View Full Version : Filipinos rock !

17th July 2011, 16:35
One of the characteristics I have always loved about the Filipino people is their musicality.

I think my boy has inherited it, and I'm so proud of him, so please forgive me this self-indulgence. :)

Yesterday at 'York Festival of Youth':


Maria B
17th July 2011, 16:48
One of the characteristics I have always loved about the Filipino people is their musicality.

I think my boy has inherited it, and I'm so proud of him, so please forgive me this self-indulgence. :)

Yesterday at 'York Festival of Youth':


:xxgrinning--00xx3: agree! :Wave:

17th July 2011, 16:52
we call it ''jeprox'' in the PH....your son looks cool Graham!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

..my daughter who is 9 is practicing on her guitar too....we just love music ,full blooded pinoy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th July 2011, 22:28
We should always be proud and highly supportive of ANY achievements our children make.

17th July 2011, 23:58
Absolutely. :xxgrinning--00xx3: