View Full Version : Confused confused

21st August 2011, 11:26
Hi all just writting this again for advice , or what you would do if in our place, we are going to hong kong dec28th flying from lhr, with cathay, then onwards to manila 3rd of jan then back to hongkong jan 27th then onwards back to lhr same flight sort of, well emma has till may 2012 on her passport with her maiden name on it and we did book the tickets with her maiden name also, we have thought about changing her passport but with this taking 12 weeks that leaves very little time, i have spoke to cathay and they say changing name to married one will not matter as long as you bring all docs with us , but may be a charge, do we stay as we are and change it when we get back , will they allow us to come back with emmas passport finnishing in may2012 or change it all now, and may be charged a fee or the worst case a full ticket price, i have tried looking everywhere for help but some say this some say that, which is no help to me , i wont hold anyone responsible if the answers land us in prison:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:or deported

21st August 2011, 11:39
Steve a while back I saw a WatchDog type of program on tv, where the airlines were charging an arm and a leg because the ticket did not match exactly the passport name and details. Even though you have had confirmation that the airline will not charge you, I feel that in these circumstances the right hand does not always talk to the left and you might get to the various points of departure to find you get fleeced.

If I were you I would just let it go for now. Why make a problem 12 weeks before you go and risk having to pay through the nose for an extra ticket (worst case scenario) or any other fine because you just wanted to change Emma's name right now.

21st August 2011, 12:50
thats my thought too steve, but its this , you must have at least 6 months on your passport left , i have tried looking into this and its a mine field, depends where you are going and again how they feel too,there is no clear answer to this 6 months thing, i will leave it till we are back in england then get the passport changed, a few days in london in feb, wow make it into a valentines, i am such a romantic sod:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

21st August 2011, 12:54

You don't need to worry about Emma's future new passport with her married name and the plane tickets that were purchased on her maiden name because Emma will still be able to keep her old passport since the UK Visa is in it so you can show both passports but at the immigration you need to post both but have the new passport stamped at the immigration.

21st August 2011, 13:25
Steve, there is no problems with maiden and married names. The issue is only passport validity
The safest route is renew passport. Period

Emma has no problems exiting or entering UK or Philippines.
Only place to find out about is HK.
Personally, I would not want to have ANY issues, even if I was legally correct the immigration officials do have extraordinary powers all the wolrd over. I've been there mate.

Get a new passport.

21st August 2011, 13:28
wel emma has booked our day in london this thursday, i told her i shall spend all day in the nat art gallery waiting for her if we are to go

21st August 2011, 13:41
It would be helpful if you told us what passport Emma holds. That can affect her freedom to fly.

21st August 2011, 13:49
if the answers land us in prison
I can think of worse places to spend your holidays :icon_lol:

21st August 2011, 13:50
she holds a full phillipino passport a 5 year one that runs out may 2012,one of the reasons i have posted this is because cathay dont give a full answer, yes bring all the documents , marriage and old passport but could be a charge, cant tell me how much or if there will be,we are thinking of keeping here name but just adding woolley on the end, emmaruth manilli ramos woolley, so all that is differant on the tkts is the woolley, ie my name

21st August 2011, 14:40
OK my wife, Filipino PP holder (in Maiden name but amended in manuscript to married name) went to Manila (from Spain but same rules same as flying from UK) with a month left on her PP.

There was no problem with the 6 months validity rule, as she was going to her home country. Had she been stopping off in say HK that might have been a problem. (i think the six month rule would have been applied).

A couple months before she was due to fly, we made an application to renew her PP, in her married name, and made an appointment with DFA in Manila. The DFA help line is 24/7, We called on a Sunday and got advice.

She subsequently got the new passport in Manila (lot pf problems with paperwork errors in DFA and it was issued with a variation on the surname which had been amended in the old PP)

I called the airline and gave them her new ID (passport name and Number) no charges. She flew back no problems. The flight was booked in a name which was slightly different from that in the new passport,

(Just for reference. In Spain Spaniards have two surnames. When we had wife's PP amended in Phil embassy on Madrid, it showed her first name, and then my surname and her surname as a double surname,. The passport subsequently issued in Manila showed first name, my surname as her middle name and her surname)

22nd August 2011, 18:49
just spoke to immagration at lhr and they told me as long as there is just 1 day on the passport you will be allowed into the country, so leaving it till we are back next year , thanks for the inputs lads and lasses:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd August 2011, 19:11
Emma has no problems exiting or entering UK or Philippines.
Only place to find out about is HK.

Better to be safe than sorry.