View Full Version : Third party fire & theft insurance doesn't include riots

Ako Si Jamie
12th August 2011, 21:05
I'd be well hacked off if I had this type of policy and my motor got damaged through no fault of my own such as riots. I bet there's quite a few people who have lost their cars this week and won't receive any payout. :rolleyes:

12th August 2011, 21:06
I'd be well hacked off if I had this type of policy and my motor got damaged through no fault of my own such as riots. I bet there's quite a few people who have lost their cars this week and won't receive any payout. :rolleyes:

They might be covered by this old fashioned riot compo scheme where the £'s come out of police funds

12th August 2011, 21:08
They might be covered by this old fashioned riot compo scheme where the £'s come out of police funds

They are, I saw a guy from the ABI on the news yesterday saying the same thing.

12th August 2011, 21:10
They are, I saw a guy from the ABI on the news yesterday saying the same thing.

All the n'er do wells will be setting about their old crocks with a bat :D

Ako Si Jamie
12th August 2011, 21:11
That's good. Never heard of that scheme before.

12th August 2011, 21:13
Someone from the Police Fund was having a whinge about it, saying it's outdated...etc, The ABI replied by saying it had served the Police well since it was introduced in 1884 or whenever it was:icon_lol:

12th August 2011, 21:19
the offenders should be paying,
make sure those that have lost are compensated, then take from offenders ,, even if their paying it off over their life time

12th August 2011, 21:51
the offenders should be paying,
make sure those that have lost are compensated, then take from offenders ,, even if their paying it off over their life time

One of the scumbags has been remanded for causing damage to £319000 worth of stock when he torched a Miss Selfridge shop. A lifetime worth of benefits will never pay that back:cwm23:...unless he's a Somalian or Eastern European benefit cheat:cwm23::cwm23: I'm starting to sound like Dedworth, I'd better take my valium:icon_lol:

12th August 2011, 21:54
throw me a valium will ya, my blood boils,

12th August 2011, 22:03
how much could be raised from their body parts :xxgrinning--00xx3::laugher:

12th August 2011, 22:06
how much could be raised from their body parts :xxgrinning--00xx3::laugher:

I feel sorry for anyone who gets any of their brains in a brain transplant:icon_lol: and you wouldn't want their hands either, you be forever shoplifting:omg:

12th August 2011, 22:19
I feel sorry for anyone who gets any of their brains in a brain transplant:icon_lol: and you wouldn't want their hands either, you be forever shoplifting:omg:

i guess the brains could be used for medical research, :xxgrinning--00xx3: hands can be used to feed rescued sharks

12th August 2011, 22:21
i guess the brains could be used for medical research,

That wouldn't take long then:icon_lol:

12th August 2011, 22:26
That wouldn't take long then:icon_lol:


come to think of it, im not sure any parts will be any use, drug abused alchohol, liver , heart and lung damage

12th August 2011, 22:58
Bait ?


12th August 2011, 23:01

Arthur Little
13th August 2011, 01:09
I bet there's quite a few people who have lost their cars this week and won't receive any payout. :rolleyes:

Sad, but true :bigcry: ... MOST policies have a "get-out" clause - expressly absolving insurers from any obligation to indemnify policyholders in the event of so-called 'Acts of God' - or :rolleyes: ... in this case ... hoodies. :voodoo::voodoo:

13th August 2011, 01:15
One of the scumbags has been remanded for causing damage to £319000 worth of stock when he torched a Miss Selfridge shop. A lifetime worth of benefits will never pay that back:cwm23:...unless he's a Somalian or Eastern European benefit cheat:cwm23::cwm23: I'm starting to sound like Dedworth, I'd better take my valium:icon_lol:

String 'em up - you know it makes sense - it's the only language those ba$tards understand http://www.smileyshut.com/free-sick-smileys-565%5B1%5D.gif

Arthur Little
13th August 2011, 01:46
String 'em up - you know it makes sense - it's the only language those ba$tards understand http://www.smileyshut.com/free-sick-smileys-565%5B1%5D.gif

Now here's an :idea: ... your "nest egg" - compliments of 'Ernie' - would defray the post & packaging costs if you were to invest in a suitable length of rope for the purpose. :icon_lol: