View Full Version : Question Time

8th July 2011, 17:59
Just watched Question time from last night and totally impressed by Hugh Grant he put them all to shame!

8th July 2011, 18:26

8th July 2011, 18:42
Yeah he was quite good I thought.

The link didnt go anywhere Moy?


8th July 2011, 18:54
I didn't see it, but I've heard a few soundbites of him on the radio news, and was impressed by what little I did hear:xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th July 2011, 18:55
He was very good. The range of topics was pretty narrow but his grasp of all the detail was impressive.

8th July 2011, 19:22
I've not watched QT in a long while. Is it this Hugh Grant being referred to ?


8th July 2011, 20:32
That`s the one ,and the pompous Jon Gaunt actually raised the topic as a put down on the show but it rebounded on him as the audience were in full support of Grant.

As or being knowledgeable on the subject , he was the subject of phone tapping plus there was only going to be one major topic on the night and I guess he read up well.

8th July 2011, 20:54
Just watching it on iPlayer like the bit where Grant makes the scottish labour bloke Alexander shake by saying weren't you and Milliband & Co at Rupert Murdochs party 3 weeks ago. Alexander then pontificates about needing to clean up the press & Grant says why didn't you do anything in your 14 years in power :laugher:

8th July 2011, 23:12
Just watching it on iPlayer like the bit where Grant makes the scottish labour bloke Alexander shake by saying weren't you and Milliband & Co at Rupert Murdochs party 3 weeks ago. Alexander then pontificates about needing to clean up the press & Grant says why didn't you do anything in your 14 years in power :laugher:
Now you mention that - a priceless retort!

I thought Gaunty was a bit of a cock last night too...

9th July 2011, 00:38
It was a bit low Gaunty telling Grant to keep it in his trousers but on the whole I thought he was pretty good. I miss the days of him on Talk Sh1te ripping in to all and sundry :D

9th July 2011, 01:13
Had a hot cold view on him, boastful, arrogant, could have cheerfully shoved his Sony awards where the sun dont shine, turned on some callers for no good reason but always interesting.
Cant stand Talk S...e in the mornings now, like the 1pm and 1am hosts, the rest is mostly noise :yikes:

9th July 2011, 08:25
Cant stand Talk S...e in the mornings now, like the 1pm and 1am hosts, the rest is mostly noise :yikes:

I no longer listen to it since they got rid of the topical chat show.

9th July 2011, 13:06
Could not stand Jon Gaunt when he was on talksport. Arrogant, rude, the constant references to his Jaguar car. Sounded to me like a man heading for a fall......:Wave:

9th July 2011, 13:52
Could not stand Jon Gaunt when he was on talksport. Arrogant, rude, the constant references to his Jaguar car. Sounded to me like a man heading for a fall......:Wave:

Do you remember him saying he always turned left when he got on the plane :icon_lol:

10th July 2011, 13:14
No I missed that! I heard him on Five Live last night and he completely "loses it" at around 33.00 minutes. :yikes: