View Full Version : Look what iv won yyyyeeeeeeessssssssssss

31st July 2011, 00:22
BMW X6 Concept Car‏


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30 July 2011 18:22:25



This message is here because your junk email filter is set to exclusive.
Wait, it's safe!

You are a Winner of a BMW X6 Concept Car and a £750,000.00GBP. with Ticket number: 22 5954 78 and Serial number:BMWP / S-A-M 7554-1189 Contact Mr. Abraham Gabriel, with your Fullname:Country:Telephone no:Age:
Email: mr-abrahamphilip@gmx.co.uk

31st July 2011, 00:27
Wow....better book that Phils flight via Nigeria then. :Jump:

Need a chauffeur ? :D

31st July 2011, 00:29

31st July 2011, 00:42
I wish I had that setting on my spam filter :bigcry:

Arthur Little
31st July 2011, 00:45
Oh heck ... not ANOTHER flippin' :FlippieSpammer:!

31st July 2011, 00:48
I wish I had that setting on my spam filter :bigcry:

its all good having junk filter, but i still end up looking in its folder incase anything important has ended up there, so its still a nuesence

31st July 2011, 00:52
i think there should be 3 folders ,, 1/is your inbox, 2/ maybe maybe not junk :laugher: 3/dont even bother to look junk, :laugher:

31st July 2011, 00:55
I was fooled too thought we had a lotto winner... :Hellooo:

31st July 2011, 01:00
If you fly to Manila with Emirate airlines you can enter the raffle at Dubai for a supercar. It cost around £90 and is limited to 1000 tickets or the million dollar raffle for roughly £200 and limited to 500 tickets.
Do you feel lucky:)

31st July 2011, 01:02
If you fly to Manila with Emirate airlines you can enter the raffle at Dubai for a supercar. It cost around £90 and is limited to 1000 tickets or the million dollar raffle for roughly £200 and limited to 500 tickets.
Do you feel lucky:)

i must be lucky iv won a BMW X6 Concept Car‏

31st July 2011, 08:39
great are you sure its not the c5

31st July 2011, 09:37
its all good having junk filter, but i still end up looking in its folder incase anything important has ended up there, so its still a nuesence

Curiosity killed the cat...:D

31st July 2011, 11:04
great are you sure its not the c5


31st July 2011, 11:09
Wow....better book that Phils flight via Nigeria then. :Jump:

Need a chauffeur ? :D

Oi that's my job:D

2nd August 2011, 14:44
Ive seen u are single!! my mother is single an she is looking a man to married here!! she is here with us. (maidenhead)

2nd August 2011, 16:26
If you fly to Manila with Emirate airlines you can enter the raffle at Dubai for a supercar. It cost around £90 and is limited to 1000 tickets or the million dollar raffle for roughly £200 and limited to 500 tickets.
Do you feel lucky

I actually know an Italian guy and his Pinay wife who were flying with Qatar to visit his father in Italy. They were running a similar raffle and his wife wanted to enter but only had about 2/3 of the ticket price and the tight fisted husband did not want to cough up, the passenger next to them overheard and offered to buy the other third of teh last remaining ticket on that flight and with only 3 days of the month long promotion to run possibly the last ticket.. Well they won the 1 million USD so mate and his wife are now 666,667 USD to the good and keeping ot fairly quiet as she has a large and on past performance ungrateful family. I am pleased for them as they had reasonably meagre but happy existance and did not plan on babies for that reason. In the end we found in days of each other that our wives plus another mates wife were all pregnant with nine months later two arriving same day and one a few weeks later. hmmm let me see if I can find a piccy of all three



well TWO of them anyway hehehehe our Joshua ansd his girlfriend Martina born same day

2nd August 2011, 16:42
oops copied same piccy twice, here are the happy mums and sleeping babies at our place


2nd August 2011, 18:11
wow Stewart, good to see you are at least considering chatting to another lady.... Maidenhead to Aberdeenshire might as well be a LDR hehehehehehehe just kidding ,

have fun

3rd August 2011, 13:45
go for imagine everything to gain :D