View Full Version : What qualities or traits of a Filipino you most like and don't like?

18th July 2011, 04:28
If you will be asked and you will answer the question in your point of view or based on your encounter with a Filipino or co-Filipino,....


18th July 2011, 10:38
hello ann_barnett:Wave:

let me share my insight about your question:D Men, most often than not are attracted to women who are hard to get. They like a good challenge and some sense of pride wins him over when he gets a woman to become his girlfriend. This is one of the reasons why easy girls do not attract men to be with them for a long time, they didn't do anything to win her. Be that challenge men are looking for and you will totally get men lining up to you.
They like brains, not breasts:yikes::D. Contrary to what women would like to believe, most men do not look for the stereotyped dumb women. A girl who uses her head and gives her opinion fairly well will attract men to talk more to her. You don't need to become an Einstein, just don't be dumb in all areas or that will really make men start running to the doors.
Let's face it, men like girls who are oozing with sex appeal. However, this does not mean throwing yourself at him every alone time that you have to get men not to leave you, do it subtly. Wear sexy clothes every once in a while or you can also try teasing him for a change. Girls who are cool with their sexuality and know how to make their man beg for it are the ones who can get men easily.
lastly, This cannot be stressed more than enough, understanding women attract men to love her even more. In any case, this means listening to him and trying to understand how men think. If he needs space, give it to him or better yet, do not make him feel that he needs space; and have more patience with him.:Jump:

18th July 2011, 10:43
i dont like....

when its me spending all the money,
having to spend all my time with the family...its nice to be alone sometimes,
taking none stop photos,
kissing after she as shrimp paste

i do like...

her sexy petite body,
her smile,
her caring and loving nature to take care of me

18th July 2011, 11:08
I love that TAMPO, it allows me to have time to myself for TV, music, visiting PC World and best of all for fishing.
Ah!! the peace and quiet :D

18th July 2011, 11:11

18th July 2011, 11:19
I love that TAMPO, it allows me to have time to myself for TV, music, visiting PC World and best of all for fishing.
Ah!! the peace and quiet :D

it really irritates my boyfriend when im not talking....:doh:doh:doh:doh

Arthur Little
18th July 2011, 14:05
:) I greatly admire the [unconditional] manner in which Filipinas (by and large) are prepared to cheerfully and unstintingly "give their all" - and I'm NOT talking about their bodies :nono-1-1: - in terms of demonstrating their loyalty and devotion to the men that they love ... and the numerous ways they have of expressing it. It seems clear to me, that all they ask for in return, is to be cherished :love2: by their chosen partners.

18th July 2011, 14:13
It seems clear to me, that all they ask for in return, is to go shopping :love2: by their chosen partners.

:bigcry: :heartshape1: :D

Arthur Little
18th July 2011, 14:29
It seems clear to me, that all they ask for in return, is to go shopping :love2: by their chosen partners.

:bigcry: :heartshape1: :D

:anerikke: ... it's you who's saying it :D NOT me! :NoNo:

Maria B
18th July 2011, 15:03
I love that TAMPO, it allows me to have time to myself for TV, music, visiting PC World and best of all for fishing.
Ah!! the peace and quiet :D


Arthur Little
18th July 2011, 15:05
Me? Well ... cycling was MY main recreational pursuit. That is ... up until my wife came to the UK. I used to think nothing of covering 30-odd and more miles daily after I retired. :anerikke:

However, Myrna worries about me being out and about on my bike nowadays because of the heavy traffic (we live near a particularly busy road) and my worsening hearing difficulties. :doh

She's happiest when we're together - which we are most of the time ... even if I'm spending a lot of it on the computer - because then she knows [B] where I am and there's less chance of me ending up under the wheels of a bus or an articulated lorry. :yikes:

18th July 2011, 15:15
Likes..........warm, friendly, caring, helpful, beautiful, sexy, unselfish, humble { always making sure their guests are ok } fantastic loyalty to family, friends and loved ones. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Dislikes...... tampo, jealousy, gossip, overcharging us Kanos " foreigner tax !", lack of World knowledge { blame the Government on the crap education standards on that one} rife corruption and lack of general common sense and Materialistic { "understandable" if they are from a very poor background}.:NoNo:

Can we add what we like about the Country too?? Here's a start: beautiful scenery, great weather, sunshine and warmth and very inexpensive.

Maria B
18th July 2011, 15:17
My Husband likes:
@my simplicity & smiling face
@I allow him to go fishing
@cares for him, always listens
@bonding...quality time (movies, dining, visiting friends, biking, walking along the canal, feet up after work - carlings for him, malibu & coke for me)

My husband doesn't like:
@me being silent
@me upset
@me in my mood swings lols :icon_lol: (preggy)

18th July 2011, 15:20
I love that TAMPO, it allows me to have time to myself for TV, music, visiting PC World and best of all for fishing.
Ah!! the peace and quiet :D

I normally leave her to it, she normally goes off and beats up the laundry.:icon_lol:

Maria B
18th July 2011, 15:34
hello ann_barnett:Wave:

let me share my insight about your question:D Men, most often than not are attracted to women who are hard to get. They like a good challenge and some sense of pride wins him over when he gets a woman to become his girlfriend. This is one of the reasons why easy girls do not attract men to be with them for a long time, they didn't do anything to win her. Be that challenge men are looking for and you will totally get men lining up to you.
They like brains, not breasts:yikes::D. Contrary to what women would like to believe, most men do not look for the stereotyped dumb women. A girl who uses her head and gives her opinion fairly well will attract men to talk more to her. You don't need to become an Einstein, just don't be dumb in all areas or that will really make men start running to the doors.
Let's face it, men like girls who are oozing with sex appeal. However, this does not mean throwing yourself at him every alone time that you have to get men not to leave you, do it subtly. Wear sexy clothes every once in a while or you can also try teasing him for a change. Girls who are cool with their sexuality and know how to make their man beg for it are the ones who can get men easily.
lastly, This cannot be stressed more than enough, understanding women attract men to love her even more. In any case, this means listening to him and trying to understand how men think. If he needs space, give it to him or better yet, do not make him feel that he needs space; and have more patience with him.:Jump:


18th July 2011, 18:49
I like everything about her, but we have been apart over 2 months now!

I am getting very bored and tired of the jealousy...:NoNo:


18th July 2011, 18:53
Well, I like the fact that when I'm in the Phils there's a chance that a pretty 25 year-old may smile back at me, whereas in England, more than likely the police would be called. :icon_lol:

18th July 2011, 19:18
not had a tampon or what ever they are called yet, a smile from em is enough for me to know we both have found our partners for life, its called understanding each others wants and needs

18th July 2011, 19:38
They like brains, not breasts
Not much chance of liking breasts with Pinays 34C is the average cup size in Pinas :icon_lol: I know triumph training-bra's do a roaring trade all over the archipelago :icon_lol:
I have known a number of pinays who too sulking to the next level:rolleyes:I knew one girl who if she didnt get her own way would hit HERSELF on the side of the head :cwm24::crazy: Some get jealous at the flick of a switch :rolleyes:

18th July 2011, 19:45
personally:rolleyes: i dont wear any expect that some occasion but normally i dont:D:yikes:..so am brandless :Rasp:


Arthur Little
18th July 2011, 20:03
not had a tampon or what ever they are called

:yikes: ... not many folk have periods WITHOUT! :NoNo:

18th July 2011, 20:15
not many folk have periods WITHOUT!
EXCEPT in pinas,i always found women preferred pads as they are more available than tampons especially in rural areas,also theres the cost consideration,its more crucial to feed the kids than pay for things like that if money is tight.

19th July 2011, 02:04
based on your encounter with a Filipino or co-Filipino,....

I may be a Filipina but I dont like the 'tampo' trait. I usually get that from my friends which sometimes piss me off. I'm a tolerant person but it's sometimes too much if one of my friend suddenly wont talk to me, gives me this silent treatment. I cant stand silence and usually it's always me who breaks it. But when I really am pissed off I usually give my friend a piece of my mind and I dont care if I'll be harsh. Silence is a lot harsher. My point is I'm not a mind reader, I cant exactly know what I've done to offend my friend. I'm straightforward person and I guess I want the same thing from others. The only time I have this silent mood when I'm hurt or angry and I dont want to make matter worse. I usually ask to leave me alone for a while. When I'm mad, I walk away and find some place to think. My mom always remind me that 'when you dont have anything good to say, zip your mouth'. A hurtful word is like a nail hammered to a wood, if you pull out the nail, it will leave a hole behind, a wound that even time may not be able to heal it.

20th July 2011, 01:59
I forgot to mention the trait(s) that I like.....what I like and love is optimism and strong faith in God. Facing myriad problems but you'll still find Filipinos laughing and smiling. The belief that no problem is as big as the Lord and that's one reason I guess that keeps many of my fellowmen standing despite of difficulties in life.

I've meet a lot of people who astounded me and at the same time humbled me because of their faith despite of their circumstances. I used to pity myself when I'm in great difficulties but I've meet people who were in far worse condition and yet they still have the time to laugh and be optimistic about their future. I've been with people who from my view need financial help and yet they're the first to offer help to anyone who needs it without asking something in return.

20th July 2011, 09:31
qualities that my husband likes in me:

strong, extreme, stubborn


20th July 2011, 10:31
doing things that the norm dont normally like:rolleyes::D

20th July 2011, 10:38
I forgot to mention the trait(s) that I like.....what I like and love is optimism and strong faith in God. Facing myriad problems but you'll still find Filipinos laughing and smiling. The belief that no problem is as big as the Lord and that's one reason I guess that keeps many of my fellowmen standing despite of difficulties in life.

I've meet a lot of people who astounded me and at the same time humbled me because of their faith despite of their circumstances. I used to pity myself when I'm in great difficulties but I've meet people who were in far worse condition and yet they still have the time to laugh and be optimistic about their future. I've been with people who from my view need financial help and yet they're the first to offer help to anyone who needs it without asking something in return.

hmm religious..i quite admire people like that sweet and you are lucky indeed you got this belief:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th July 2011, 12:25
faith can be a tricky thing i beleive, when we are in trouble we ask for his, her, its help, and when everything is going smooth do we even bother thinking about it, just my thoughs,

20th July 2011, 12:27
ok here goes based on a sample of one ie my honey so not scientific lol


family values
respect for elders
her faith
her super soft skin
amazing smile
forgiving nature(after 24 hour tampo)
lack of reklamo
thoughtfulness in general
ability to get on with anyone
does not think I am kuripot hehehehe
tons of common sense and very down to earth

24 hour tampo
keeps problems inside too much
amount of time spent on phone/facebook with extended family and friends

20th July 2011, 12:31
kind of agree with that Steve, how mant times on a hospital drama do you hear them say we have done everything we can the last thing we can do is pray. or all we can do now is pray... seems like the wriong way round, should be the 1st thing for people of faith. But lets not start off down that track again.:)

20th July 2011, 12:31
so much you have written there Scott, but i think you have hit the nail on the head concerning all out partners, well said,just not had that tampo yet, cant wait:rolleyes:

21st July 2011, 02:08
faith can be a tricky thing i beleive, when we are in trouble we ask for his, her, its help, and when everything is going smooth do we even bother thinking about it, just my thoughs,

forgive me if I didnt elaborate but I wasnt talking about religious people....I was referring to godly people....religious and godly are quite different....I dont have much trust with religious people coz many of them are hypocrites....I wasnt talking about my own faith, I was talking about faith of people I've meet in my life, faith that put me into shame for calling myself a Christian...they dont just pray and remember God when they have problems. God is part of their life, part of their routine, part of them. It's hard to explain really, I myself cant understand the faith that they have. I cant fully grasp it. I can understand now that it's possible for a person to be selfless.

Faith as you said is a tricky thing and a sensitive issue.....I believe in what I believe even if some of what I believe is contradicting to other religion's teachings.

