View Full Version : Is it unrealistic to...

16th August 2011, 15:01
...meet a UK-based Filipina and have a chance of a meaningful relationship, at my advanced age ?

The more posts I read about meeting a Filipina in her homeland and then attempting to bring her here to the UK, the more odious a process it seems to be. :cwm3:

Now being realistic, the single Filipinas already here can easily find a much better catch than me I'd have thought. :Erm:

Please don't be TOO cruel ! :icon_lol:

Another year and my boy will have flown the nest, so I won't have any excuse for being single any more. I'm just not sure if I can face going through all the bureaucratic nonsense again.

16th August 2011, 15:14
Firstly Graham, the answer to that question is a resounding NO it's most definitely not unrealistic.

The next tactic in such a strategy would be to identify the boundaries, such as age range, financial standing, lifestyle preferences etc etc etc

Even from my own circle of acquaintancies I can immediately imagine a good half-dozen ladies who are looking around for Mr Right.

16th August 2011, 15:19
I just wanted to add something I have noticed. The longer Filipino's have been in UK and the longer they have been living a single life, then it seems to me that the less they display some of those captivating Pinoy qualities.
Just sometimes

16th August 2011, 15:38
of course not.

Graham, I may have someone in mind here in Birmingham as well, let me see if I can gently broach the subject niext time we see her, should be over the weekend

good observation by Terpe though

16th August 2011, 16:08
I just wanted to add something I have noticed. The longer Filipino's have been in UK and the longer they have been living a single life, then it seems to me that the less they display some of those captivating Pinoy qualities.
Just sometimesSadly, a very valid point indeed.

16th August 2011, 17:48
Hmm...encouraging so far. :)

Maybe I'll start to make more of an effort now. :icon_lol:

16th August 2011, 17:54
graham, just keep an open mind, heart and hope that one day, the right one will be there for you. I understand how past experiences can make us stop and think, but at times its good to fall and be free....

I'm beginning to sound :crazy: now but yeah, its good to feel and act young but think adult.
Good luck :)

16th August 2011, 18:27
Thanks purple. :)

I do treat people as individuals, and it's been 8 years now, since the ex did what she did and 5 years since the divorce, so I really am OVER it, no baggage, fully refreshed and ready at the start line. :D

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 20:01
Graham, I may have someone in mind here in Birmingham as well, let me see if I can gently broach the subject niext time we see her, should be over the weekend

Now there's an :idea:, Scott :rolleyes: ... you could ask if she'd be interested in joining the forum, invite her to the "do" at the beginning of October ... and then try to prod :poke: Graham into coming along too!!

16th August 2011, 20:20
graham, if i may say.. ur sense of humour is wow.. you always bring a smile to my chops :icon_lol: i wish u had ur own comedy show on tv.. we drasticly lack such potent northern humour nowadays.. and im sure you will charm any one of the opposite sex instantly.. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
16th August 2011, 20:33
graham, if i may say.. ur sense of humour is wow.. you always bring a smile to my chops :icon_lol: i wish u had ur own comedy show on tv.. we drasticly lack such potent northern humour nowadays.. and im sure you will charm any one of the opposite sex instantly.. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

:iagree:, Rob ... GOSH, a GSOH is sooo important, nowadays.

16th August 2011, 21:00
I met my wife here in the UK. She got ILR in her own right without me having to do anything!

I'm sure you'll be able to find someone. In our local community, there are quite a few single filipinas roughly the same age as you (I assume you're 48).

You just need to find out where they are and meet them! Try the local filipino / asian shop, a hospital, etc.

Good luck! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th August 2011, 21:07
Ooops, just spotted your age. But it doesn't matter. What I've written above still applies. :D

16th August 2011, 22:21
It's never too late Graham!

Do not go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the dying of the light...

Good luck


16th August 2011, 22:31
Hi Graham,

Everything is possible. I'm sure there are Filipinas already here in the UK who might be the age range you are looking for. FYI, Filipinos might be living in a different countries around the globe but their Pinoy qualities remains the same, apart from the fact they are modern thinking and they adapt wherever country they are:)

16th August 2011, 22:35
It's never too late Graham!

Do not go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the dying of the light...

Good luck


Dylan Thomas .
One of my all time favourites ever since school.

Great quote Russell_61, very well thought out. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th August 2011, 23:03
graham, if i may say.. ur sense of humour is wow.. you always bring a smile to my chops :icon_lol: i wish u had ur own comedy show on tv.. we drasticly lack such potent northern humour nowadays.. and im sure you will charm any one of the opposite sex instantly.. :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well thanks mate.

What with my speech impediment, gammy leg and nervous tic, I find that my sense of humour is a great ice-breaker with the ladies that haven't already run away screaming. :laugher:

16th August 2011, 23:05
Blimey everyone, I'm beginning to feel a new person already.

Many thanks for the positive responses.

The rest can :censored: off. :icon_lol:

Doc Alan
16th August 2011, 23:19
Many thanks for the positive responses.

The rest can :censored: off. :icon_lol:
Here's another positive response, so that I'm not relegated to " the rest " - of course you're not too old ! Good luck and keep us posted :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2011, 00:09
theres no such thing as being too old, and its not a good thing to be on your own for too long a time,
you have done right to your kids, from what iv learnt of you on here your a great guy with a great sense of humour, i imagine you could pull a real beuty, so go get her, you deserve that someone special :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2011, 00:40
Right, I'm going out now to buy a razor, some Old Spice and a roll of sellotape for my glasses.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2011, 00:44
Right, I'm going out now to buy a razor, some Old Spice and a roll of sellotape for my glasses.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

no no no,,, old spice is out :laugher:

17th August 2011, 09:23
Really ?

I was just thinking of replacing the bottle I got for Xmas in 1975. :Erm:

Just finished it last week. Typical. :cwm3:

17th August 2011, 10:03
...meet a UK-based Filipina and have a chance of a meaningful relationship, at my advanced age ?

no baggage, fully refreshed and ready at the start line. :D

Life is too short, its never too late to be happy with someone AGAIN...Go for it Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
17th August 2011, 12:25
What are you waiting for Graham ?
" BOP 'til You DROP " Summer Party ( Public Event, see facebook )
Saturday, August 20 · 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Alwoodley Community Centre
The Avenue,
Created By
Lolita Boddy
For Yorkshire Maharlika Filipino Club. To celebrate summer, the Club has prepared "BOP 'til You DROP" evening of entertainment with Sex Bomb SUNSHINE GARCIA (Sex Bomb dancer and artist from the Philippines)
Tickets on sale now... £12 adult £5 (5-11 yrs old) Child £30 Family (includes 2 adults and 2 kids under 12 yrs. old)
Includes Hot food Buffet, cold drinks available to buy but no alcoholic drinks, Disco and Entertainment Show
Parking is free.
Attire: Dress to Impress
Reserve your ticket and celebrate an Evening to Remember!!!
Pls. message Maharlika to reserve your place. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


17th August 2011, 12:43
I find that my sense of humour is a great ice-breaker with the ladies that haven't already run away screaming. :laugher:

Rope..... you need rope!! that stops the 'flight' effect :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th August 2011, 12:57
Thanks Doc....will look into that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I like the fact that it's to be an alcohol-free event. :)

17th August 2011, 13:19
The rest can :censored: off. :icon_lol:

:xxparty-smiley-004: i've not said anything yet :cwm24:

17th August 2011, 13:28
Only joking. ;)

17th August 2011, 14:21
never to late, get out there and just do it

you have to make it happen :D

18th August 2011, 22:42
Its easy :) I spoke for a good 10 minutes to a Pinay last week outside Hounslow Central tube,she wasnt my type and I am not looking but there were signals,she was maybe late 30's?I spoke to a pinay between 50-55 on a train from Essex into London,we got on like a house on fire,she was really,really funny,she creased up when I called her a tsismoso :icon_lol: and I spoke to one for a while this afternoon in schophol while waiting for a flight :) everyone is approachable,oh,hold on,I did meet one working in a resto in Gatwick who had a bad attitude the other day,but that could have been time of the month or other problems,no one had the chance to speak to her,she just waved us to a table with a sour look on her face :rolleyes:

18th August 2011, 23:18
That sounds encouraging. :)

I need to change some habits and get myself back into circulation instead of just going from A to B in my car. :rolleyes:

Also, I must admit that if I see a Filipina here I always tend to assume that she has a partner. :Erm:

19th August 2011, 00:41
That sounds encouraging. :)

I need to change some habits and get myself back into circulation instead of just going from A to B in my car. :rolleyes:

Also, I must admit that if I see a Filipina here I always tend to assume that she has a partner. :Erm:

Get stuck in Graham - I've read Tawi's postings for a long while here and empathised, use your mouth - if you don't ask you don't get :)

19th August 2011, 00:49
You're right.

I promise to go out tomorrow and make an effort. :D


19th August 2011, 06:52
Its true mate,I am naturally verbally verbacious (understatement) start chatting to them in tagalog,at first for a second or so they are shocked :omg: then they open up like your an old mate :) if they have a partner themselves thats cool,you know they are natural matchmakers anyway,they always ask is your wife a pinay,when they hear your single they normally have a friend Myrna or Linda or Ethel :Erm: who is also single and who they think would suit you just fine :)

19th August 2011, 07:35
I like your small cartoon at the bottom of your post BUT i dont know if it quite works like that :Erm:

19th August 2011, 07:56
Do not go gentle into that good night
Rage, rage against the dying of the light...
I always liked that,good philosophy ;)

19th August 2011, 09:08
I agree, it's not unrealistic....I think you're a nice guy and with that wicked sense of humor women will flock to you like a moth :icon_lol: and dont make your age an issue, to many women it doesnt matter as long as you have the chemistry :)

men dont grow old....just as they say here "kalabaw lang ang tumatanda", I know Tawi2 can translate this :icon_lol:

19th August 2011, 18:17
Only carabao get old :bigcry:

