View Full Version : Q on passports, documents for the application

3rd July 2011, 07:50
Hi guys,

Hope to hear your ideas about some questions I would like to post. My husband and I got married last June 4. We are now starting to sort things for the visa application. We plan to go for the EEA.

1. Do I have to ask him to send his passport to me or just a photocopy of his passport?

2. Do I have to renew my passport and change to my married name? My passport will expire on April 2013.

3. What is the safest way to send a passport in a forwarding services? Any suggestions.

These are just some queries I have in my mind today, as we try now to gather all our requirements. Thanks guys for any suggestions or ideas that u can share.

Best regards,

3rd July 2011, 09:58
hiya Febmary:Wave: think its worthy to look on this link for your question


3rd July 2011, 18:40
Do I have to ask him to send his passport to me or just a photocopy of his passport?

my husband send a scanned copy of his passport with all the stamp pages and not been certified by anyone.

Do I have to renew my passport and change to my married name? My passport will expire on April 2013.

Its completely up to you but i did renew my passport even if its not due to expire as i want to use my new surname,..it saves me a lot of hassle when i applied for my visa

What is the safest forwarding services? Any suggestions.

my husband used DHL , all his original, important documents arrived safely in three days

4th July 2011, 08:26
Hello again,

Thanks for your ideas Moy and Sars.:):):). Please one thing, I have now my authenticated copy of our marriage cert., I have to go back after one month for me to request for the Secpa -NSO. What will the embassy will accept, authenticated or the SECPA? I got the authenticated marriage cert last June 28 at our LCR.

Thanks again.:)

4th July 2011, 08:27
Hi Moy,

GOt problems opening the link.:doh:doh.

14th July 2011, 14:33
Hi Ann,

Kumusta and congratulations!
The embassy will only accept SECPA. So make sure you applied for it through NSO to be expedited. 2 weeks if your civil registrar still has it where your marriage was reported. If not have to wait 12 weeks and still have to apply through NSO and pay for postal check etc.
As for passport, you may use your maiden name. Takes 50 business days now with DFA for renewal, new passports or change of name. You can always have it amended here in the UK by post.