View Full Version : Road Cycling

17th June 2011, 21:42
Hi everyone,

Does anyone in road cycling out there?

I have been lured by my hubby in road cycling and I must admit that I've been hooked at it ever since! I am looking for someone who have the same passion and would like to join a ride, and maybe we can organise a filippino-uk road cycling venues.
I hope to hear from you guys and ladies :)

17th June 2011, 21:48
I can't say I've seen many lycra clad cyclists out in the Phil's, but I have seen plenty of non motorised trikes in Manila:icon_lol:

17th June 2011, 21:55
True I haven't seen much either... errmmm, I guess wearing lycra in Phil is definitelt a no no.:yikes:

17th June 2011, 22:00
True I haven't seen much either... errmmm, I guess wearing lycra in Phil is definitelt a no no.:yikes:

Haha, could be a bit hot:icon_lol: What always staggers me is the westerners who go jogging on a beach at mid day in 40 degrees direct sunlight:Cuckoo:

17th June 2011, 22:16
I'd love to get back into it....just to get fit again.

Here's the one I bought, plus hundreds of £s worth of equipment to cycle to Hong Kong on. Now has front and rear panniers.
(Dawes Super Galaxy). :)

Always cycled in the Phils too.

17th June 2011, 22:26
Hey Graham,
That's a pretty cool touring bikey!!! Oh hell, that needs to get back on the road! :D

17th June 2011, 22:30
Yes, I guess you're right.

That pic is just after I got it.

Saddle is about 6 inches higher (for me) now :)

I WILL get back into it soon. :rolleyes:

18th June 2011, 10:20
I used to cycle a few hundred miles a week before I got arthritis, now I can't even get on the damn bike :doh

My first racer was a Dawes ... great bikes :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th June 2011, 10:31

I have a lot of pain in my muscles and joints too - shoulders and arms mostly (for a few months), but have not bothered to go to the doc....as usual. :rolleyes:

It is actually painful getting out of bed (not meant to be funny :icon_lol:) getting dressed and showered, and in and out of the car.

I might need more than Radox this time. :Erm:

18th June 2011, 10:31
Here's the one I bought, plus hundreds of £s worth of equipment to cycle to Hong Kong on.
Sounds a good trip :xxgrinning--00xx3: I cycled in Pinas,did some BMX'ing on guimaras years ago,also did some biking in india,china,pakistan etc.

18th June 2011, 10:32
Is there any way that you can go back cycling again? it may benefit your health somehow...

We just came back from road cycling in France- beautiful places...I will definitely go back again...:D

18th June 2011, 10:33
errmm... I suppose I should be replying on the reply button and not on the quick reply...

18th June 2011, 10:41
Wow Tawi, that sounds fantastic! I've just started my road cycling adventure last year- I did MTB previously but got converted to race bike now.
Tell us more about your cycling experiences on the places you visited.:)

18th June 2011, 10:45

I have a lot of pain in my muscles and joints too - shoulders and arms mostly (for a few months), but have not bothered to go to the doc....as usual. :rolleyes:

It is actually painful getting out of bed (not meant to be funny :icon_lol:) getting dressed and showered, and in and out of the car.

Vitamins and everyday smoothie will help:)

18th June 2011, 10:49
I think you're right.

I've been very inactive this past few months, whereas previously, quite the opposite.

Time to stop being a lazy :censored: :NoNo:

18th June 2011, 10:52
From my 33rd birthday, when I discovered almost by accident just how unfit I was, until about my 67th I ran at least 4 times a week (did first two London Marathons) then I did power walking and cycling, as my joints were beginning to be noticeable, and for the past 4 years I cycle 22 km 4 days a week (in around 48 mins).

I am probably fitter now at 71 that I was when I was 33.

Incidentally, I have had arthritis of the spine (ankylosing spondylitis) since I was 21, but fortunetaly I don't get much pain with it. I am fairly sure that the exercise program I have been following has contributed greatly to that. Also, I take Glucosamine Sulphate and that too has helped a lot.

I know it's 'horses for courses' but I would recommend a regular exercise program to almost everyone, but the most important advice, if one has not been into exercise, is start slowly. It cannot be too slow. and build up slowly. I have had friends over the years who have seen me running and thought they would have a go. Most ignored the start slowly advice, and after one run were in such pain that they never continued.

My mother walked about 1.5 miles to and from church every day, rain, hail, snow, up to the age of about 88. At 82 she did a 10 mile sponsored walk (she had gone to the start to make the tea for those taking part but when she saw how few turned up, she put on her shoes and did the walk) and then did it again each year until she was 88. She said getting the money in was harder than the 10 miles !

18th June 2011, 10:54
I like riding my bike when its not pissing it down the rain,(like it has been lately lol)...its not brilliant but its got a light alloy frame using extruded tubes,so its a good foundation to upgrade the other components as they fail:D:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th June 2011, 10:55
It's very easy to fall into a couch potato status! But a little bit of effort will give you a lot of benefit health wise and it helps clearing your mind, I really find it liberating especially when my head is overloaded :)

18th June 2011, 10:58
The bike I used when last living in the Phils...complete with imported seat for my boy: :)


18th June 2011, 11:04
errmm... I suppose I should be replying on the reply button and not on the quick reply...


