View Full Version : Axe rioters benefits - Govt ePetition

10th August 2011, 18:23
Sign up here (you might have to wait a while heavy demand)


Any persons convicted of criminal acts during the current London riots should have all financial benefits removed. No tax payer should have to contribute to those who have destroyed property, stolen from their community and shown a disregard for the country that provides for them.

10th August 2011, 19:23
Just saw this I will be signing up and yes heavy demand :)

10th August 2011, 20:26
wont that affect there human rights or some sort of do gooder thing some .... will be saying

11th August 2011, 08:26
I do not see the problem with that Doc. if the cause is reasonable and just then no issue with declaring my details, unless the government plans to sell them to interested parties like insurance companies and law firms for more cold calling:doh:doh:doh

Doc Alan
11th August 2011, 08:41
I do not see the problem with that Doc. if the cause is reasonable and just then no issue with declaring my details ...
Completely agree Scott - either on an e-petition or on the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th August 2011, 09:21
That'd just tgive them an excuse to go out and riot/rob again as they have no money :Erm: :doh

Some of them are going to lose their jobs :xxgrinning--00xx3: ...muppets :icon_lol:

11th August 2011, 09:37
I agree that these scum need to have their benefits taken away, but that will just make them rob and steal to feed their habits. To combat this, they should be handed out food stamps so they have no excuse to moan because they are hungry. Strip them of all their luxuries .. and material posessions.

Ako Si Jamie
11th August 2011, 19:40
Agree with W2W and Steve.