20th August 2011, 14:22
I thought of this post an hour ago ;) My friends boat is moored up at Ocean Village on Marina Bay,I was sitting on the boat when a PINAY :Erm: walked past:cwm24:Then ANOTHER :Erm: They had KFC uniforms on and opened the KFC thats on the floating pontoons,I gave them 10 minutes to open up then ambled over,straight away we hit it off ;) One is from Dumaguete,one is from Luzon,the one from Dumaguete is in her mid-late 30's and has a great sense of humour,not beautiful but thats subjective,incredibly beautiful women dont do it for me,give me someone with a brain who is pretty and has a little life etched onto their face.If I was looking she would have been the one,the conversation was as if we were old mates,I told her a "story" of a guy,married once to a pinoy lady who wasnt quite what she seemed,their tale had a sad ending,this guy was free from mental shackles and looking to start life afresh with a new lady,she said one word "SIGE" :icon_lol: she has a spanish EU passport,is single,cute with great english and a fun lady to speak to,I told her the guy in the tale was 59 she said "Thats not old" ;) They are out there mate,the worlds filled with single people who think they are the only ones without a partner,they just need bringing together :) Want me to get her number?I might be here a few months or might have to go back to blighty next week,either way if you want her cell-phone No I will get it as I am around the harbour quite a bit and its only a short easy-jet flight to Gib :)

20th August 2011, 14:28
Better just add its not about looks (thank god because I look like a sack of crap)its just initiating conversation,I met an old one legged guy in a wheelchair earlier,he looked well-dodgy but as a raconteur he could have held a captive audience for hours,you want the ladies number G?

20th August 2011, 14:47
Yes pleeease ! :D

PM it to me mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm strict about them being SLIM though.

20th August 2011, 14:56
She IS slim,her mum lives just over in La Linea(the line) across the runway,she lives with her mum :) I will get her number,she may be a little shy to begin with though she wasnt with me as I opened with my best visayan and I knew the general area she lived in naming local restos so she knew I was kosher :) i couldnt conjure up a lady in UK at such short notice but we are part of the EU now and its a short hop over to Gib or Malaga.:)

20th August 2011, 15:09
Right, many thanks... I'd better put some diesel in then. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2011, 16:48
You need Censored after shave or my old favourite Hai karate

20th August 2011, 17:45
I went over to KFC,I will probably get some form of coke-related illness the amount I have drank today :Erm: anyway,I went in and she started laughing,I said "Remember this morning when I told you that kismet,or fate or some divine force made me walk into here to totally change your life today?" this made her very attentive :cwm24: but then her friend said "What about changing my life also"(and then shared her fries with me):Erm: I told her my powers are limited and only one life change is possible per week :Erm: She has a good aura,life is about snatching chances,sometimes they are past and gone before you have a chance to realise you should have grabbed them,give her a ring,drop her a line,see where it goes,take it from there :)

20th August 2011, 18:36
Right, I'm going out now to buy a razor, some Old Spice and a roll of sellotape for my glasses.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

noo not cellotape grah... brown plasters are the rage... :icon_lol:

20th August 2011, 18:38
noo not cellotape grah... brown plasters are the rage
My brother has a school pic where his glasses are held together with plasters :laugher:

Arthur Little
20th August 2011, 18:57
give her a *ring

:rolleyes: ... bit early for *that, :yeahthat: is it not - considering they haven't met yet! :icon_lol:

20th August 2011, 19:10
I'm on to it :xxgrinning--00xx3:....after Tesco, cos it will be empty.

New Xfactor starts at 8pm. :D

22nd August 2011, 16:11
Lots of pinays in Honkers at the moment,wall-to-wall,the Beaumaris is in port I think,or some other cruise ship :Erm: Pinays and pinoys everywhere :cwm24:

22nd August 2011, 19:15
Whats the saying " You are as old as the Woman you feel!!":xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: Surely Graham you must know that a lot of lovely Pinays aren't impressed with young guys as they still see them as " Playboys" i have been told by 2 young girls lately { my GF's younger sister as well as a beautiful hotel receptionist that we know in Dipolog } that they did not want guys in their twenties and thirties as they wanted a more stable older guy.
You know the Philippines well Mate and if its any advice i can offer it is: to take your time, get to know a few nice ladies and gradually whittle down to the ones you have most in common with, a good heart being a great start and being real regular and reliable in contacting you via YM, Skype etc. Then a few visits planned to coincide with our crappy Winter weather and bingo life will be starting to look good!
Best of luck Mate, there are many great Ladies still out there, i am always trying to set up my friends with some cracking dates. The ones that have been to the Phils.............suffice to say i dont think they will be marrying any Western girls soon!:icon_lol:

22nd August 2011, 20:12
Thanks Jim.

You're right of course. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Old as the woman you feel eh ?

Trying to remember when I bought the blow-up one. :Erm:

2007 since I felt a real one and she didn't run away. :icon_lol:

22nd August 2011, 20:18
Thanks Jim.

You're right of course. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Old as the woman you feel eh ?

Trying to remember when I bought the blow-up one. :Erm:

2007 since I felt a real one and she didn't run away. :icon_lol:
