pass them along to me then. :D:icon_lol: You like the Victoria Beckham's of this world then Graham?

I don't mind slender women but not skinny ones who look unhealthy.

26th August 2011, 21:23
I would look at a Tory voter far more favorable than a loony left voter:xxgrinning--00xx3:

its not ur fault les.. i can understand ur deviations :icon_lol::icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
26th August 2011, 21:29
Truthfully, I'm not that bothered about body size.
I've always had a slight fantasy about Dawn French :D

When I was much younger I really fell in love with a wonderful, caring and very pretty lady who was actually large size.
The size thing did not concern me one iota. My sad loss.Dawn French is quite attractive I must admit.

Anyone fancy 51 stone Patty Sanchez? :cwm3:


26th August 2011, 22:25
:icon_lol: You like the Victoria Beckham's of this world then Graham?

I don't mind slender women but not skinny ones who look unhealthy.

Yes !

Victoria. http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/7780/cloud90fz.gif

26th August 2011, 22:27
Dawn French is quite attractive I must admit.

Anyone fancy 51 stone Patty Sanchez? :cwm3:

Whoa, there are always limits :doh

Mind you when she was size 8 she was attractive.
Graham take note (and maybe a peek) she what can happen to your dreams:doh

26th August 2011, 22:36
Whoa...she'd be out of the door well before that...and certainly while we could both fit through it together ! :yikes: I didn't peek either. Yuk !

On a serious note....I can only think of the starving kids in Africa when I see gluttonous monstrosities like that. :NoNo:

27th August 2011, 11:48
Gib main street is chock full of slim tanned stylish feminine spanish woman this morning,just been having a cuppa at a pavement cafe with a mate and admiring the views :)

11th November 2011, 14:20

South-east boy
11th November 2011, 16:09
my turn off is.. When meeting a guy for the first time he thinks is ok to touch you. Eww. Big turn off. I'm not talking shake ur hand. I'm talkin touch your leg, try to kiss you. Gross.

Just as well you haven't met Frankie Coccoza (:crazy:) then! He'd be trying to do just a little more than touch! :cwm24: :icon_lol:

11th November 2011, 23:04
nagger M I L:icon_lol:

12th November 2011, 01:18
hummm... i can tolerate everything about my partner,,,but to other people, the thing i cant tolerate are people who is so arrogantly quiet and also those who are arrogantly loud...
arrogantly quiet are those people who been saying how good they are then youll find out that they are not..
arrogantly loud,, those people who talk too loud about themselves...
but most of the time if i seen or hear some one like that,,, i usually ignore them

12th November 2011, 15:44
hm...bad breath..:icon_lol::)

12th November 2011, 23:06
Hello BO (Bad Odor)!!! :yikes:

13th November 2011, 01:01
two worst things in my opinion, 1/ BO,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2/ fowl mouth, if theres one thing i cant tolerate is a woman eeefffiinngg and blinding

13th November 2011, 01:08
I hate it when their feet are bigger than mine. :D