View Full Version : 13000 MPH jet

10th August 2011, 16:51

Actually, it isn't a jet, it's a rocket powered aircraft

Arthur Little
10th August 2011, 17:35
:cwm24: ... WOW, Ian ... AMAZING!

10th August 2011, 17:59
By my reckoning, it will take us about 15 minutes to get from LHR to MNL :icon_lol:

10th August 2011, 18:04
amazing thank goodness its military and not your flight to philippines,
glides at hypersonic speeds of 13,000 mph through the Earth’s atmosphere. (To put it in perspective, it would take less than 12 minutes to fly from New York to Los Angeles.)

i can just imagine if it was a passenger plane, 2 days delay by lightning,then a 12 minute flight, you land in the oceon and not at your destination,,mmmmmmmmmm next time il take the bus :laugher::laugher::laugher:

11th August 2011, 13:01
True it is a military aircraft, but if they have the technology to make it forthe military, who knows? a version of it may find its way into civil aviation in the next 30 - 50 years.

Since Concorde was taken out of service there are no supersonic civil aircraft, in effect civil aviation has taken a step backwards. In a different economic climate, some of the technology may enter mainstream aircraft production ..........probably in China:rolleyes:

11th August 2011, 13:31
Realistically, the g force involved would probably kill a man wouldn't it? Not sure quite how many the shuttle crew go through maybe the same...... ok I'll get my coat :rolleyes:

11th August 2011, 14:34
Realistically, the g force involved would probably kill a man wouldn't it? Not sure quite how many the shuttle crew go through maybe the same...... ok I'll get my coat :rolleyes:

Good point Steve:xxgrinning--00xx3: A passenger version would have to be toned down a lot, but Concorde was able to travel comfortably at approx Mach 2.2 with out any adverse effects on its passengers. We have the technology to build faster passenger aircraft, the challenges we face are the financial and environmental costs of producing a supersonic passenger craft.

11th August 2011, 14:34
Realistically, the g force involved would probably kill a man wouldn't it? Not sure quite how many the shuttle crew go through maybe the same...... ok I'll get my coat :rolleyes:

Good point Steve:xxgrinning--00xx3: A passenger version would have to be toned down a lot, but Concorde was able to travel comfortably at approx Mach 2.2 with out any adverse effects on its passengers. We have the technology to build faster passenger aircraft, the challenges we face are the financial and environmental costs of producing a supersonic passenger craft.

11th August 2011, 15:52
The higher you go the less the g-force. Airbus actually have something like that on paper, but slow enough for flights to Asia to be 2hrs :rolleyes:

12th August 2011, 08:06
They've lost contact with it


The US military lost contact with an unmanned hypersonic test aircraft shortly after its launch, defence officials have said.

The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) - capable of reaching any target in the world in less than an hour - began a test flight from atop a rocket on Thursday.

Contact was also lost with a similar craft during the first mission.

12th August 2011, 09:09
:icon_lol: I've just seen that on the Beeb website too