I dont want to argue about that....I hope you dont mind if I clear something up....peace :)

21st July 2011, 07:25
there is nothing to clear up or argue about , thsi is a forum where we can say what we feel and if someone dont agree well, life still goes on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2011, 09:12
a lot of war is waged on religion its not that i dont beleive i dont push it on others do away with religion and maybe we get peace but i dont think so :crazy: my ex farther in law was a minister i saw and heard a lot of :censored: thats why i stopped going to church i was told your not to question the words in bible i said why :furious3:

23rd July 2011, 20:19
Like - her loving ways
Dislike - her jealousy

23rd July 2011, 21:09
there is nothing to clear up or argue about , thsi is a forum where we can say what we feel and if someone dont agree well, life still goes on:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Totally agree with that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd July 2011, 22:11
What I like: Total devotion to her family back home, putting their well being before her own well being and happiness every time.

What I don't like: See What I like.

23rd July 2011, 22:15
What I like: Total devotion to her family back home, putting their well being before her own well being and happiness every time.

What I don't like: See What I like.

Is this a common issue?
I had a bit of this with my ex wife actually she gave a lot of her effort and money to help her family (she did earn good income) but I did feel a bit left out sometimes.

Its a concern of mine when my Mahal comes to the UK.
But what can be done? Without having a domestic I think its something you have to take or leave.. I dunno but the answer is something I'd be interested in hearing..

23rd July 2011, 22:23
Is this a common issue?
I had a bit of this with my ex wife actually she gave a lot of her effort and money to help her family (she did earn good income) but I did feel a bit left out sometimes.

Its a concern of mine when my Mahal comes to the UK.
But what can be done? Without having a domestic I think its something you have to take or leave.. I dunno but the answer is something I'd be interested in hearing..

it all depends on your wifes and her families situation, i think its in all filipinos...what makes it worse is when the family put them on a guilt trip.

24th July 2011, 14:29
My Mahal keeps has asked me what she can do for her family.
I have explained she cant work and her brothers are gonna have to up their game but she doesn't get it.
I don't want to bring her here and suddenly be asked to cough up!
I'd rather just say stay there and earn for her family if that's what they want from her cos I don't wanna go through a lot of hassle!
Both her mum/dad don't work, one brother works well the other doesn't but has family to support so I may be taking a leg away from a table that supports this family! And the dad doesn't care if my mahal has hervown family with me!

I'm at a crossroads and dont know what to do...:Erm:

24th July 2011, 14:37
In my experience this family support issue is ONE of the most common reasons for relationships disintegrating.

Some Westerners just do not take seriously enough the obligation that most Filipinas feel under....until it is too late.

24th July 2011, 14:41
Utang na loob,I know at least one marriage thats sank after the wife got into more than £30k:cwm24: worth of debt,AND kept it hidden from hubbie for a while :rolleyes:

24th July 2011, 14:59
Sounds familiar.:rolleyes:

24th July 2011, 15:57
OMG! :yikes:

24th July 2011, 16:59
You've been warned.

Often it's "down tools everyone ...she's pulled a millionaire". :icon_lol:

Expat Filipinas can also quickly become drawn into 'one-up-manship'. :rolleyes:

24th July 2011, 17:30
[QUOTE=grahamw48;304178]You've been warned.

Often it's "down tools everyone' ...she's pulled a millionaire". :icon_lol:

that was my fear , but after saying i was no millionair all is well here in the woolley household:xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th July 2011, 18:01
Cant they just,worse are the fiesta-millionaires :icon_lol: They struggle and strive all year to pay of their credit card bills si they can go back to pinas for fiesta and blow large amounts of cash,bestowing largess upon friends and family giving the ompression they have "Cracked it" :icon_lol: then its back to the UK and nose to the grindstone for yet another year to pay off the utang :rolleyes:

25th July 2011, 16:10
My honey had 11 years of working in Singapore and Hong Kong to get used to her families expectations and saw some of them waste every opportunuty she gave them. Fortunately even before I met ther she has learned to manage their expectations and wo betide any of them who let her generoity down.. example one nephew wanted to go to merchant navy school. she paid the fees upfront, bought the uniforms and paid his accomadation for the 1st semester and gave him an allowance. He got to drinking, paying for his mates, crashed out of college after 9 weeks. She did not to talk to him for 4 years:yikes::yikes::yikes:. and he is still paying her back 100 pesos at at time.