View Full Version : Goodbye

21st February 2011, 19:32
We all know why I'm off read the thread in question.
Thought last night it was all sorted but Aposhark and his sidekick have resumed hostilities so stuff em:censored:
Thats possibly 3 members gone from the forum :NoNo:
To be implied I'm a racist a second time is not on-what's up with you mods has aposhark got immunity:NoNo:

Don't need all this crap in my life,it's a shame as last night was great but I've done nothing yet it's all flamed up again.

Man of my word so i will say goodbye:Wave:

Keith please delete all my details as mentioned before.

21st February 2011, 20:18
nice knowing you lestaxi and never know may get into your taxi one day too, take care and goodluck too

21st February 2011, 22:37
Shame, some good post from you lestaxi1, Hope you change your mind and come back.I Still hate Manchester united though. :Wave:

stevie c
21st February 2011, 22:40
take care les & good luck in the future:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st February 2011, 22:45
I have not read the thread becouse the title does not intrest me, but I am sorry to see you go, I hope you feel able to return at some point soon.

21st February 2011, 22:58
its your choice les, not many on here want you to go, but thats up to you ..
not everyone will get on with each other all the time, but we carry on :rolleyes:
dedworth is still here, he's not a quitter :D

21st February 2011, 23:05
stop being so silly, there's no need for you to leave :D

we have all managed to get under each other's skin due to the thread and i hope you don't go :D

21st February 2011, 23:14
stop being so silly, there's no need for you to leave :D

we have all managed to get under each other's skin due to the thread and i hope you don't go :D

why not " CLOSE IT " THEN

21st February 2011, 23:23
All the best guys:Wave:

21st February 2011, 23:27
All the best guys:Wave:

what about the man u banter les . will have to have a go at dedwoods Chelski :icon_lol:

21st February 2011, 23:29
les dude...stick around ....enjoy our company...your buddies....if u r going...take care big guy
...have a good one...look in on us once in a while..

belfast dude family

21st February 2011, 23:29
why don't you have a break from the forum for a week and have a think about it first :Erm: :D

21st February 2011, 23:42
why don't you have a break from the forum for a week and have a think about it first :Erm: :D

thats what i keep doing, but know-one notices :icon_lol:

22nd February 2011, 00:02
why don't you have a break from the forum for a week and have a think about it first :Erm: :D

I was convinced by lots of you to stay,the argument was over everyone happy,then to my dismay Aposhark kicks it all off again with personal insults to me and dedworth and nothings done about it.
He won't let it lie and I've no time for the guy,he has got what he wants good luck to him.
I've asked keith to delete my account so if you see no-more posts from me you know I've gone.

22nd February 2011, 00:16
You do have an 'ignore' button Les.

Many people do not want you to go as you can see. If you feel you have to go, then best wishes to you. take care

22nd February 2011, 00:20
You do have an 'ignore' button Les.

Many people do not want you to go as you can see. If you feel you have to go, then best wishes to you. take care

Not having tried it is the ignore button 100% reliable ? Aposhark keeps saying he never sees my posts, but for some reason he keeps coming back with all this racist nonsense :laugher:

22nd February 2011, 00:30
My ignore button hasn't stopped me being labelled someone with "racist thoughts" being seen:NoNo:
To be honest steve I feel bit let down by the mods,I'm big and ugly enough to fight my own battles but twice it's been implied I'm a racist and you have done nothing about it.
So after all the good feeling toward me last night can't you imagine how let down i feel after aposhark starts up once again for no reason and we continue this bloody vicious circle.
Yes I do feel let down on here by some people:cwm23:

22nd February 2011, 00:53
My ignore button hasn't stopped me being labelled someone with "racist thoughts" being seen:NoNo:
To be honest steve I feel bit let down by the mods,I'm big and ugly enough to fight my own battles but twice it's been implied I'm a racist and you have done nothing about it.
So after all the good feeling toward me last night can't you imagine how let down i feel after aposhark starts up once again for no reason and we continue this bloody vicious circle.
Yes I do feel let down on here by some people:cwm23:


I really feel you should be fighting your corner with lucid thoughts, not throwing your toys out.
You keep mentioning my name.....
You have all the time in the world to defend the reason why you used the "Rivers of Blood".
Don't give up, you are a big boy :doh
If you go, best of luck

22nd February 2011, 01:20
No idea what you have posted aposhark not reading it.
You made your peace with me last night then decided to kick off again so do me a favour go away.

22nd February 2011, 03:35
Hi deadworth just on a point of imormation even if you ignor some one ifanother member quotes their text in a reply that shows up as would a new thread i believe

Les have you left the meter on:Erm::rolleyes:

22nd February 2011, 07:39
Just stay & lets get on with Fil/Brit issues, instead of all this nonsense.

22nd February 2011, 20:00
Sorry to read that you are leaving Les. TBH I havent read the thread which has caused so much ill feeling as I don't want to get dragged into the debate. I've been trying to stear clear of any controversial threads over the last couple of months. Unfortunately both sides have strong opinions and its a potential recipe for mud slinging and name calling.

FWIW Les, I think you are a good guy and will miss your contribution. Hopefully, after a few days you will come back. Whatever you do, all the best:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
22nd February 2011, 20:52
Good luck Les, but I reckon you'll be back ;)

22nd February 2011, 20:56
We all know why I'm off read the thread in question.
Thought last night it was all sorted but Aposhark and his sidekick have resumed hostilities so stuff em:censored:
Thats possibly 3 members gone from the forum :NoNo:
To be implied I'm a racist a second time is not on-what's up with you mods has aposhark got immunity:NoNo:

Don't need all this crap in my life,it's a shame as last night was great but I've done nothing yet it's all flamed up again.

Man of my word so i will say goodbye:Wave:

Keith please delete all my details as mentioned before.

Les, I still maintain that you don't need to leave. You have been part of this community for over 4 years.
Take some time out. Read some posts and get back in when you feel like it.