View Full Version : Courts directed to jail all looters - good news

15th August 2011, 17:36
Magistrates have been ordered to send all those involved in last week's riots and looting to jail, a court heard today.

Chair of the bench at Camberwell Green Magistrates Court, Novello Noades, revealed the instructions while sentencing one looter to six months in prison.

London courts had allegedly been emailed by a clerk within HM Courts and Tribunals Service, telling them to ignore normal guidelines which might have recommended non-custodial sentences for riot-related cases.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026239/UK-riots-Tear-sentencing-guidelines-jail-EVERY-looter-magistrates-told.html#ixzz1V7GRSAKP

As I posted here the other day


"Good news but it only goes to highlight the fact that for years they have ignored the publics concern about limpwristed punishments by only passing the minimum sentence. There's been no change to the offence statutes or sentencing guidlines in response to these outrages so it highlights what a different planet magistrates and judiciary are on"

15th August 2011, 22:05
Yes, good thing too. :angry:

Normally they'd have been given the usual smack on the wrist. :NoNo:

16th August 2011, 08:39
UK riots: magistrates told 'ignore the rule book' and lock up looters

Courts are being advised that the scale of last week’s civil disobedience means that offences committed during the riots should be dealt with more harshly.

The memo, sent late last week by the capital’s most senior justice clerks, led one magistrate to warn that any offenders involved in the “anarchy” can expect a prison sentence.

Magistrates appear to have heeded the message, as figures released by the Ministry of Justice last night disclosed that two in three people charged in connection with the riots and looting have been remanded in custody.


16th August 2011, 08:44
wow this report might worry some of the looters

a woman who was asleep at the times of the looting was jailed for 5 months for receiving a stolen pair of shorts!!!!! fair enough I guess .....but she has two kids, are the state looking after them or will they become poisoned against society because of what happened to their mum. Now there may be more to this than was reported.. she may be a serial offender or soome other issue but again the news at ten did not report PAST the headline. This sensationalist reporting is not helping

16th August 2011, 09:52
Well, the media have a lot to answer for in the 'Broken Britain' saga anyway.

'Broken Media' comes to mind, when I witness the utter :censored: that is broadcast daily.

I'm no prude, but the amount of sexual innuendo permeating every type of programme it seems, is just becoming intolerable, considering most of the stuff is supposed to be family viewing. - And as for the soaps...words fail me. :NoNo:

16th August 2011, 11:19
Hardly a mention of the UK's worst oil spill for years :Erm:

16th August 2011, 11:45
yup, if you are going to have a major corporate foul up now would be a good time:doh

16th August 2011, 11:55
Couple of hundred tons of light crude so far, so hopefully not too much of an impact on the environment.

Lord knows how much is sneakily washed out of ships' storage tanks etc every day. :NoNo:

16th August 2011, 19:28
...............Lord knows how much is sneakily washed out of ships' storage tanks etc every day. :NoNo:

Apologies to all for off topic rant but on this point I must highlight the fact that every year 300 oil tanker accidents occur within European waters, causing between 240,000 and 960,000 tons of hydrocarbons to be dumped in the sea.

Even though the Mediterranean alone boasts 50 waste reception centres, only 15 of these actually comply with minimum requirements

In the EU, only Germany and Greece have ever complied with the incorporation of an EU Directive for waste treatment in ports and to prevent dumping at sea

Every year 300 oil tanker accidents occur within the EU, causing between 240,000 and 960,000 tons of hydrocarbons to be dumped in the sea.

BUT....Illegal dumping and routine operations of vessels within EU waters account for between 666,000 and over 2.5 million tons of hydrocarbons of marine pollution per year.
Nearly 280,000 come from fuel and oil from vessels which are not even oil tankers.

The Dumping Of Hydrocarbons From Ships Into The Seas and Oceans Of Europe (http://na.oceana.org/sites/default/files/o/fileadmin/oceana/uploads/europe/reports/oil-report-english.pdf)

Rant over.

16th August 2011, 20:02
I'm liking these punishments:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th August 2011, 20:23
I'm liking these punishments:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's excellent Les - 9 Aug two scumbags incite a riot on Facebook - 16 Aug they're jailed for 4 years. Top Judge :appl:


16th August 2011, 20:27


Now can we get back to the oil :rolleyes:

16th August 2011, 20:50
Which oil ? Virgin extra olive oil or 3-in one?

16th August 2011, 20:53
I'm sick of threads going off topic so here is the original topic:D

16th August 2011, 20:58
I'm sick of threads going off topic so here is the original topic:D


16th August 2011, 20:58
Back on topic

Big Bubba will be using some 3 in 1 when he gets hold of the Facebook muppets in Strangeways