View Full Version : Filipina SNOB!!

31st March 2011, 13:28
Have you encountered some?

I was walking in the outlet village yesterday,noticed a woman who has the same skin color as me and speaks tagalog to his son ,..i was smiling when i passed by them and was going to say'hi',but was intimidated because she uttered and speaks slang in a posh manner like a british woman can hahaha i dribbled on my nose laughing and carry on walking.

Does it really gets into the head once a filipina lives here in england for long years? Aw mi gash!! what an attitude!!

31st March 2011, 13:41
We encountered the same in Chow King last year. There were not many tables left as it was busy, so we ordered and sat down next to this posh looking filipina woman and her son (very well dressed). It was quite clear that she turned her nose up at us, or maybe my mahal for having a 'white' boyfriend. Charie asked if she could pass the salt over from her table 3 times before I just took it. She clearly didnt want to sit on the next table to us. Next thing, she gets up tells her son to pick up his food and they go sit on another table on the other side of the shop. :cwm23: :voodoo:

31st March 2011, 14:22
Plenty of mayabang filipinos in the world.

Though most that I have met here in the UK are not mayabang.

31st March 2011, 14:26
I encountered that like in here also. I smile at her and her response is talking to her baby in her trying hard accent lol. When she passed on our way she snob me like she didnt see us, with her Eiffel tower eyebrow lol. So I said to my husband in a loud voice that there's a trying hard freak monkey around. Hope she heard that. Lol

31st March 2011, 14:31
so far i havent encountered any snob filipino... i had walk pass some filipina at shopping center giving me smiles and the filipina eyebrows movement which i find really interesting how we communicate with just the eyebrows... :)

31st March 2011, 15:15
I'm just grateful if ANY Filipina here LOOKS at me. :cwm3:

If I'm with my son he attracts a few glances from Filipinas and Thai ladies....much more when we're in the Phils.

I'm just the tired old man with him. :icon_lol:

My ex used to say that at any Filipino get-togethers she attended, the conversation mostly revolved around material possessions or how rubbish their mahal was in bed. :cwm24: Glad I usually wasn't there to hear it. ....normally just the chauffeur. :)

31st March 2011, 15:36
never encounter any of them...probably seen one in asda with her kids but it doesn't bother me or maybe i guess its the other way around...as some of my friends says i look like snob!!!...:NoNo:

31st March 2011, 16:04
What ive encountered is, pinas who's been here a number of years blow out like human Mrs Blobby's :NoNo:

I think it should be stated on the ilr, if you start that nonsense, your privilege will be revoked thus, sent back.

A good incentive to stay in shape me thinks.

31st March 2011, 16:45
Snobs!!! Hmmm .... Every time I went in a restaurant with Rayna, she'd say to thw waiter ... don't sit me next to this scouse :furious3: :icon_lol:

31st March 2011, 16:54
i never met any filipina like that in the uk yet, probably i always chat and smiled at any filipina evry time i get a chance.
what is worst is those filipina in the philippines who acts so snob just because they are married to a foreigner,the way they tried so hard to speak and put a posh accent makes me sick and make me wanna :NEW3:

31st March 2011, 17:00
We've discovered a number of undesirable traits from 'long-time' Filipina's here in UK.
If ever we see a Filipina we always smile, acknowledge and say something.
Yes, it's true we have encountered a few snobs who really don't want to know us.
So what! We are not phased by them, and we will always be who we are and we will continue to acknowledge, approach and speak.

I know it's off-topic, but I have often found that when I'm in the Phils it's the same for me (white guy) in reverse. Especially beach, shopping mall etc. Very Very often another westerner just does not want to acknowledge me, no matter how much I look or smile or nod or whatever............... Crazy. They just look away like I am not there.
Bad luck for them

31st March 2011, 17:12
We've discovered a number of undesirable traits from 'long-time' Filipina's here in UK.
If ever we see a Filipina we always smile, acknowledge and say something.
Yes, it's true we have encountered a few snobs who really don't want to know us.
So what! We are not phased by them, and we will always be who we are and we will continue to acknowledge, approach and speak.

I know it's off-topic, but I have often found that when I'm in the Phils it's the same for me (white guy) in reverse. Especially beach, shopping mall etc. Very Very often another westerner just does not want to acknowledge me, no matter how much I look or smile or nod or whatever............... Crazy. They just look away like I am not there.
Bad luck for them

I think you'll find that it's just life, regardless of what race, colour or creed people are. Some will acknowledge you, engage in conversation with you and others will ignore you.

As I'm a smoker, i always have to smoke outside of buildings, if there's another smoker there I'll always try to spark up a conversation with them, some will be quite chatty and others wont want to talk to me....it's no loss to me if they wont chat back;)

31st March 2011, 17:13
...i find really interesting how we communicate with just the eyebrows... :)

Lol.:laugher: that's true... we Filipinos communicate with just the eyebrows. haha! with funny facial expressions too! :)

I am sorry for those people who encountered 'snob' Filipinas... Some are really just jealous that we have good looking 'white' partners ;) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 17:17
I am sorry for those people who encountered 'snob' Filipinas... Some are really just jealous that we have good looking 'white' partners ;) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Best comment of the day, you deserve a rep point for that:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 17:21
We've discovered a number of undesirable traits from 'long-time' Filipina's here in UK.
If ever we see a Filipina we always smile, acknowledge and say something.
Yes, it's true we have encountered a few snobs who really don't want to know us.
So what! We are not phased by them, and we will always be who we are and we will continue to acknowledge, approach and speak.

I know it's off-topic, but I have often found that when I'm in the Phils it's the same for me (white guy) in reverse. Especially beach, shopping mall etc. Very Very often another westerner just does not want to acknowledge me, no matter how much I look or smile or nod or whatever............... Crazy. They just look away like I am not there.
Bad luck for them

L ook at it from there point of view, they probably just dont want to talk, maybe just had words with the wife, who knows, its nobodies bad luck, just people going about there life without being earmarked in some exclusive club.

31st March 2011, 17:22
Best comment of the day, you deserve a rep point for that:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Haha! Hooray! :Jump: Thank you :) :) :) (but it's real) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 17:36
As for communicating with eyebrows, I agree. You forget pouting and the most important skill one has to acquire seriously quickly is mind reading. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 17:50
What ive encountered is, pinas who's been here a number of years blow out like human Mrs Blobby's :NoNo:

Yes,shes also a bloater...If Imay assess about six layers, maybe 6years being here in the uk :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 17:58
We've discovered a number of undesirable traits from 'long-time' Filipina's here in UK.
If ever we see a Filipina we always smile, acknowledge and say something.
Yes, it's true we have encountered a few snobs who really don't want to know us.
So what! We are not phased by them, and we will always be who we are and we will continue to acknowledge, approach and speak.

True,...A simple 'hi' will do no harm,...acknowledge and say goodbye after:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st March 2011, 18:11
True,...A simple 'hi' will do no harm,...acknowledge and say goodbye after:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's just the way we see it too. Why be difficult or 'snobish', we're all equal.:)

31st March 2011, 20:21
its funny when we walk past each other how many try to be busy or just turn the other way, it makes me smile, my dad use to say we humans are the most ignorant things on this planet even dogs great each other by sniffing each ones ....:icon_lol:, and i have not done that yet either:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

31st March 2011, 20:37
Aw mi gash!! what an attitude!!

You need to be careful with your slang Sars ask your hubby:rolleyes:

1st April 2011, 07:56
You need to be careful with your slang Sars ask your hubby:rolleyes:

Aw mi gash!!!...I don't need to ask my hubby keith, I know how to behave myself and know when to use my words:rolleyes:

1st April 2011, 07:57
Snobs!!! Hmmm .... Every time I went in a restaurant with Rayna, she'd say to thw waiter ... don't sit me next to this scouse :furious3: :icon_lol:

thats a proper snob :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st April 2011, 09:25
I am sorry for those people who encountered 'snob' Filipinas... Some are really just jealous that we have good looking 'white' partners ;) :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i agree with medge22 i think thats why some filipina are snob especially in the philippines i had encountered lots of them in makati when im with my partner walking around shoppong malls or just every where, some are really harsh, they even say bad things like how handsome ur partner and how ugly the filipina compared to the foreign guy with their loud voice so that everyone could hear, its a shame how some people react if u have a foreign partner. i know everyone is different but being a filipina this attitude doesnt make me proud....

1st April 2011, 09:54
My mahal gets quite mad when she sees these snobs, and I can see why. It appears that some see having a white partner/husband as a status thing. My Mahal tells me that her mother told her when she was young that she 'must never forget where she came from', and to be honest, I dont think I have changed her or her attitude. She can talk to anyone ... and does, she never ignores people or snubs them. But some do have a 'holyier than thou attitude' not nice, either here or there :rolleyes:

1st April 2011, 10:12
Maybe these filipinas are only insecure, but this doesn't apply to filipinas I think. I've seen some whites who can be snobbish.
Even though it is our traits to be friendly specially to our fellow "kabayan" let's not be down if they have that negative attitude. Instead, let's make it a habit to be nice at all times... nothing will be lost.. and it's not our lost anyway. It's theirs who are trying hard.

1st April 2011, 10:30
Instead, let's make it a habit to be nice at all times...

I agree, it is easy to be nice and be true to yourself. :Jump:

1st April 2011, 10:49
Have you encountered some?

I was walking in the outlet village yesterday,noticed a woman who has the same skin color as me and speaks tagalog to his son ,..i was smiling when i passed by them and was going to say'hi',but was intimidated because she uttered and speaks slang in a posh manner like a british woman can hahaha i dribbled on my nose laughing and carry on walking.

Does it really gets into the head once a filipina lives here in england for long years? Aw mi gash!! what an attitude!!

its so sad to say but there r really filipinas like that and personally i do encountered some of them like in the shop, shoping mall...:NoNo: as they said, just a simple "hi -- hello"

2nd April 2011, 07:18
its funny when we walk past each other how many try to be busy or just turn the other way, it makes me smile, my dad use to say we humans are the most ignorant things on this planet even dogs great each other by sniffing each ones ....:icon_lol:, and i have not done that yet either:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

dont you sniff steve when we see each other lol..:icon_lol:
anyway have fun in scotland with the rest...shame we coudn't join you guys and im blaming hubbys work grrr...

2nd April 2011, 22:16
I know the Wife now she has been here for sometime doesn't like to be only spoken to because of her race/nationality but helps if a person can only be helped by her:) I wouldn't make a big point when in phill of speaking to someone soley becasue they white or british.

If in phill a brit walked past loads of phills to say hi just to me i'd most likely ignore them unless it was assitance only I as a Brit could give..

3rd April 2011, 11:11
absolutely correct..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
hi girl..im back ..:)

3rd April 2011, 11:42
absolutely correct..:xxgrinning--00xx3:
hi girl..im back ..:)

welcome back dear, miss yah and cya soon:):xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd April 2011, 13:11
Hmmmm i have the opposite problem, my GF is always thinking that other people are better than her! God knows why cos she is delightful in every way, very polite, great company and of course beautiful looking. I believe it is because her family is poor even by Phils standards. My mission is to ingrain in her that she is every bit as good as other Pinays we meet that are better educated and come from a more monied background.
Starting with the books and dvds that i am getting her for the laptop. { really happy that she wants to learn rather than watch the endless soaps on TV etc! :xxgrinning--00xx3: }
Being serious it seems a common endemic issue in the Phils that many see themselves inferior to others and i was genuinely shocked when my GF first told me that she was "not as good" as somone we had just met, this concept is quite alien to us in the West and it seems to me a tragic attitude to think of yourself as not as good as another human being.:NoNo:

3rd April 2011, 14:24
It's all an accident of birth of course.:NoNo:

6th April 2011, 23:15
so far i havent encountered any snob filipino... i had walk pass some filipina at shopping center giving me smiles and the filipina eyebrows movement which i find really interesting how we communicate with just the eyebrows... :)

Would any filipina/o be prepared to issue guidance on this "communication with the eye brows" technique? I noticed it when I was there, but didnt pay much attention at the time as I didnt realise its significance. Much appreciated ;)

6th April 2011, 23:30
Don't forget the pursing of the lips too. :icon_lol:

6th April 2011, 23:34
indeed Graham...

7th April 2011, 09:15
I have heard it said that Filipinas who have come here to work and have "made it on ther own" feel superior or jealous of the pretty ones who just gave themselves to foreign husbands. Well if that is how they feel so be it and more fool them.
After sort of studying this a bit I did notice however that there is a proportion if not large of the foriegn husband wives who do not exactly help this in that they themselves are very "showy" look what I have types both in their dress sense and their interactions with other filipinas. It is a small proportion but as always they stand out and tar all with the same brush.

7th April 2011, 09:18
Then again, look at some of the British women abroad...well, maybe not. :NoNo:

7th April 2011, 09:43
Then again, look at some of the British women abroad...well, maybe not.
I was in Benidorm last week as my mate wanted to watch sticky vickies show:icon_lol:I got chatting to a liverpudlian lady with a scorpion tattoo'd on her neck:cwm24:My brother has been around a bit,para's etc,he looks positively effeminate compared to her:icon_lol:

7th April 2011, 09:55
I mourn the passing of the sweet, feminine and slender, slightly shy 'English rose'.
Still a few, but a rarity.

Alcohol, tattoos, foul language, conduct like a bitch on heat, once the characteristics of a gangster's moll or a prostitute, now almost becoming the norm for an average British female teenager. :NoNo:

7th April 2011, 10:08
I mourn the passing of the sweet, feminine and slender, slightly shy 'English rose'.
Still a few, but a rarity.

Alcohol, tattoos, foul language, conduct like a bitch on heat, once the characteristics of a gangster's moll or a prostitute, now almost becoming the norm for an average British female teenager. :NoNo:

You are so right, my mahalhas a cousin who lives up in little town north of Blackpool, very quaint sort of reiterement place Poulton Le Fylde. One saturday evening I took Ligaya for a drive along the esplanade in Blackpool, :yikes::yikes::yikes:

vomiting in the street, piddling in alleys, half naked drunken tatooed women in packs, to say she was shocked is putting it mildly!!!.

7th April 2011, 10:23
At the end of the day, if you are happy and contented with what you have and in your own relationship, you are probably a lot happier than they are or will ever be. In my view, only those who are discontented have the inclination and time to look down at others.

Re. the comment about not being over friendly to fellow foreigners when in da Phils - I'm occasionally guilty of that. The reason being that I've seen so much ignorance and arrogance displayed by foreigners (mainly American) that I almost expect the worst on the rare occasions I've seen one in remote locations. 1 even made really ignorant statements about Filipinos with my wife next to me. She calmed me down for his sake!:NoNo:

7th April 2011, 10:29
where the same...

Doc Alan
7th April 2011, 14:11
I respect the perceptions of other members and certainly don't see the world through rose-tinted spectacles ( see the Health Section :xxgrinning--00xx3:).
However, my glass is half full, rather than half empty, even if it's not always red wine.
Teenage girls in the UK do better in exams (GCSE's and A levels) than boys. This goes some way to explaining why well over half of medical students here are female. Most are dedicated and many are attractive, even if some are discretely tattooed.
Two thirds of the filipino community in the UK contribute to the healthcare sector. Most are too busy caring for the sick and elderly to behave as snobs, and when they're not working or at home, they are active in local filipino groups and societies.
As for the Philippines, maybe I was lucky during my visit last year to meet friendly and trustworthy filipinos, some of whom were forum members. I was made welcome wherever I went - no snobs in my encounters. Who knows, I guess a friendly and positive attitude helps :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th April 2011, 14:25
Agreed Doc we are generalising and unfortuantely televison shows like Katie, Kerry Katona, and Jeremy Kyle are far more numerous and "popular" than the young musician of the year, or university challenge, a sign of what the media think the current UK audience is. It is a sad reflection in my opinion. There are many well educated, well behaved teenagers and young ladies out there, just they do not make good TV for the masses