I need a total skeleton transplant :xxgrinning--00xx3:... Usain Bolt's will do :D

18th June 2011, 11:05
Hey guys,

Sorry this is out of topic- I just wanted to have clean replies and posts.

1. How can I paste pics on the message box?
2. How can I get the quote reply box?

I appreciate your help:D It's been sometime now since I've been active on this forum I need to get around these new features.

18th June 2011, 11:07
Living in the cycling city of York....the kids had to be suitably equipped. :)

18th June 2011, 11:08
Electric BIKE! have you thought about it?:D

18th June 2011, 11:08
Tell us more about your cycling experiences on the places you visited.
Not a biker per'se,I just like riding when the opportunity presents itself,I always hire a bike when in amsterdam :) and I remember falling off one and scraping my legs in vietnam when I crashed into someone else :cwm24:

18th June 2011, 11:10
Electric BIKE! have you thought about it?:D

Noooo! :yikes:

That's a cop out. :NoNo:

18th June 2011, 11:19
Keith would probably take it into consideration:D

18th June 2011, 11:36
Noooo! :yikes:

That's a cop out. :NoNo:

I wonder if this works...

18th June 2011, 11:54
Yes, you pressed the 'quote reply' button'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Next step, either press the 'insert image' button, and upload pics from your pc (takes forever, and quality is low) or copy and paste pic's url from your online storage site (photobucket,etc). :)

For youtube videos, press the 'insert video' button and paste the address line of the youtube video directly into it. Voila! :)


18th June 2011, 12:02

Thank you very much I've been reading the FAQ these last couple of minutes and it feels like I need to learn all the do's and don'ts and it's taking loads of time, but I'm getting there- I will probably get my pics saved in a storage site first and will try for the videos later on.

18th June 2011, 12:04
Glucosamine Sulphate does work without a doubt:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I used to get stiff fingers and joints plus have arthritis in right knee (due to years of Sunday league) but I found taking Glucosamine Sulphate really works:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Funny I have just taken up walking/slow jogging to get fit and loose weight and starting to feel benefits after 2 weeks already.
Bloody hard to get back into it but I'm using an app on the phone called Runkeeper and it is great for tracking how far you been/average speed/calories burnt etc.

18th June 2011, 12:07
Thanks Les....will try that....hate running though, so pushbike it will be. :)

I've broken so many bones in the past, including neck, that it must be payback time. :rolleyes:

Breakages to date:
Wrist once.
Fingers x 4.

The biggest accidents I actually came out unscathed....getting knocked off my bike at 16 by someone doing 40mph (concussion and cuts and bruises), walking of a cliff at 14 and falling 40ft onto rock ( just winded), and somersaulting an open-topped car about 5 times at 70mph (uninjured).

18th June 2011, 12:24

18th June 2011, 12:26
That's clever. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

- Just off to walk around the kitchen to make lunch now.:D

18th June 2011, 13:04

18th June 2011, 13:08
Glucosamine Sulphate does work without a doubt:xxgrinning--00xx3:
I used to get stiff fingers and joints plus have arthritis in right knee (due to years of Sunday league) but I found taking Glucosamine Sulphate really works:xxgrinning--00xx3:
Funny I have just taken up walking/slow jogging to get fit and loose weight and starting to feel benefits after 2 weeks already.
Bloody hard to get back into it but I'm using an app on the phone called Runkeeper and it is great for tracking how far you been/average speed/calories burnt etc.

Theres one I've got on my Blackberry called Sporty Pal which ties in with google maps - its free and also available for droids. I do my cycling on a mountain bike (20 year old Raleigh one of the last to be built in Nottingham) - not as much as I should - did the pub and back last night :D

18th June 2011, 19:20
I used Runkeeper before but it was on my husband account- I think I will create one for me now. Runkeeper is really good it tells you everything you need to know with your activities:)

18th June 2011, 19:24
Living in the cycling city of York....the kids had to be suitably equipped. :)

Beautiful happy kids :D

18th June 2011, 22:16
The little one (my boy) is now a very fit 17 year-old. :)


My stepkids have grown up happy and healthy too.....both at Uni' now. :)


18th June 2011, 22:17
I used Runkeeper before but it was on my husband account- I think I will create one for me now. Runkeeper is really good it tells you everything you need to know with your activities:)
Yes it's fantastic and now has a voice and calls out how you are doing as you run/walk/cycle etc.
Best motivator I have and when I have finished it posts my results to facebook so people encourage me when they read them:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th June 2011, 22:19
Will it call an ambulance when I have a heart attack ? :icon_lol:

18th June 2011, 22:22
Will it call an ambulance when I have a heart attack ? :icon_lol:

Doc Alan
18th June 2011, 23:22
The benefits of exercise are well enough known to every member :). At least half an hour a day is commonly recommended. It's now thought that this is better for most people than extreme activities such as full marathons. It's impossible, however, to suggest a regime which suits every member in our two countries with such different climates. We have a wide range of ages and general health ! Some may find gym membership or going to a swimming pool suits them, others prefer to work out at home. Motivation and enjoyment are so important.
I take at least an hour of exercise daily, cycling twice a week, swimming four times a week, and walking every day.

Vitamins are only needed where the diet is inadequate - their use as general "pick-me-ups" is of unproven value. The fad for mega-vitamin treatment is unscientific, expensive, and can be harmful. Just eat a balanced diet, and don't exercise too soon after eating.
How glucosamine acts is not understood - there is limited evidence it is effective ( and then only for symptomatic relief of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee). In fact the Scottish Medicines Consortium does not recommend it for use in NHS Scotland. Side effects include nausea, abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation, headache, fatigue, raised blood cholesterol and more :yikes:. A placebo might be safer !

19th June 2011, 07:57
Doc Alan, Maybe I could register as a miracle.

Prior or taking glucosamine I was getting pins in my ankles and knee joints (after 30 plus years of running, having started when I was 33) I was also very aware that when I was walking in bare feet that the bones of my feet were 'cracking.'

I started taking 750mg of glucosamine a day and within a short time (maybe a few months) was aware that I no longer had pains in the knees or ankles and that my feet were no longer make cracking noises.

I don't know if taking the glucosamine has improved the ankylosing sponiditus, or whether I just am lucky with that.

I have not been aware of any side effects from using the glucosamine.

Incidentally, it is recommended by many well known athletes, and as they do not recommend a particular brand I would assume they do not get any financial incentives thus probably believe what they say..

19th June 2011, 09:08

Your kids looks happy and beautiful! Your son eeheeemm! Verrryyy good looking! :D

19th June 2011, 09:19

I was thinking just to make this thread happy and active- would you like to post your daily/weekly/monthly sporty activity up and share with to us? and we can discuss/debate and brag about it:D

It doesn't matter what kind of sport activity you do walking,run,swim whatever it is it would be great to share it with everyone.
I just created my account in RunKeeper- I will be posting my cycling activity soooon!
We are getting ready for a ride on Sandbanks-Studland-Wareham-Hamworthy-Poole- approx 25-30 mi :D

Watch this space!

19th June 2011, 09:19
Anyone looking for free photo storage, and I STRONGLY recommend you use it as a backup, use SNAPFISH (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/31146-SnapFish-Review-Free-Mass-Photo-Storage-and-Discount-Prints?highlight=snapfish)

19th June 2011, 09:30
Anyone looking for free photo storage, and I STRONGLY recommend you use it as a backup, use SNAPFISH (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/31146-SnapFish-Review-Free-Mass-Photo-Storage-and-Discount-Prints?highlight=snapfish)

I just created an account on the fishy snappy thingy:D

19th June 2011, 10:09
I do a lot of mountain biking now, about 4 times a week for about 30 miles.

Love it, getting into the country side, not thinking or worrying.

Problem is the weather has been so bad I might have to look into road biking or a spinning class

19th June 2011, 10:18
I just created an account on the fishy snappy thingy:D

I thought it was a phishing site...


19th June 2011, 11:20

I was thinking just to make this thread happy and active- would you like to post your daily/weekly/monthly sporty activity up and share with to us? and we can discuss/debate and brag about it:D

It doesn't matter what kind of sport activity you do walking,run,swim whatever it is it would be great to share it with everyone.
I just created my account in RunKeeper- I will be posting my cycling activity soooon!
We are getting ready for a ride on Sandbanks-Studland-Wareham-Hamworthy-Poole- approx 25-30 mi :D

Watch this space!
Maybe start a new post Graham with a new title something like' Members fitness report'

19th June 2011, 11:29
Oh eck. :Erm:

19th June 2011, 17:19
I wonder if this link will going to work- Just to share you the route we did today :D


19th June 2011, 17:21
Maybe start a new post Graham with a new title something like' Members fitness report'

Yeah! that's a good idea Les! I think it will help to encourage everyone to do outdoor excercise and share the pain:D

19th June 2011, 18:08
I wonder if this link will going to work- Just to share you the route we did today :D

Yes the link works-Well done that's a good distance and lot's of calories burnt off too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th June 2011, 18:45
I do a lot of mountain biking now, about 4 times a week for about 30 miles.

Love it, getting into the country side, not thinking or worrying.

Problem is the weather has been so bad I might have to look into road biking or a spinning class

I would suggest road biking :)
You can get rain jackets and over shoes now that will keep you dry and warm in rainy/cold weather :)

19th June 2011, 18:53
Will it call an ambulance when I have a heart attack ? :icon_lol:


Actually it's a good idea- you may suggest to invent some sort of wire connected on your chest and on the device. Brilliant- actually that can be invented and sell to elderly people or NHS- elderly can be connected into a phone to monitor their heartbeat and alarm can be sent directly to GP's if someone is having a heart attack.

19th June 2011, 19:10
Maybe if I just wire the dynamo set into my Coronary Artery ? :Erm:


19th June 2011, 19:45
Yeah it may work :Erm:

Where do you get those funny animated smilies? I like them!:D

19th June 2011, 20:03
Click on it, right click 'save as' and it's yours. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th June 2011, 21:49
I can cycle downhill no problem :xxgrinning--00xx3: